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Any Uk Financial Advisers In Our Midst ?

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Always good to shop around. There's a lot of cowboys in this TEXAS of Financial Services that is Asia.

We have a UK FSA regulated office (I know, does not mean much here), I'm CII certified (Chartered Insurance Institute of the UK) and here legally.

PM me if you ever need a 2nd opinion, or just google "financial advisor thailand"...you'll find me there.



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To the original poster

I strongly recommend you do not use any expat financial advisor who is based in or travels to Thailand- way to many cowboys out there. Contact a company based in London and work with them via skype, email etc.

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Always wondered why financial advisors, if they know so much are not doing it themselves and getting filthy rich instead of taking someone elses money for their 'advice'.

Or maybe they are just doing it out of the goodness of their hearts so all their clients can get as rich as they are.

Only financial advice I ever took lost me a heap of money.

Seems to work better for me now I do my own thing.

Definition of advice:

"Any two or more contradictory statements contained in the same phrase or sentence"

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I'm sorry, but what the HECK is an onshore financial advisor in the UK going to do for an expat living in Thailand? Huh !??

The lack of understanding and knowledge of the industry in here is quite shocking....most UK onshore advisors have 0% offshore knowledge, and their services and FSA status is of no use to expats !

If you ever LOST money, then you didn't do your homework and your advisor sucked. If its too hot in the kitchen, I say get out...then its not for you anyway. Things go up and down...aaaaall the time. Its the okes that want to make a quick buck who usually loses out. This is not some MLM get rich quick scheme. Unless you have a time machine and can go back in time and buy microsoft shares, you need to wake up and smell the roses.

You get volatile funds that I can GUARANTEE you will lose you money in the 1st year ! Put in 500K, expect to lose about 200K....BUT, the next round up you'll gain about 400K. Depends on your attitude towards risk...and you HAVE to have a long term view with these things and understand how it all works. You can make and absolute FORTUNE if you have someone in your camp that knows what they're doing.

No one can predict anything, and there IS no such thing as a "sure thing". If anyone ever told you that, then they're obviously a liar and I take it you didn't believe them.....I mean, you didn't...right??

If you CAN in fact do it better yourself, Mr DIY...I'd like to see it. I don't say that I don't believe it, but talk is cheap.

1) Financial Advisor are NOT stock brokers

2) Financial Advisors are usually NOT financial analysts

3) Financial Advisor can NOT predict the markets, NO-ONE can no matter who says what ! The wrong bloke sneezes at the wrong time, and things can change literally overnight. Our vehicles are probably more secure than any bank out there !

The original poster seems like a grown up who can make his own decisions...or are you now offering financial advice as well?

The rest I read in here is just a load of hot air I'm afraid.

What clients SHOULD be aware of is the comments from opinionated, inexperienced individuals that got burnt probably by some wannabe and now wants to pull every advisor through the same ring. I mean, seriously?

Giving someone financial advice does not necessarily make you a financial advisor...you know that right? You can sleep in the garage for 2 weeks...I can with good authority say that its most likely NOT going to change you into a car...

Edited by DanielVanNiekerk
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I'm sorry, but what the HECK is an onshore financial advisor in the UK going to do for an expat living in Thailand? Huh !??

There are many FAs in theUK specialising in off shore investments for expats based in Thailand or elsewhere. Key point is by using a UK based FA, you are more likely to be dealing with a proffessional rather than an ex english teacher or 100% commission based FAs who flock to thailand.

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