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Avoid Thailand, Malaysia Stocks On Politics,

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Avoid Thailand, Malaysia Stocks on Politics, Credit Suisse Says

By Chen Shiyin and Chan Tien Hin

Sept. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Investors should avoid stocks in Thailand and Malaysia as political turmoil in the two Southeast Asian nations intensifies, Credit Suisse Group said.

Thailand, which entered a state of emergency yesterday, isn't a buying opportunity yet because violence there will continue and the nation will become ``ungovernable,'' the brokerage said in a report today. Credit Suisse analysts also kept their ``underweight'' rating on Malaysian stocks, saying a power struggle between the government and opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim is heightening risks to the economy.

``These kinds of events will be a long-term negative,'' said Scott Lim, who helps manage $431 million as chief investment officer at CMS Dresdner Asset Management Sdn. in Kuala Lumpur. ``For long-term investors, who are a lot more risk averse, they don't see it as an opportunity. They want to stay out of the market.''

Thailand's SET Index has dropped 24 percent in 2008, and fell yesterday to the lowest since February 2007 after Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej issued the emergency decree. Malaysia's Kuala Lumpur Composite Index has retreated 25 percent after the ruling coalition had its worst electoral performance in five decades in March. They're the worst performers among Southeast Asian stock markets this year, after Vietnam.

The political upheavals come as economic expansion in the two countries slows. Growth in Thailand may ease to 5.5 percent in the second half because of a decline in exports, Finance Minister Surapong Suebwonglee said last week. A state agency said on Aug. 25 the economy expanded 5.7 percent in the first half.

Economic Growth

Malaysia's economy grew 6.3 percent in the three months ended June, down from 7.1 percent in the first quarter, the central bank said on Aug. 29. Gross domestic product may expand 5.7 percent this year, the slowest pace in three years, the Ministry of Finance estimated.

Thailand's SET Index dropped 2.3 percent yesterday, the most since July 16, after clashes between pro- and anti-government factions in Bangkok left one person dead and 43 injured.

The gauge fell as much as 0.8 percent today. Protestors are vowing to continue the standoff, with unions threatening a major strike today.

``Political upheaval provides a buying opportunity only if a resolution is within sight,'' Credit Suisse analysts Dan Fineman and Cem Karacadag said in a report today. ``The current situation remains far from reaching anything resembling equilibrium.''

They advised investors to avoid building-material companies and buy shares of telecommunications, consumer and media companies. The analysts didn't name any stocks.

Siam Cement Pcl, Thailand's biggest maker of the construction material, has dropped 32 percent in 2008. Advanced Info Service Pcl, the country's largest mobile-phone carrier, has dropped 8.8 percent this year.

`None The Wiser'

In Malaysia, Anwar is seeking to oust the ruling coalition on Sept. 16 by convincing ruling lawmakers to defect to the opposition. The opposition leader, who last week was sworn in as a lawmaker after winning a by-election, was charged last month with engaging in homosexual relations. He pleaded not guilty.

The charge heightens the political tension that has weighed on the country's stock market since the March election, which weakened Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's leadership.

``While we are a step closer to political conclusion, we really are none the wiser as to what that outcome will be,'' Stephen Hagger, a Kuala Lumpur-based analyst at Credit Suisse, wrote in a report today. ``Malaysia offers some value versus the region, but it is not really cheap enough to justify the risk.''

Other brokerages are also forecasting tougher times for the two markets. Southeast Asian markets have ``not yet approached levels where visible risks have been fully discounted,'' Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said in a Sept. 1 report, citing concerns over the political outlook in Malaysia and Thailand.

``We've been underweight in Thailand for the better part of the last two years because of a continuation of the negative domestic political sentiment,'' said Beat Lenherr, who oversees more than $20 billion of assets as Singapore-based chief global strategist at LGT Capital Management. ``Malaysia faces similar problems and we're heavily underweight there as well.''


"ungovernable" = ANARCHY = Bye Bye Thailand's future in the Region and World = becoming a Banana Republic :D:o


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I have never been a fan of the thai stocks anyway, not that much fate in them........too many doo doo stuffs

I like to play with the US equity market though - so what are some good one right now, anybody wants to share? :o

You could by any of the car boys now...pretty low.... and Fannie and Freddie as well :D

You could have a look into one of the larger Solar companies; I like LDK.


