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Thai Men- Crazier Than The Average Farang?


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I've been here 7 years and I have to say that all my experiences with the majority of Thai men, especially in the South, lead me to want to avoid more than a superficial sawatdi krup now and then.

On the surface, they are all polite and smiling and apparently friendly. But in my experience anyway, they are set off very easily and quickly turn into jealous and violent maniacs- especially when alcohol is entered into the equation. Further, while the average tourist may feel that they are welcome here, I see a lot of Xenophobia demonstrated by the Thais, especially the men. They want your dollars and pounds and Euros. They can do without you.

Of course every culture has crazy men, but what makes this place scary is that famous Thai smile, which puts you at ease. Smiling as they plan your demise.

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i prefer the company of thai women myself. i get a similar feeling around thai men that i don't already know. but i think it is just shyness. I'd bet if you went up to them with a smile and a bottle of low kow you'd see how friendly they really are. I think that maybe you are more afraid of them than they are of you.

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Thai Men- Crazier Than The Average Farang?

Given the high percentage of missfits and 'damaged goods' within the Farang communtity - I doubt very much that Thai men come even close.

And please get real - Missfit and damaged goods farangs proclaiming judgement on Thai guys?!

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i prefer the company of thai women myself. i get a similar feeling around thai men that i don't already know. but i think it is just shyness. I'd bet if you went up to them with a smile and a bottle of low kow you'd see how friendly they really are. I think that maybe you are more afraid of them than they are of you.

To be sure, my comment is a generalization. Sure, I've had plenty of fun nights drinking with my GF and male friends of hers. But I keep my guard up. I've seen it too often and I am now very weary of many of the younger Thai men, especially in the South.

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Thai Men- Crazier Than The Average Farang?

Given the high percentage of missfits and 'damaged goods' within the Farang communtity - I doubt very much that Thai men come even close.

And please get real - Missfit and damaged goods farangs proclaiming judgement on Thai guys?!

Don't know how you have concluded that I am a misfit and damaged goods farang, but anyway, I honestly believe that the average farang has more control over his emotions than the average Thai. I'm not the first to draw this conclusion. Thais are always having to save face and keep up appearances. Farangs in the West are far less concerned with this. So while we can constantly vent, the Thais hold it all inside and wait for the moment to snap. Again, a generalization, but I see it more here than on my trips back to the US.

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i prefer the company of thai women myself. i get a similar feeling around thai men that i don't already know. but i think it is just shyness. I'd bet if you went up to them with a smile and a bottle of low kow you'd see how friendly they really are. I think that maybe you are more afraid of them than they are of you.

To be sure, my comment is a generalization. Sure, I've had plenty of fun nights drinking with my GF and male friends of hers. But I keep my guard up. I've seen it too often and I am now very weary of many of the younger Thai men, especially in the South.

I've never had a problem, but I naturally keep my guard up around anyone I don't really know. After time passes, that guard can be let down little by little.

I try not to socialize with masked men yielding machetes, but under all the protective armor there is a real person in there needing just as much affection and attention as the next human being. Who am I to judge? (i just wait until the knives are put away before i engage in communication)

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I've been here 7 years and I have to say that all my experiences with the majority of Thai men, especially in the South, lead me to want to avoid more than a superficial sawatdi krup now and then.

On the surface, they are all polite and smiling and apparently friendly. But in my experience anyway, they are set off very easily and quickly turn into jealous and violent maniacs- especially when alcohol is entered into the equation. Further, while the average tourist may feel that they are welcome here, I see a lot of Xenophobia demonstrated by the Thais, especially the men. They want your dollars and pounds and Euros. They can do without you.

Of course every culture has crazy men, but what makes this place scary is that famous Thai smile, which puts you at ease. Smiling as they plan your demise.

So you're saying they're exactly like the women.

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I know for myself, if I couldn't own property, had questionable immigration status, was old/bald, or young/with a wealth of dreams (and not much else), and had limited communication with my significant other (usually along the lines of identifying which foods were spicy and talking about where I/you/he/she "go"), I'd probably be rationalizing how "crazy/jealous/xenophobic/etc." the local "competition" was too. And to emphasize the point: the motorcycle taxi dudes, boat crew guys, and whoever was hanging out in front of the nearest and cheapest karaoke joints would automatically be the prime examples.


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From my experience (certainly not "in general"), as a Thai girl who has seen her share of both the Thai and the Foreign...

You're equally crazy.

While Thai men are UTTERLY romantic... Moonlit dinners over the Chaopraya River, a hundred roses... I'm not kidding! They can also get very emotional, easily jealous, and often... clingy. Enough is not always enough.

