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Bringing A Dog To Thailand


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Just a very simple question - we are looking at relocating to Thailand and was wondering if it is possible to bring a pet dog to Thailand, and if so is it a logistically over complicated procedure, or financially prohibative? The dog in question is a beagle (foot beagle). She is 3yrs old and has all her jabs etc. and is in good health. We are looing to live in Thailand for 3yrs, possibly permanently. Needless to say, the animal is a valued family pet - part of the family really.

Many thanks.

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As well as the pinned thread Corky, there are other good posts on this issue, do a search specifically in the forum and you will get a host of informative responses.

What , you want to bring yet Ánother dog' to Thailand ? The last count i read there were 200,000 strays roaming the streets of Bangkok , authorities said they were trying to get cleared up , more barking all night and S##T everywhere to step in .

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As well as the pinned thread Corky, there are other good posts on this issue, do a search specifically in the forum and you will get a host of informative responses.

What , you want to bring yet Ánother dog' to Thailand ? The last count i read there were 200,000 strays roaming the streets of Bangkok , authorities said they were trying to get cleared up , more barking all night and S##T everywhere to step in .

Agreed. :o

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As well as the pinned thread Corky, there are other good posts on this issue, do a search specifically in the forum and you will get a host of informative responses.

What , you want to bring yet Ánother dog' to Thailand ? The last count i read there were 200,000 strays roaming the streets of Bangkok , authorities said they were trying to get cleared up , more barking all night and S##T everywhere to step in .

Far too many dogs around Thailand. Please don't add to the problem.

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Thanks for the helpful replies. Very much apprecaited. I shall go there directly

Dumball / Gungadin / 12Drinkmore

I cannot believe the small minded stupidity your 3 posts - do you really think I am going to go to the time and expense of bringing a dog half way across the world to throw it out on the street? I agree stray dogs are a problem, but to suggest that I am bringing a dog all the way to Thailand to "release" it is ludacrous.

Dumball - the name says it all really.... DUMB to get this BALL rolling.......

Gungadin - how creative you are to "agree" - shows good character of a man (or woman) when they jump on the critical band wagon without actually contributing anything, constructive - destructive - or otherwise. Well done.

12Drinkmore - maybe drink less??? How am I going to "add" to the problem by bringing a house hold pet dog, and keeping it in our house?

Strays are a problem - they should be removed and humanely destroyed. If anyone is found deliberately contributing to the problem - they should be prosecuted. Meanwhile, you are suggesting that I should do what exactly with our loyal and much loved family pet? Have it put down, to please small minded opinioated muppets like you? I'm afraid you can take your comments and shove them where the sun don't shine.........

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Anybody care to explain the correlation between,

a pet dog to Thailand,The dog in question is a beagle (foot beagle). She is 3yrs old and has all her jabs etc. and is in good health. We are looing to live in Thailand for 3yrs, possibly permanently. Needless to say, the animal is a valued family pet - part of the family really.


200,000 strays roaming the streets of Bangkok


Far too many dogs around Thailand. Please don't add to the problem.

Good Luck


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Thanks for the helpful replies. Very much apprecaited. I shall go there directly

Dumball / Gungadin / 12Drinkmore

I cannot believe the small minded stupidity your 3 posts - do you really think I am going to go to the time and expense of bringing a dog half way across the world to throw it out on the street?

Dumball - the name says it all really.... DUMB to get this BALL rolling.......

Gungadin - how creative you are to "agree" - shows good character of a man (or woman) when they jump on the critical band wagon without actually contributing anything, constructive - destructive - or otherwise. Well done.

12Drinkmore - maybe drink less??? How am I going to "add" to the problem by bringing a house hold pet dog, and keeping it in our house?

Have it put down, to please small minded opinioated muppets like you? I'm afraid you can take your comments and shove them where the sun don't shine.........

Yes, but not as creative as your infantile response.

I'd love to see the look on your face the first time you and the dog go for a walk and get attacked by a pack of Soi Dogs.

You're going to live in an apartment.

What fun. :o

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Pundi64 - thanks for your reply. Much appreciated.

Gungadin - "Infantile" - not at all.... I thought I was just reciprocating in the mood of "cosntructive and mature" dialog...... (read as "chastising") :o

I suppose you're one of those tough guys that enjoys and revels in the misfortunes of others - one of the worlds true warriors that takes please in watching a families pet being savaged by a "pack of soi dogs"...... one of those tough guys that thinks its funny when the little old lady gets soaked at the bus stop by a passing car splashing through a puddle - you know, one of those spiteful vindictive types than can only truly feel "happy" when someone else is feeling down - its simple psychology really, because your miserable you only feel good when someone else is more miserable than than you.