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I have enough of F = ford stock to last me a lifetime, spent too mut on them @$6.50- still waiting waiting to go up. I will be happy at at least $10.00 - don't know when tho.....so now I'm stuck :o

LDX - the technical looks pretty bad for now, it just hit current peak recently, so might have to wait till its bottom first, however still might be too expensive for me even at $30+ish....

Anything promising that are around $20 ish or below?.........call me cheap.....but hey it's in my Roth acct - so got to be xTRA CAREFUL...still have many decade to go b4 I hit the chair, so would like to see at least one egg left in my basket :D

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I have never been a fan of the thai stocks anyway, not that much fate in them........too many doo doo stuffs

I like to play with the US equity market though - so what are some good one right now, anybody wants to share? :o

I also have never been a fan of stock markets anyway. I loved Real Estate in England and Spain but sold out 2 years ago. I just open a Jumbo for 200,000 pounds in a off shore Account in the Royal Bank of Nigeria it pays 8 per cent interest a month can any of beat that. Also as foreign the Nigeria Government the tax is 12 per cent after the first 100,000 pounds earned on Interest in the Royal Bank of Nigeria.

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I have never been a fan of the thai stocks anyway, not that much fate in them........too many doo doo stuffs

I like to play with the US equity market though - so what are some good one right now, anybody wants to share? :o

U.S. market looks like it's going to free fall again soon to be honest. I trade the various ETF indexes and that's really the only safe play in this environment. Even then i'm mostly vested in various put options for short term trades.

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I also have never been a fan of stock markets anyway. I loved Real Estate in England and Spain but sold out 2 years ago. I just open a Jumbo for 200,000 pounds in a off shore Account in the Royal Bank of Nigeria it pays 8 per cent interest a month can any of beat that. Also as foreign the Nigeria Government the tax is 12 per cent after the first 100,000 pounds earned on Interest in the Royal Bank of Nigeria.

I don't know but 8%/mo is just too good to be true ----like a ga ga scam. May be you actually meant 8% per year? :o

I have never been a fan of the thai stocks anyway, not that much fate in them........too many doo doo stuffs

I like to play with the US equity market though - so what are some good one right now, anybody wants to share?

U.S. market looks like it's going to free fall again soon to be honest. I trade the various ETF indexes and that's really the only safe play in this environment. Even then i'm mostly vested in various put options for short term trades.

Yep...I'm with U on everything here, and Yes I think playing with PUT is the best insurance policy against this havoc market.

I'm doing the same thing as what U R doing except I have to get into the indexes again. Just haven't got that much time to monitor all the stocks I currently own, and anytime I take my eyes off the chart, I always got screwed and missed the sell peak.

There are some good buy still out there, but U just got to very know how to pick & choose the diamond among the rocks, for example.....

7/28/08 - bought MAS at around $16.......and just put the sell order in for $20.70 --------oh I might get it, if not tomorrow then sometimes this week - this should be right around the peak price for this run-up - according to the chart.


Still have INTC - chart still ok, so I'm hanging on to it for now - unless the technical tells me otherwise

Well good luck with yours too :D

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I have never been a fan of the thai stocks anyway, not that much fate in them........too many doo doo stuffs

I like to play with the US equity market though - so what are some good one right now, anybody wants to share? :(

I also have never been a fan of stock markets anyway. I loved Real Estate in England and Spain but sold out 2 years ago. I just open a Jumbo for 200,000 pounds in a off shore Account in the Royal Bank of Nigeria it pays 8 per cent interest a month can any of beat that. Also as foreign the Nigeria Government the tax is 12 per cent after the first 100,000 pounds earned on Interest in the Royal Bank of Nigeria.

:o:D :D :D :D

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I also have never been a fan of stock markets anyway. I loved Real Estate in England and Spain but sold out 2 years ago. I just open a Jumbo for 200,000 pounds in a off shore Account in the Royal Bank of Nigeria it pays 8 per cent interest a month can any of beat that. Also as foreign the Nigeria Government the tax is 12 per cent after the first 100,000 pounds earned on Interest in the Royal Bank of Nigeria.