The average Farang, while often down-right rude according to Thai standards, are more objective. And they're funny, do crazy things I wouldn't want any Thai associates to really hear about... But they have excellent comedic timing (maybe it's just me). Always surprises me when a Farang brings flowers, because that doesn't happen, the sky must be falling.

Sorry, strayed a little off topic, I'll stop now. :o

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I know for myself, if I couldn't own property, had questionable immigration status, was old/bald, or young/with a wealth of dreams (and not much else), and had limited communication with my significant other (usually along the lines of identifying which foods were spicy and talking about where I/you/he/she "go"), I'd probably be rationalizing how "crazy/jealous/xenophobic/etc." the local "competition" was too. And to emphasize the point: the motorcycle taxi dudes, boat crew guys, and whoever was hanging out in front of the nearest and cheapest karaoke joints would automatically be the prime examples.



Here here. What utter nonsense.

Now anyone for golf or a little boating? Don't forget your helmet.

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I must be in a different circle than the OP and some of U here

I’ve found thai men, to be…….

Very polite, gentle, considered, girl’s pleaser, respectful of opposite sex, fun to talk and have ordinary meals with, very funny too, and very family man

However, they tend to be clingy, a mommy’s boy, easily influenced by external pressures and family.

One major factor that had stop me dating or marrying them is - “the in-laws”, they will be too much factor in our relationship, a bit less workable for my western mind

At first my mom was almost fell down on the floor when I brought home my farang boy-boyfriend over x’mas holiday - during my school break….maaaany moons ago. She had thought most farangs are hard drinker, hard smoker, and womanizing in the sleazy way too much, etc. Just her general sense of seeing farangs in thailand.

But now she’s ok and content with the fact that he’s a very nice boy and a good husband. Plus he’s non- smoker/drinker/womanizing, and very polite but with back bone, which were also the main major criteria for her future son-in-law

Just my opinion and abit more………….hopefully I stay on the topic

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As a general rule I think Thai men are crazier. They're less predictable and more likely to swing the opposite way emotionally.

A quiet nice as pie big shot businessman invites you out for whiskey, and before long he's acting like the Godfather. His friendly patting on the back and refilling of the glass is turning into drunken stares, scowls and then questions about Thai politics and Thai women that you really don't want to answer. He gives little away, just asks the questions. It doesn't take much for him to get angry and see the mood change despite your politness not wavering the whole time.

My first experience of craziness was in Samui many many years ago when a group of 7 youngish Thai friends were sitting in an outdoor restaurant drinking and eating. We were on the next table. All was merry for a couple of hours. We left, walked up the road then walked back and saw that the guys had smashed the table up and smashed each other up.

Similarly in other open-air restaurants...a bit of alcohol, 2 tables of guys next to each other, all is perfectly normal then suddenly bottles are flying everywhere, people jumping over walls, chairs flying...craziness without warning.

A lot of other experiences have been unwarranted jealousy: I have been with a gf and she has brought her friend out for the evening, with some Thai guys meeting up with us later (in this instance fairly wealthy 30 something guys). After a few glasses one guy takes a liking to my gf's friend, but does not stop questioning me about my intentions with her...and it gets more and more intense. Very strange.

Last one, in UK: a house party, Thais and foreigners, one Thai guy who started off being a hugely likeable chap started to take offense that I wasn't dancing with everyone later on. After trying to encourage me 3 times he got angry. So angry that he wanted to fight, without me even antagonising him. I later found out this guy often gets like this after alcohol..completely changes. He fired a gun at a bus driver in Surat when living in Thailand and his army general father sent to UK on exile. Lovely.

Just a few examples, but in general, if I was socialising with a farang (whatever nationality) I would feel more comfortable that their mood won't swing to spoiling for a fight within 3 whiskies for no good reason.

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From my experience (certainly not "in general"), as a Thai girl who has seen her share of both the Thai and the Foreign...

You're equally crazy.

While Thai men are UTTERLY romantic... Moonlit dinners over the Chaopraya River, a hundred roses... I'm not kidding! They can also get very emotional, easily jealous, and often... clingy. Enough is not always enough.

The average Farang, while often down-right rude according to Thai standards, are more objective. And they're funny, do crazy things I wouldn't want any Thai associates to really hear about... But they have excellent comedic timing (maybe it's just me). Always surprises me when a Farang brings flowers, because that doesn't happen, the sky must be falling.

Sorry, strayed a little off topic, I'll stop now. :D

And I thought you were a bloke named Cliff..... :D:o

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The Thai men in the tourist areas (not inc. service staff) are all untrustworthy to me, and i do feel if i was to respond to the rudeness and liberties they intimidate to us tourists that it would inevitably end up in violence.

