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Marriage Propasal


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Hello :

I am back with another Question .

I would like to know if there is a certain rule or proper custom in asking your Thai Girl friend to marry you.

She has been married before and has a couple of Children.

Do you ask her parents ? Does she get a ring or gold jewlery?

Or can you just take her somewhere nice and propose like you would the Wetern way

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The OP's first of his two posts:

I would like to know what the general practice or custom is for extended family .

I plan on getting married to a Thaii Lady ,which has a couple of younger children. I have no problem in supporting her ,her mother, and the children.

What is the rule on the rest of her family she has 5 brother's and 2 sister's and her mother is seperated or divorced.

Am I expected to support them all ? Her five brother's are all healthy and are all over the age of twenty and except for two of them they all live close to Bangkok.

When we go shopping she expect me to pay the grocery bills for the children that belong to her brother"s and stay with her at her mother's house

I am sure you are aware that Thai family leave there children at Mother;s Place .

What would be my proper position. All comments from someone that is in a simaliar situation or can advise what would be best Thanks

Sadly I have a hunch that he is not a troll.

My advice is............. DON'T DO IT!!

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The OP's first of his two posts:
I would like to know what the general practice or custom is for extended family .

I plan on getting married to a Thaii Lady ,which has a couple of younger children. I have no problem in supporting her ,her mother, and the children.

What is the rule on the rest of her family she has 5 brother's and 2 sister's and her mother is seperated or divorced.

Am I expected to support them all ? Her five brother's are all healthy and are all over the age of twenty and except for two of them they all live close to Bangkok.

When we go shopping she expect me to pay the grocery bills for the children that belong to her brother"s and stay with her at her mother's house

I am sure you are aware that Thai family leave there children at Mother;s Place .

What would be my proper position. All comments from someone that is in a simaliar situation or can advise what would be best Thanks

Sadly I have a hunch that he is not a troll.

My advice is............. DON'T DO IT!!

Anyone who asks if they should support the entire extended family is just begging to be the next falang chucked off their condo balcony..... Im just shakin my head here.

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Hello :

I am back with another Question .

I would like to know if there is a certain rule or proper custom in asking your Thai Girl friend to marry you.

She has been married before and has a couple of Children.

Do you ask her parents ? Does she get a ring or gold jewlery?

Or can you just take her somewhere nice and propose like you would the Wetern way

Hi Sergio,

It may sound harsh but second hands are never expensive, rule of life.

-Don't marry her.

-Don't give her any money, never ever.

-Don't give any money to her family, never ever

-Don't buy any property in Thailand, never ever.

-Don't take a life-insurance.

-Let her work for her own money, she will understand she aint getting a life with you that allows her to be lazy, you have worked hard for your money, let her do that also. The biggest mistake Westerners make is to allow 'others' to fool them.

She doesn't agree with the rules? Let her hit the road, she aint worth it, you will find one that is normal.


Edited by MayBeLater
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The OP's first of his two posts:
I would like to know what the general practice or custom is for extended family .

I plan on getting married to a Thaii Lady ,which has a couple of younger children. I have no problem in supporting her ,her mother, and the children.

What is the rule on the rest of her family she has 5 brother's and 2 sister's and her mother is seperated or divorced.

Am I expected to support them all ? Her five brother's are all healthy and are all over the age of twenty and except for two of them they all live close to Bangkok.

When we go shopping she expect me to pay the grocery bills for the children that belong to her brother"s and stay with her at her mother's house

I am sure you are aware that Thai family leave there children at Mother;s Place .

What would be my proper position. All comments from someone that is in a simaliar situation or can advise what would be best Thanks

Sadly I have a hunch that he is not a troll.

My advice is............. DON'T DO IT!!

YIKES! Assuming the OP isn't a troll, it's pretty clear he hasn't spent much time in Thailand. I doubt he knows the language, so how would he ask Pah-Maa? Not only would he be providing for the little lady, but her kids, her parents, all her brothers and sisters, any nieces and nephews, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and most of the neighbors.

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why doesnt anyone ask what to do with their uni educated, with good job vestibule virgin who comes from a good thai family?

Well we all know the answer. Most of the Westerners seeking 'love' in Thailand are from certain backgrounds. Because they enjoy partying and drinking they meet their companions in life in certain establishments. And it happens to be that uni educated from Thailand and from the West normally don't really frequent those establishments. So in short, bargirls get the suckers, and they also get the problems they actively seek. People seem ignorant for the deep cultural differences that do exist, especially when you get involved with bargirls: Westerner loves, Easterner to escape poverty.


Edited by MayBeLater
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Hello :

I am back with another Question .

I would like to know if there is a certain rule or proper custom in asking your Thai Girl friend to marry you.