I don't know but 8%/mo is just too good to be true ----like a ga ga scam. May be you actually meant 8% per year? :o


I check and it is 8% a month. However spoke to Ali Ben Ali lawyer The Royal Bank of Nigeriahe called me and told me if add 200,000 pounds by Sept 11 it will be 9% a month. He also told me no scam. Lucky me Thanks anyway for worring me it could be a scam

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I also have never been a fan of stock markets anyway. I loved Real Estate in England and Spain but sold out 2 years ago. I just open a Jumbo for 200,000 pounds in a off shore Account in the Royal Bank of Nigeria it pays 8 per cent interest a month can any of beat that. Also as foreign the Nigeria Government the tax is 12 per cent after the first 100,000 pounds earned on Interest in the Royal Bank of Nigeria.

I don't know but 8%/mo is just too good to be true ----like a ga ga scam. May be you actually meant 8% per year? :o


I check and it is 8% a month. However spoke to Ali Ben Ali lawyer The Royal Bank of Nigeriahe called me and told me if add 200,000 pounds by Sept 11 it will be 9% a month. He also told me no scam. Lucky me Thanks anyway for worring me it could be a scam

Where did you get this offer?

From an E-mail?

Why does The Royal Bank of Nigeria don't have a homepage.

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That article is really bizarre (even more so since it comes from Bloomberg).

Yesterday there was a guy on Bloomberg (TV) saying that Thai stocks were the best investment in SE Asia.

I didn't catch his name but I was flicking through channels and stopped when I heard Thailand mentioned.

The guy was speaking with a Swiss accent, but didn't catch his name. He said although everything pretty downbeat at the moment, value wise Thai stocks seemed to be a good choice.

He didn't mention Bank of Nigeria though :o

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I also have never been a fan of stock markets anyway. I loved Real Estate in England and Spain but sold out 2 years ago. I just open a Jumbo for 200,000 pounds in a off shore Account in the Royal Bank of Nigeria it pays 8 per cent interest a month can any of beat that. Also as foreign the Nigeria Government the tax is 12 per cent after the first 100,000 pounds earned on Interest in the Royal Bank of Nigeria.

I don't know but 8%/mo is just too good to be true ----like a ga ga scam. May be you actually meant 8% per year? :o


I check and it is 8% a month. However spoke to Ali Ben Ali lawyer The Royal Bank of Nigeriahe called me and told me if add 200,000 pounds by Sept 11 it will be 9% a month. He also told me no scam. Lucky me Thanks anyway for worring me it could be a scam

it's not a scam! i checked with Ali ben-Ali and he assured me that Sharia law applies for those who invest 300,000 pounds. that entitles them to have a total of four wives, free vacation trips to the swamps in the Niger Delta and an additional bonus of 2% per month because the expenses for four wives are considerably higher.

OOPS! i forgot to post the Royal Bank of Nigeria home page. it's RoyNigBank@bullshÍt.org

Edited by Naam
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I also have never been a fan of stock markets anyway. I loved Real Estate in England and Spain but sold out 2 years ago. I just open a Jumbo for 200,000 pounds in a off shore Account in the Royal Bank of Nigeria it pays 8 per cent interest a month can any of beat that. Also as foreign the Nigeria Government the tax is 12 per cent after the first 100,000 pounds earned on Interest in the Royal Bank of Nigeria.

I don't know but 8%/mo is just too good to be true ----like a ga ga scam. May be you actually meant 8% per year? :D


I check and it is 8% a month. However spoke to Ali Ben Ali lawyer The Royal Bank of Nigeriahe called me and told me if add 200,000 pounds by Sept 11 it will be 9% a month. He also told me no scam. Lucky me Thanks anyway for worring me it could be a scam

it's not a scam! i checked with Ali ben-Ali and he assured me that Sharia law applies for those who invest 300,000 pounds. that entitles them to have a total of four wives, free vacation trips to the swamps in the Niger Delta and an additional bonus of 2% per month because the expenses for four wives are considerably higher.

OOPS! i forgot to post the Royal Bank of Nigeria home page. it's RoyNigBank@bullshÍt.org

But the funniest thing is people actually fall for it!! there are about 5,000 odd cases a year where people actually believe this and deposit there money.....

I am just hoping the Poster was infact Joking..... :o

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I also have never been a fan of stock markets anyway. I loved Real Estate in England and Spain but sold out 2 years ago. I just open a Jumbo for 200,000 pounds in a off shore Account in the Royal Bank of Nigeria it pays 8 per cent interest a month can any of beat that. Also as foreign the Nigeria Government the tax is 12 per cent after the first 100,000 pounds earned on Interest in the Royal Bank of Nigeria.