So - I tell you what, when me and my 2yr old little girl, and my wife arrive in Bkk - I'll drop you a pm when I arrive so you can come watch if you like "the first time me & my dog go for a walk" - if that's what turns you on - be sure to bring your camera..... and I will provide this service free of charge for you. If you can't make it, then don't worry, I'll take pictures of "the look on my face"..... better still I'll take pictures of my wife and child screaming and crying - and then you won't have to imagine "the look on my face" or the look on theirs for that matter - you will have the pictures to keep and cherish and share with your tough buddies........ and as I say, I will provide this service to you free or charge, for your viewing pleasure....... just coz I'm a nice guy, and I truly belive sharing is caring..... :D

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Pundi64 - thanks for your reply. Much appreciated.

Gungadin - "Infantile" - not at all.... I thought I was just reciprocating in the mood of "cosntructive and mature" dialog...... (read as "chastising") :o

I suppose you're one of those tough guys that enjoys and revels in the misfortunes of others - one of the worlds true warriors that takes please in watching a families pet being savaged by a "pack of soi dogs"...... one of those tough guys that thinks its funny when the little old lady gets soaked at the bus stop by a passing car splashing through a puddle - you know, one of those spiteful vindictive types than can only truly feel "happy" when someone else is feeling down - its simple psychology really, because your miserable you only feel good when someone else is more miserable than than you.

So - I tell you what, when me and my 2yr old little girl, and my wife arrive in Bkk - I'll drop you a pm when I arrive so you can come watch if you like "the first time me & my dog go for a walk" - if that's what turns you on - be sure to bring your camera..... and I will provide this service free of charge for you. If you can't make it, then don't worry, I'll take pictures of "the look on my face"..... better still I'll take pictures of my wife and child screaming and crying - and then you won't have to imagine "the look on my face" or the look on theirs for that matter - you will have the pictures to keep and cherish and share with your tough buddies........ and as I say, I will provide this service to you free or charge, for your viewing pleasure....... just coz I'm a nice guy, and I truly belive sharing is caring..... :D

I do not think Gungadin said or infered any such thing , That's a pretty high horse you are riding , watch he doesn't slip in fhe 'Doggy-doo' , you will need to live and experience the sois of Bangkok for a while and appreciate the way posters write on TV , many comments are passed 'Tongue in cheek ' which you obviously missed in your haste to lambast , probably due to the red in your cheeks .

Any way , to each his own and hope you and your family get to enjoy Thailand , despite our childish banter which helps at least some of us to keep our sanity somewhat on an even keel .

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Thanks for the helpful replies. Very much apprecaited. I shall go there directly

Dumball / Gungadin / 12Drinkmore

I cannot believe the small minded stupidity your 3 posts - do you really think I am going to go to the time and expense of bringing a dog half way across the world to throw it out on the street? I agree stray dogs are a problem, but to suggest that I am bringing a dog all the way to Thailand to "release" it is ludacrous.

Dumball - the name says it all really.... DUMB to get this BALL rolling.......

Gungadin - how creative you are to "agree" - shows good character of a man (or woman) when they jump on the critical band wagon without actually contributing anything, constructive - destructive - or otherwise. Well done.

12Drinkmore - maybe drink less??? How am I going to "add" to the problem by bringing a house hold pet dog, and keeping it in our house?

Strays are a problem - they should be removed and humanely destroyed. If anyone is found deliberately contributing to the problem - they should be prosecuted. Meanwhile, you are suggesting that I should do what exactly with our loyal and much loved family pet? Have it put down, to please small minded opinioated muppets like you? I'm afraid you can take your comments and shove them where the sun don't shine.........

ur right but im afraid theres a large % of farangs here who should go back where they come from. but normally these idiots arnt allowed back in there own country's for various reasons, enjoy ur time with ur dog :o

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Just a very simple question - we are looking at relocating to Thailand and was wondering if it is possible to bring a pet dog to Thailand

ha ha ha !! No , don't. leave your wife at home instead. there are much better girls here. :o

:D The chances of letting the Mrs. at home and getting myself a nice little "mea-noi" ...... well lets just say they are slim to none...... :D

good idea though........

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Pundi64 - thanks for your reply. Much appreciated.