She has been married before and has a couple of Children.

Do you ask her parents ? Does she get a ring or gold jewlery?

Or can you just take her somewhere nice and propose like you would the Wetern way

This was the first:


LaoPo :o

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What's wrong with you all, so many assumptions, give him a break.

My advice is, if you want to marry, just ask her. In recent years, and as she's previously been married, it's not so important to follow tradition in asking her parents - in my view at least.

Good luck.

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Hello :

I am back with another Question .

I would like to know if there is a certain rule or proper custom in asking your Thai Girl friend to marry you.

She has been married before and has a couple of Children.

Do you ask her parents ? Does she get a ring or gold jewlery?

Or can you just take her somewhere nice and propose like you would the Wetern way

You sir are on a slippery slope. Do not run wildly into the abyss. I have the cliche's out of the way now, oh wait I have one more its my favorite : What you spend in Thailand stays in Thailand.

Just be careful you seem to have just got off the boat so get all those questions answered and make sure you know her and the family. My rule of thumb was If I would support her brothers in the U.S. then I would in Thailand. Would I buy her parents a house in the U.S. then I would do the same in Thailand. I hope you see where I'm going with this. Take care and careful. Good luck :o

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May I suggest that you mary a khatoey instead? Why? Because, given the information that you have presented to us, I think you have less chance of being 'shafted' by a khatoey than you have by your new family :o

Good luck


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Easy for all us hansom people who never have to pay are relatively young and live a rock star lifestyle and came to Thailand just for the food and the Humidity, However the is the scenario I envisage with this poster

1. extremely overweight the type of fatness that makes cranium look like a pin head

2. Never had a g/f till mid thirties

3. plays computer games

4. Has has siht loads of money as never spent it on dating woman

5. he 67

7, The only comments he gets from woman in the USA are " do you always sweat this much, gross"

Now if the guy wants to spend the next ten years "feeling loved" and pays for it well up to him. 20 years of short time here will add up to the same amount, so I say go for it dude and enjoy what time you have left

Edited by zorro1
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Good advice, Z. He does leave himself open to a lot of assumptions, but I think he may be for real. He seems to know what he wants. Regardless, you're right. If he's happy, what's the difference. Just be careful, and don't get caught up in buying houses or over-extending your finances. Enjoy yourself, and sleep with one eye open.

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The OP's first of his two posts:
I would like to know what the general practice or custom is for extended family .

I plan on getting married to a Thaii Lady ,which has a couple of younger children. I have no problem in supporting her ,her mother, and the children.

What is the rule on the rest of her family she has 5 brother's and 2 sister's and her mother is seperated or divorced.

Am I expected to support them all ? Her five brother's are all healthy and are all over the age of twenty and except for two of them they all live close to Bangkok.

When we go shopping she expect me to pay the grocery bills for the children that belong to her brother"s and stay with her at her mother's house

I am sure you are aware that Thai family leave there children at Mother;s Place .

What would be my proper position. All comments from someone that is in a simaliar situation or can advise what would be best Thanks

Sadly I have a hunch that he is not a troll.

My advice is............. DON'T DO IT!!

Anyone who asks if they should support the entire extended family is just begging to be the next falang chucked off their condo balcony..... Im just shakin my head here.

I'm opening an estate planning business in Thailand (Dream Lives), would the OP like to drop me a line, I provide full service for farang's wanting to do marriage businesses in they're twilight years. I go from Customs Checkpoint to the Grave. No arrangements are too much to ask. We pickup at the airport, drive you straight to a market in Nakorn Nowhere. We give you one week to interview all the products on sale, anything from freshies for the young bucks through to used models with 5 kids. The choice of a lifetime is yours. Just think, no more cooking for yourself, no need to clean, you won't have to empty another rubbish bin in your life, washing, dishes they all disappears in the blink of an eye. Even a back rub or too whilst your watching your favourite Premiership game (or NBL or AFL or NFL or insert your favourite sport) on UBC_True TV.

Now don't let yourself down, get to Thailand now. Supplies although appearing unlimited, can be difficult to provide bargains. The greater the hurry you are in sourcing this new model, the harder we work. Finding the right partner within your price range is our mission. We never fail, believe us, WE NEVER FAIL. Sin Sod, brothers, sisters, cousins, nieces, nephews, grandma_yais, grandma_yas, grandpa_das, grandpa_boos, kids, kids of kids, village headman, uncles and aunties, no problems is TOO BIG, the neighbour, the neighbours neighbour, the street sweeper, the waterboy, moma and poppa store down the street......... We arrange PAYMENTS to all. We guarantee a bargain. There is nowhere else to go when you want piece of mind. We have experience you would not believe. Knowledge is bargaining power, we are a force to be reasoned with, we are the masters of the business.