I don't know but 8%/mo is just too good to be true ----like a ga ga scam. May be you actually meant 8% per year? :D


I check and it is 8% a month. However spoke to Ali Ben Ali lawyer The Royal Bank of Nigeriahe called me and told me if add 200,000 pounds by Sept 11 it will be 9% a month. He also told me no scam. Lucky me Thanks anyway for worring me it could be a scam

it's not a scam! i checked with Ali ben-Ali and he assured me that Sharia law applies for those who invest 300,000 pounds. that entitles them to have a total of four wives, free vacation trips to the swamps in the Niger Delta and an additional bonus of 2% per month because the expenses for four wives are considerably higher.

OOPS! i forgot to post the Royal Bank of Nigeria home page. it's RoyNigBank@bullshÍt.org

But the funniest thing is people actually fall for it!! there are about 5,000 odd cases a year where people actually believe this and deposit there money.....

I am just hoping the Poster was infact Joking..... :o

I have over 750,000 with Royal Bank of Nigeria now you tell me its BS. However in the last 23 years with Ali Ben Ali I have made at least 4 times that money and that money I have already gave to my 5 children in England. Which they used to buy houses in London

Thanks for you advice I can afford a small loss

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I have over 750,000 with Royal Bank of Nigeria now you tell me its BS. However in the last 23 years with Ali Ben Ali I have made at least 4 times that money and that money I have already gave to my 5 children in England. Which they used to buy houses in London

Thanks for you advice I can afford a small loss

do you or your wives have fertility problems? only five children?

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well just got this email now, so anyone want to reply , just pm me :o

Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu;;;;;;





http://www.cnn.com/2000/US/02/01 /alaska.airlines.list/

Dear friend,

Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu;;;;;;

I know that this letter may come to you as a suprise. I got your contactaddress from the Internet when I was searching for a business partner.My name is MR MOHAMED ABUDO. I am the Bill and Exchange Manager of bank of africa(B.O.A) ,Ouagadouguo Burkina Faso.

In my department we discovered an abandoned sum of USD$25. Million (TWENTY FIVE MILLION U.S DOLLARS). In an account that belongsto one of our foreign customer who died along with his wife and children in a plane crash in a year 2000 plane crash happened in america .

Since we got information about his death, the bank have been expecting his next of kin to come over and claim his money because we cannot release it unless somebody applies for it as the next of kin or relation to the deceased, as indicated in our banking guidelines but unfortunately we learnt that all his supposed next of kin or relation died alongside with him in the plane crash leaving nobody behind for the claim.

It is therefore upon this discovery that I decided to make this businessproposals to you and release the money to you as next of kin or relation to the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it because I don't want the money to go into the bank treasury as unclaimed Bill.

The request of foreigner in this transaction is necessary because our late customer was a foreigner and a Burkinabe cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner. I have agreed that 40% of this money will be for you as foreigner partner in respect to the provision of a foreign account.10% will be set asidefor expenses incurred during the business and 60% would be for me, after which I shall visit your country for disbursement according to the percentages indicated.

Trusting to hear from you immediately.If you know that you are capability of doing this teansaction with me contact me on my contact E-mail with this information that are needed from you,[email protected],

Your Number........

Your Country..............

Your Occupation...................

Your Age.......................

Are You capability to handling this transaction with me..........answer........

Are You married.....answer.....Yes or know.......

You are to send all this information to my

Jazaakumullah for your email, Insha Allah


Yours Sincerely,


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I have over 750,000 with Royal Bank of Nigeria now you tell me its BS. However in the last 23 years with Ali Ben Ali I have made at least 4 times that money and that money I have already gave to my 5 children in England. Which they used to buy houses in London

Thanks for you advice I can afford a small loss

do you or your wives have fertility problems? only five children?


