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How Much Do You Drink?


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Just wondering. How much people drink per day? My gf often says to me that i drink too much. I reckon i do drink a bit. But i dont get drunk everyday. I maybe have 2-4 big beers a day. Sometimes when i want to have day off the booze. I dont buy any. Then my gf comes home with beer for me. So i cant win. On the weekend i have a few but havent been drunk for a few weeks. What is everyone elses drinking habits? Just curious!

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Just wondering. How much people drink per day?  My gf often says to me that i drink too much. I reckon i do drink a bit. But i dont get drunk everyday. I maybe have 2-4 big beers a day. Sometimes when i want to have day off the booze. I dont buy any. Then my gf comes home with beer for me. So i cant win. On the weekend i have a few but havent been drunk for a few weeks. What is everyone elses drinking habits? Just curious!

Bugger all at the moment to be truthful and bloody boring. Had a shit load a Guinness plus a load of lager the other night though, but ended up falling off the bike. :o

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I'm on my second  bottle of Thai beer and will soon be off to 7 11 to get bottle number 3 and some noodles.After 3 bottles of Thai beer I'm too pished to go out and get any more  :o

What's that Thai beer like then? Anything alog the lines of Leo?

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I'm on my second  bottle of Thai beer and will soon be off to 7 11 to get bottle number 3 and some noodles.After 3 bottles of Thai beer I'm too pished to go out and get any more  :o

What's that Thai beer like then? Anything alog the lines of Leo?

3 bottles and your pissed? Not much of a drinker then. Also Thai beer is ok but i prefer Leo.

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What's that Thai beer like then? Anything alog the lines of Leo?
It's stronger than Leo and more bitter tasting but cheaper at 35 baht per big bottle.

Goes well with something hot and spicey (food)

3 bottles and your pissed? Not much of a drinker then.

Yep 3 bottles of Thai beer and I'm anybodys , however I can drink half a litre of 40 % vodka and just feel a slight buzz , strange that aint it ? :D

Ohh and Jockstar you drink too much :o

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Go on you can do it. Be honest.


Enough. Thank you. Each and every day. (I mind my own business) :D


Each one is a Happy New Beer. :D

Kan Win

P.S. Please do not read what is written on My Glass, just enjoy what you are drinking:D

P.S.S. You posted this Fred:- :o


But still no pics from you in your posts????

Kan one ask you Kwai (Why)?

You scratch my back and …. etc…


P.S.S.S. Just joking with you. Please do not take it to your heart.

I am Catholic and a sportsman…. Man .U. Rules. O.K.

P.S.S.S.S. I have a handle on you….

Just winding you up.


Your's as always,

Kan Win

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Then my gf comes home with beer for me

Marry her :o

Only joshing, I drink too much, always falling off the wagon and starting the wagon again. Trouble is with Thailand is that it's a drinking culture, and there is no other forms of escapism which is available back in the UK.

"My name is 'what a life' and I'm a whiskey fiend" :D

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Only a breakfast beer in the morning. Then I snack on sips of Meekong until lunch when I'll have a couple of beers with my som tam (Chang goes well with som tam). For the afternoon I'll have a few beers as I watch UBC (you have too, it's so bad). And for dinner its a bottle of Lao Khao or two which will keep me until bed time. Cost of this diet? Around 1000 bath a day but it's still a bargain!

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"Bunch of slack jawed faggots around here" 10 chang a night will make you a goddamn sexual tyranasaurus...I think?

but seriously, I drink piles more than any of you ladies and I will on the p1ss on friday if any of you girls feel like challenging that statement...1 sang som for the winner :o:D:D

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How much do I drink? How much do you got?

I drink about 4 cups of Lipton to get me out the door each morning and then about a litre more or less of water while I'm cutting the weeds and digging the dirt out of the irrigation canal. Then its back inside for about 3 more cups of Lipton with lunch. Aftaer lunch I drink another litre more or less of water while spreading manure, digging it in, planting seeds, and other assorted farm like stuff. Then its back inside for a couple more cups of Lipton before dinner and I top off the evening with a couple more cups of LIpton before bed. Sometimes I want to not have any Lipton before dinner but my wifewill say "want more tea Love?", so what can I do? I get drunk about 4 times a year like song khran, loi krahtung, new year, etc. When I was younger I did all this the opposite...I drank beer everyday and didn't for about 4 days every year!

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Far too much. If I don't go out, then certainly 6 big Changs per day. If I'm out at night, subtract 1 large bottle and add 8 or so small.

Very rarely drink spirits and I do go on the wagon from time to time. Usually abstinence lasts 3/4 days, then I fold. Have been off the demon booze for a month though. That was tough, but good for the pocket.

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"Bunch of slack jawed faggots around here" 10 chang a night will make you a goddamn sexual tyranasaurus...I think?

but seriously, I drink piles more than any of you ladies and I will on the p1ss on friday if any of you girls feel like challenging that statement...1 sang som for the winner :o  :D  :D

Nice use of the 'Predator' quote there, toastwars :D

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