Now when all is said and done, nothing like experience can help you here. We offer you the chance to meet the ladies (and associates) of your dream. Don't wait, don't hesitate. Don't leave it one minute longer. GET WHAT YOU DESERVE!!!!!!!!!

Sale starts today, 4 DAYS ONLY. Yes, 4 days only. Everything 50% off. Yes, we have done it. So many have requested this, 50% off, that's 1/2 price for only 4 days. Sign with us your "Customs to Grave" contract. The greatest "piece of mind" you will ever invest in!

We will be with you for the rest of your living days, our commitment is our promiss. What else could you wish for. Immigration to the grave, where else will a company offer this commitment to your very end. Believe us, we have done this so so so so many times before. It's so easy, commit today, sign one of our 1/2 price contracts, and your life is in our hands.... we love it. But don't forget, you must sign over everything the day you are gone.

Would you believe it, YES, OUR SERVICES GOES BEYOND THE GRAVE. We ensure your funds are ALL brought into the beautiful community even when your gone and dusted. We can handle sale of any international assets you might have forgotten about and have all transferred to the coffers for your extended family.

What else could you WISH for, we at "Dream Lives" make sure your taken for a ride, the ride of your lifetime! Our solumn promise!


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I'm opening an estate planning business in Thailand (Dream Lives), would the OP like to drop me a line, I provide full service for farang's wanting to do marriage businesses in they're twilight years. I go from Customs Checkpoint to the Grave. No arrangements are too much to ask. We pickup at the airport, drive you straight to a market in Nakorn Nowhere. We give you one week to interview all the products on sale, anything from freshies for the young bucks through to used models with 5 kids. The choice of a lifetime is yours. Just think, no more cooking for yourself, no need to clean, you won't have to empty another rubbish bin in your life, washing, dishes they all disappears in the blink of an eye. Even a back rub or too whilst your watching your favourite Premiership game (or NBL or AFL or NFL or insert your favourite sport) on UBC_True TV.

Now don't let yourself down, get to Thailand now. Supplies although appearing unlimited, can be difficult to provide bargains. The greater the hurry you are in sourcing this new model, the harder we work. Finding the right partner within your price range is our mission. We never fail, believe us, WE NEVER FAIL. Sin Sod, brothers, sisters, cousins, nieces, nephews, grandma_yais, grandma_yas, grandpa_das, grandpa_boos, kids, kids of kids, village headman, uncles and aunties, no problems is TOO BIG, the neighbour, the neighbours neighbour, the street sweeper, the waterboy, moma and poppa store down the street......... We arrange PAYMENTS to all. We guarantee a bargain. There is nowhere else to go when you want piece of mind. We have experience you would not believe. Knowledge is bargaining power, we are a force to be reasoned with, we are the masters of the business.

Now when all is said and done, nothing like experience can help you here. We offer you the chance to meet the ladies (and associates) of your dream. Don't wait, don't hesitate. Don't leave it one minute longer. GET WHAT YOU DESERVE!!!!!!!!!

Sale starts today, 4 DAYS ONLY. Yes, 4 days only. Everything 50% off. Yes, we have done it. So many have requested this, 50% off, that's 1/2 price for only 4 days. Sign with us your "Customs to Grave" contract. The greatest "piece of mind" you will ever invest in!

We will be with you for the rest of your living days, our commitment is our promiss. What else could you wish for. Immigration to the grave, where else will a company offer this commitment to your very end. Believe us, we have done this so so so so many times before. It's so easy, commit today, sign one of our 1/2 price contracts, and your life is in our hands.... we love it. But don't forget, you must sign over everything the day you are gone.

Would you believe it, YES, OUR SERVICES GOES BEYOND THE GRAVE. We ensure your funds are ALL brought into the beautiful community even when your gone and dusted. We can handle sale of any international assets you might have forgotten about and have all transferred to the coffers for your extended family.

What else could you WISH for, we at "Dream Lives" make sure your taken for a ride, the ride of your lifetime! Our solumn promise!


Does this involve implanting memories for "Total Recall"? :o

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If you must marry the woman in question simply ask her and then wait to see what happens like :o

I see no problem being with a woman who has children. Don't most Thai women have kids?? Generally divorced, separated after being bonked by their husbands until the woman is used goods having had a couple of children and the man moves on to pastures virginal.

I would shack up with her. Same difference but a lot cheaper.

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A bit un-romantic I know, but I never formally proposed to my Thai wife. We just knew that we would get married...and we did. However we did date seriously for two years prior to tying my ba*ls in a knot. No she wasnt' a live in.

I did however have to give her old man the 'face' by announcing my intentions to him.