The unfairness in some countries is heartbraking :D

post-13995-1220569613_thumb.jpg Mr Bello Abubakar challenged Muslim scholars two weeks ago

this chap, Mohammadu Bello Abubakar, 84 has at least 170 children he has to take care of but now the poor b@stard has been forced to divorce 82 of his 86 wives :D the utter unfairness to this poor man, his wives and 170 children is painful !


sorry for the sidestep. :o


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I have never been a fan of the thai stocks anyway, not that much fate in them........too many doo doo stuffs

I like to play with the US equity market though - so what are some good one right now, anybody wants to share? :D

U.S. market looks like it's going to free fall again soon to be honest. I trade the various ETF indexes and that's really the only safe play in this environment. Even then i'm mostly vested in various put options for short term trades.

I sure am glad that you are honest about that prediction of yours as it lends so much more creedence to it :D While I am waiting for the "free fall" of the U.S. equity markets I think I will contact this fellow Ali Ben Ali an the Nigerian National bank, he must be doing something right to be paying out 8%/month :o

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I might fall for a Nigerian scheme after I turn 89 and am drooling. Who, however, would believe that a city like Woogadoogoo exists in a country named Fukin' Baso?

i do because i have spent nearly four months there. however the spelling of the capital as well as the country is "slighly" different from yours :o

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That article is really bizarre (even more so since it comes from Bloomberg).

Yesterday there was a guy on Bloomberg (TV) saying that Thai stocks were the best investment in SE Asia.

I didn't catch his name but I was flicking through channels and stopped when I heard Thailand mentioned.

The guy was speaking with a Swiss accent, but didn't catch his name. He said although everything pretty downbeat at the moment, value wise Thai stocks seemed to be a good choice.

He didn't mention Bank of Nigeria though :o

That might have been Marc Faber (the Swiss Dr. Boom, Doom & Gloom). If so, he claimed that the SET is possibly the cheapest in SEA (with an overall PE of less than 10) but definitely NOT the strongest (due to the wash-&-rinse politics over the past few years).

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Philstone........is that 8% whoops I mean 9% paid out monthly or on maturity? How long to maturity? Where is the Royal Bank of Nigeria located? Is Ali Ben Ali the same as the Tunisian president or a relation?

Prof. Dr. Ali Ben Ali is a well respected Gentleman ! :D

There is even proof:


Hey Mom, I did a good deed today for a distressed Nigerian woman who lost her husband...she even offered to pay me....

How nice dear....

...and all she wanted....

...was your checking account number.....

WHAT ?! :P:D:o:D :D :(

LaoPo :D

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For a while Union Cal was a client, (long gone) and it was quite funny - yes you had to check the guy WAS in the past the treasurer, but you had to re- check that he still was - not good news for the people, at all.

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Philstone........is that 8% whoops I mean 9% paid out monthly or on maturity? How long to maturity? Where is the Royal Bank of Nigeria located? Is Ali Ben Ali the same as the Tunisian president or a relation?

I'm sorry but people raving about 7% or 8%!!! I get 10% and I live here in Thailand. You just need to know where to look and who to ask. Also all this negativity about the malaysian and thai stock markets. You guys should see this as a great opportunity. Short selling can make you a fortune when shares fall just as you can make money from buying low and selling high. Take George Soros for example. Need I say more!

My point is there's always money to be made. Its up to you to figure out how...

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Philstone........is that 8% whoops I mean 9% paid out monthly or on maturity? How long to maturity? Where is the Royal Bank of Nigeria located? Is Ali Ben Ali the same as the Tunisian president or a relation?

I'm sorry but people raving about 7% or 8%!!! I get 10% and I live here in Thailand. You just need to know where to look and who to ask. Also all this negativity about the malaysian and thai stock markets. You guys should see this as a great opportunity. Short selling can make you a fortune when shares fall just as you can make money from buying low and selling high. Take George Soros for example. Need I say more!

My point is there's always money to be made. Its up to you to figure out how...

You are 100% correct!

Some people embrace opportunity...others just don't see it.

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I might fall for a Nigerian scheme after I turn 89 and am drooling. Who, however, would believe that a city like Woogadoogoo exists in a country named Fukin' Baso?

i do because i have spent nearly four months there. however the spelling of the capital as well as the country is "slighly" different from yours :o

I drove through there once, in a Series III Land Rover, on the way from London to Guinea (Conakry). So I too am reasonably convinced the place exists. I preferred Upper Volta though, it had a much nicer colonial feel to it.

BTW, I wasn't persuaded to deposit my money with Chief Klaatu Barada Niktu or whatever his name was :D

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