Gungadin - "Infantile" - not at all.... I thought I was just reciprocating in the mood of "cosntructive and mature" dialog...... (read as "chastising") :o

I suppose you're one of those tough guys that enjoys and revels in the misfortunes of others - one of the worlds true warriors that takes please in watching a families pet being savaged by a "pack of soi dogs"...... one of those tough guys that thinks its funny when the little old lady gets soaked at the bus stop by a passing car splashing through a puddle - you know, one of those spiteful vindictive types than can only truly feel "happy" when someone else is feeling down - its simple psychology really, because your miserable you only feel good when someone else is more miserable than than you.

So - I tell you what, when me and my 2yr old little girl, and my wife arrive in Bkk - I'll drop you a pm when I arrive so you can come watch if you like "the first time me & my dog go for a walk" - if that's what turns you on - be sure to bring your camera..... and I will provide this service free of charge for you. If you can't make it, then don't worry, I'll take pictures of "the look on my face"..... better still I'll take pictures of my wife and child screaming and crying - and then you won't have to imagine "the look on my face" or the look on theirs for that matter - you will have the pictures to keep and cherish and share with your tough buddies........ and as I say, I will provide this service to you free or charge, for your viewing pleasure....... just coz I'm a nice guy, and I truly belive sharing is caring..... :D

I do not think Gungadin said or infered any such thing , That's a pretty high horse you are riding , watch he doesn't slip in fhe 'Doggy-doo' , you will need to live and experience the sois of Bangkok for a while and appreciate the way posters write on TV , many comments are passed 'Tongue in cheek ' which you obviously missed in your haste to lambast , probably due to the red in your cheeks .

Any way , to each his own and hope you and your family get to enjoy Thailand , despite our childish banter which helps at least some of us to keep our sanity somewhat on an even keel .

Stepping back and taking a deep breath..... then stepping to the fore again :D ........

(1) it should be noted, and I neglected to do so, that Gungadin did in fact open with pointing me in the right direction i.e. referring me to the correct forum.

(2) you got to admit that making the comment "I'd love to see the look on your face......" isn't exaclty the nicest thing to say to someone. In the space of 3 posts he (or she?) had jumped from helpful to reply > jumping on your bandwagon > to the chastising tone tone "well I hope it all goes baps up for you"......

(3) toungue in cheek - yes, tounge in cheek is well and good - but do you honestly mean to tell me that your inital suggestion that I should let the dog at home was said "tongue in cheek"...... or was it more of a personal opinion that you think no dog - stray, pet, or otherwise has a place in bkk? If so, you could have said so without implying what you did..... and Gungadin could have continued as he started, by being helpful not condescending.

(4) my last little rant - it was meant to highlight, through melodramitic dramatisation and hyperbole the rediculous nature of the "I would love to see your face....." comment. that type of comment irritates me because it is typically uttered by "all bark and no bite" bufoons...... like the fat-cat-business man sitting in their Mercs that are a little too fond of the using the horn for no reason and then sh$t themselves when you stop the car and knock at their window at the lights and ask if they'd like to get out to discuss their grievance - tough men in their cars - poofs in real life...... cowards that hide behind the anonymity of the net just wind me up...... while standing in the que at the bank, if you overheard someone having a discussion, would you interject such a comment as "I would love to see the look on your face......." - I think probably not. We are all people here, and a little bit of consideration and mutual respect can be maintained whilst enjoying a bit of banter - and quite heavy pi$$ taking of one another can be enjoyed - so long as its done in good spirit.

(5) To be honest, I don't think I was up on any high horse. I was not trying to suggest how anyone should or should not live their life, or trying to dictacte to anyone what they should or shouldn't do based on my moral beliefs - which is how I would define someone "getting up on their horse". It is my right, if I choose, to have a dog. It is also my right to conduct my personal business and defend my interests as I see fit from those that would choose to chastise me, make fun of me, wish me any harm, or otherwise. Thats not "riding a moral high horse", that's "taking no sh&t from the indians" in my book........

NOTWITHSTANDING the above 5 points - I appreciate you taking the time to write a composed and sensible response, and I thank you for your good wishes. To be honest, I would concur that it is really all just childish banter - and I sincerely doubt any of us are taking it that seriously.... in principle maybe, in relaity - no....... I've just got a bit too much free time on my hands at the moment :D

So - without further ado - I'm retiring from the "childish banter" banter, and I am taking note that people have expressed their opinion that keeping a dog in Bkk is a difficult undertaking, and that has an is being taken under consideration. I obvisouly do not want my dog to be a permanent prisoner for fear of being savaged by soi-packs...... and jokes aside, thanks for pointing that out - I had not considered it.

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Situation Resolved

Situation resolved - our dog will stay with family for the couple of years that we are away - I think its the best compromise possible really between the animals best interests and our own needs.

Thanks to everyone for reading / contributing.

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