Each case is different I would suspect.

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Hello :

I am back with another Question .

I would like to know if there is a certain rule or proper custom in asking your Thai Girl friend to marry you.

She has been married before and has a couple of Children.

Do you ask her parents ? Does she get a ring or gold jewlery?

Or can you just take her somewhere nice and propose like you would the Wetern way

Easy...How much ?? :o

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The OP's first of his two posts:
I would like to know what the general practice or custom is for extended family .

I plan on getting married to a Thaii Lady ,which has a couple of younger children. I have no problem in supporting her ,her mother, and the children.

What is the rule on the rest of her family she has 5 brother's and 2 sister's and her mother is seperated or divorced.

Am I expected to support them all ? Her five brother's are all healthy and are all over the age of twenty and except for two of them they all live close to Bangkok.

When we go shopping she expect me to pay the grocery bills for the children that belong to her brother"s and stay with her at her mother's house

I am sure you are aware that Thai family leave there children at Mother;s Place .

What would be my proper position. All comments from someone that is in a simaliar situation or can advise what would be best Thanks

Sadly I have a hunch that he is not a troll.

My advice is............. DON'T DO IT!!

Anyone who asks if they should support the entire extended family is just begging to be the next falang chucked off their condo balcony..... Im just shakin my head here.

I'm opening an estate planning business in Thailand (Dream Lives), would the OP like to drop me a line, I provide full service for farang's wanting to do marriage businesses in they're twilight years. I go from Customs Checkpoint to the Grave. No arrangements are too much to ask. We pickup at the airport, drive you straight to a market in Nakorn Nowhere. We give you one week to interview all the products on sale, anything from freshies for the young bucks through to used models with 5 kids. The choice of a lifetime is yours. Just think, no more cooking for yourself, no need to clean, you won't have to empty another rubbish bin in your life, washing, dishes they all disappears in the blink of an eye. Even a back rub or too whilst your watching your favourite Premiership game (or NBL or AFL or NFL or insert your favourite sport) on UBC_True TV.

Now don't let yourself down, get to Thailand now. Supplies although appearing unlimited, can be difficult to provide bargains. The greater the hurry you are in sourcing this new model, the harder we work. Finding the right partner within your price range is our mission. We never fail, believe us, WE NEVER FAIL. Sin Sod, brothers, sisters, cousins, nieces, nephews, grandma_yais, grandma_yas, grandpa_das, grandpa_boos, kids, kids of kids, village headman, uncles and aunties, no problems is TOO BIG, the neighbour, the neighbours neighbour, the street sweeper, the waterboy, moma and poppa store down the street......... We arrange PAYMENTS to all. We guarantee a bargain. There is nowhere else to go when you want piece of mind. We have experience you would not believe. Knowledge is bargaining power, we are a force to be reasoned with, we are the masters of the business.

Now when all is said and done, nothing like experience can help you here. We offer you the chance to meet the ladies (and associates) of your dream. Don't wait, don't hesitate. Don't leave it one minute longer. GET WHAT YOU DESERVE!!!!!!!!!

Sale starts today, 4 DAYS ONLY. Yes, 4 days only. Everything 50% off. Yes, we have done it. So many have requested this, 50% off, that's 1/2 price for only 4 days. Sign with us your "Customs to Grave" contract. The greatest "piece of mind" you will ever invest in!

We will be with you for the rest of your living days, our commitment is our promiss. What else could you wish for. Immigration to the grave, where else will a company offer this commitment to your very end. Believe us, we have done this so so so so many times before. It's so easy, commit today, sign one of our 1/2 price contracts, and your life is in our hands.... we love it. But don't forget, you must sign over everything the day you are gone.

Would you believe it, YES, OUR SERVICES GOES BEYOND THE GRAVE. We ensure your funds are ALL brought into the beautiful community even when your gone and dusted. We can handle sale of any international assets you might have forgotten about and have all transferred to the coffers for your extended family.

What else could you WISH for, we at "Dream Lives" make sure your taken for a ride, the ride of your lifetime! Our solumn promise!



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Most woman wants to get married, so ask her first and she'll tell you what to do.

Unfortunately, I missed all that chances....NOW...anyone want to marry me ? I only have one cute sweet son hahahahaha

Are you a woman?

If yes, I will marry you. I have three cute sons. :o

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Most woman wants to get married, so ask her first and she'll tell you what to do.

Unfortunately, I missed all that chances....NOW...anyone want to marry me ? I only have one cute sweet son hahahahaha

Are you a woman?

If yes, I will marry you. I have three cute sons. :o

as far as i know yes i am woman...but one son I have is hand full already. any single with out kid ?

Ooops !!!!! sorry back to topic..

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