But if you go to Trafalgar Square and see the 1st and 2nd generation people with British passports trying to make money off tourists and the way they treat them, then there isnt too much difference.

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I know for myself, if I couldn't own property, had questionable immigration status, was old/bald, or young/with a wealth of dreams (and not much else), and had limited communication with my significant other (usually along the lines of identifying which foods were spicy and talking about where I/you/he/she "go"), I'd probably be rationalizing how "crazy/jealous/xenophobic/etc." the local "competition" was too. And to emphasize the point: the motorcycle taxi dudes, boat crew guys, and whoever was hanging out in front of the nearest and cheapest karaoke joints would automatically be the prime examples.


wise words :D

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Sure Thai men are crazier. You wouldn't catch me shimmying up a 30 m tree to grab a coconut, or hang out of a 50-floor window to clean it without a safety harness, or walk along a string of electrical cables as if it were some kind of high wire tightrope act. Not to mention wielding a scimitar, approaching a mob much bigger than yours, looking for a fight. Yep. No doubt about it. Thai men have some serious balls.

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I feel more like glyph and teacup on this issue. Most of the Thai men I have met over the last 5.5 years have been less crazy than the farang I've met, but neither group shows features of being violent and psychotic. I actually have run into machete-carrying masked men in Mexico, who were nice guys trying to have a nonviolent revolution against an oppressive government (not unlike something happening in Thailand right now). But I always avoid violent drunks, and do not arouse confrontation or jealousy among other men. I'm no saint, but I wonder what company - farang and Thai - some of you folks keep.

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Birds of a feather flock together. Low class paranoid farang attract similar characters in Thailand. It's all about set and setting too. If you spend your time hanging out with other farang "tossers" in lame social circles you'll generally get the usual nasty thai hanger on characters out there to exploit the lamebrained foreigners. It's similar to how lions in the seregenti will sniff out the weakest and most socially ill equipped prey as easy pickings.

I have Thai friends of both gender and none of them are as you have stated. Then again the ones I know are gainfully employed and well educated.

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I sometimes feel that Thai nationalism gets in the way of any possible genuine interaction with thai & farang blokes.Like when quite a few ask you what do you think about thailand,but they are only wanting to hear you say its great,rather than have a talk about it.Whereas with say burmese or cambodian people there seems less of that sort of thing,& you can actually talk to them about things that matter without any defensiveness.

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I must be in a different circle than the OP and some of U here

I've found thai men, to be…….

Very polite, gentle, considered, girl's pleaser, respectful of opposite sex, fun to talk and have ordinary meals with, very funny too, and very family man

However, they tend to be clingy, a mommy's boy, easily influenced by external pressures and family.

One major factor that had stop me dating or marrying them is - "the in-laws", they will be too much factor in our relationship, a bit less workable for my western mind

At first my mom was almost fell down on the floor when I brought home my farang boy-boyfriend over x'mas holiday - during my school break….maaaany moons ago. She had thought most farangs are hard drinker, hard smoker, and womanizing in the sleazy way too much, etc. Just her general sense of seeing farangs in thailand.

But now she's ok and content with the fact that he's a very nice boy and a good husband. Plus he's non- smoker/drinker/womanizing, and very polite but with back bone, which were also the main major criteria for her future son-in-law

Just my opinion and abit more………….hopefully I stay on the topic

That ugly yeah? :D

WELL.....check it out

aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! sooooo hot

big thick strong muscled thighs

manly and rugged

around 6 feet, dark auburn hair, bedroom dreamy pale blue eyes "COME HERE BABI", and a kissable mouth

not overly needy or aggressive, but my fighting move is like dusting or scratching to him. -"you are not getting away from me that easily"! .....hehe


Oh...almost forgot.....Smart, a state swimming champion, and gifted pianist (me think)

There!!…….Top that, sister/ or dude or whatever!!! :o


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I sometimes feel that Thai nationalism gets in the way of any possible genuine interaction with thai & farang blokes.Like when quite a few ask you what do you think about thailand,but they are only wanting to hear you say its great,rather than have a talk about it.Whereas with say burmese or cambodian people there seems less of that sort of thing,& you can actually talk to them about things that matter without any defensiveness.

You obviously have never met my husband then. He is always complaining about Thailand and the Thai people. (He is Thai by the way).

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Mostly the Thai men I meet professionally are polite, courteous, honest and hardworking.

The Thais I might meet in a bar, on a beach, or near any tourist resort less so.

Spot on!

Short (less bla bla bla) and spot on.


Almost 10 years here now, and my Thai friends represent 95% of the people I know here.

This means I normally meet Thais (from all walks of life).

I have only met one or two I was not sure about.

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