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People Of Chinese Origin And Hairy Moles


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Why do people of chinese origin (please correct me if I'm wrong) favour those really hairy moles? (The ones with hair coming out that is longer than the hairs on their head) Is it something to do with religion/status/wiseness or are they just lazy?

I've lived next to a bloke for about 3 years who sports this distinct look but have never found an appropriate time to ask him, although he always finds time to comment on my beer drinkers physique!

Anyone know?


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i think this is more genetic then origin, as have have seen many other nationalities with this promblem ( French being this worst )

In fact i dont think i have seen many Chinese with a mole like this ...

anyway, if in doubt, ask him :o

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Why do people of chinese origin (please correct me if I'm wrong) favour those really hairy moles? (The ones with hair coming out that is longer than the hairs on their head) Is it something to do with religion/status/wiseness or are they just lazy?

I've lived next to a bloke for about 3 years who sports this distinct look but have never found an appropriate time to ask him, although he always finds time to comment on my beer drinkers physique!

Anyone know?


It is believed to be unlucky to cut them :D Might have something to do with wealth as well but you might have to research that one.

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i think this is more genetic then origin, as have have seen many other nationalities with this promblem ( French being this worst )

In fact i dont think i have seen many Chinese with a mole like this ...

anyway, if in doubt, ask him :o

sure, some have more moles than others, but why don't the chinese cut the nasty hair growing out of them?

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Why do people of chinese origin (please correct me if I'm wrong) favour those really hairy moles? (The ones with hair coming out that is longer than the hairs on their head) Is it something to do with religion/status/wiseness or are they just lazy?

It was/is considered that -old- people who had a (or more) very long hair growing out of a mole were/are wise people. Once in a while one can still see it with elderly people; as a matter of fact there are 1 or 2 old Chinese men in Fisherman's village/Bophut on Samui who have them.


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i think this is more genetic then origin, as have have seen many other nationalities with this promblem ( French being this worst )

In fact i dont think i have seen many Chinese with a mole like this ...

anyway, if in doubt, ask him :o

Its not the mole I referring to its the 3-4 inch wisp of hair growing out of it, hes not particularly old perhaps about 45ish

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Some believe that it's bad luck to have them removed and/or to cut that hair. There are plenty though who don't believe it and are quick to go to the nearest Thai Chinese (you know, to keep it all hush hush and to keep everyone else guessing) dermatologist or plastic surgeon to have them removed.


Edited by Heng
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It is also considered to be a goodluck sign, never ever cut or remove the hair.. :o

This sounds some what similar to a survey i read on hair several years ago , the result came out some thing like this , in the arm pit men usualy have more hair , but on the head women were usualy hairyer , the men came first for hair on the chest , but on the whole , women were found the hairyest .

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It is a sign of wisdom, and so cutting it would be bad luck and might in fact affect a person's intellect and/or ability to make money.

You can even buy a fake mole with long hair and glue it to your face. I am not sure if that is supposed to actually create wisdom or just fools others that you are a wise man or woman.

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I've seen many Thais all over do this who I would not say were of Chinese origin. I have no idea if Chinese grow those mole hairs also. I've asked a few times and everyone says some Thai people believe if you have a mole on the face you should not cut the hair as it brings them good luck. It's superstition. So, that's about it I think.

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It is a sign of wisdom, and so cutting it would be bad luck and might in fact affect a person's intellect and/or ability to make money.

You can even buy a fake mole with long hair and glue it to your face. I am not sure if that is supposed to actually create wisdom or just fools others that you are a wise man or woman.

Believing any of that is the opposite of wisdom. :D

I was in a meeting last week with a guy who had one of these hairy moles on his chin, with these really long thick hairs growing out of the thing. :o

By about halfway through the meeting all I could think of was pulling the hairs out of this guys' mole, maybe distracting him first, and then quickly yanking them out....

But they looked thick and strong like they might have been at home on a double bass, and I might have pulled half his face away in the process. Fair enough.

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Why do people of chinese origin (please correct me if I'm wrong) favour those really hairy moles? (The ones with hair coming out that is longer than the hairs on their head) Is it something to do with religion/status/wiseness or are they just lazy?

I've lived next to a bloke for about 3 years who sports this distinct look but have never found an appropriate time to ask him, although he always finds time to comment on my beer drinkers physique!

Anyone know?

Do you mean letting the hair from a mole grow very long. In 'Nam, it means a person will have good luck, avoid bad, luck, or have good health.

It's not common but some men have very, very, long hair growing from their mole. They just don't cut it. It' probably takes years and years.

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