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Iron Butt Ride


Best Route  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Route

    • Up through Nakhon Sawan
    • Up through Suphan Buri
    • Up through Kanchan Buri
    • Up through Lop Buri
    • Up through Chaiyaphum
    • Up through Korat
  2. 2. Travel Time

    • Bring it on, I can do it in one day!
    • Give my poor butt a break, let's stop for a night.
    • I know of a good hotel along the route that I voted for.
    • The route I voted for passes by my house and I'm offering a place for the riders to stay at.

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Hi LivinLOS!

Yes- fortunately everyone is fine- one brand new Ninja 250R will less than 1000km on the clock ended up shiny side down- low speed slide. I have no idea how it happened, but the damage was only cosmetic so rider and bike were able to continue to Chiang Mai.

One guy on an aging CBR400 made it an hour out before his front sprocket apparently fell off, or the drive bearing broke or something like that. This is the same guy who showed up at the rendezvous point nearly an hour late. I couldn't be bothered to go back and bid him farewell. :o

A Thai rider on a borrowed CB400 didn't notice that his fuel line was leaking until he ran out of gas (at which point he was soaked in gasoline and far from any gas station...)

The kind gentleman who invited the two riders above lost his phone so we didn't see him again until this morning when we happened to run into him at the Bike Week. He had picked up a friend in Sing Buri and had also gone to fetch gas for the CB400 so the three of them were able to make it to CM, albeit quite a bit later than originally planned.

80km out of CM the R1's "trunk" flew off, but it wasn't noticed that it had gone missing until some 20km later, requiring the owner to backtrack and search along the road for his missing piece. Fortunately it wasn't run over and was recovered with only minor scratches.

So- even with all of these delays and rather heavy holiday traffic and a LONG lunch break we still made it to CM in about 8 hours. I think that on a 'normal' day without any mishaps it could easily be done in 6 or 7 hours.

Tomorrow Trent and I are joining some GT Riders to go up to Mae Sai and on to Chiang Khong on the Lao Border. Never been there and am told the roads and scenery are stunning, so quite looking forward to it!

Will post again as time permits :D

Happy Trails!

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Hi LivinLOS!

Yes- fortunately everyone is fine- one brand new Ninja 250R will less than 1000km on the clock ended up shiny side down- low speed slide. I have no idea how it happened, but the damage was only cosmetic so rider and bike were able to continue to Chiang Mai.

One guy on an aging CBR400 made it an hour out before his front sprocket apparently fell off, or the drive bearing broke or something like that. This is the same guy who showed up at the rendezvous point nearly an hour late. I couldn't be bothered to go back and bid him farewell. :o

A Thai rider on a borrowed CB400 didn't notice that his fuel line was leaking until he ran out of gas (at which point he was soaked in gasoline and far from any gas station...)

The kind gentleman who invited the two riders above lost his phone so we didn't see him again until this morning when we happened to run into him at the Bike Week. He had picked up a friend in Sing Buri and had also gone to fetch gas for the CB400 so the three of them were able to make it to CM, albeit quite a bit later than originally planned.

80km out of CM the R1's "trunk" flew off, but it wasn't noticed that it had gone missing until some 20km later, requiring the owner to backtrack and search along the road for his missing piece. Fortunately it wasn't run over and was recovered with only minor scratches.

So- even with all of these delays and rather heavy holiday traffic and a LONG lunch break we still made it to CM in about 8 hours. I think that on a 'normal' day without any mishaps it could easily be done in 6 or 7 hours.

Tomorrow Trent and I are joining some GT Riders to go up to Mae Sai and on to Chiang Khong on the Lao Border. Never been there and am told the roads and scenery are stunning, so quite looking forward to it!

Will post again as time permits :D

Happy Trails!

Gosh, I don't feel so bad about dumping my Ninjette then......

But this brings up a good warning for people; DO NOT FORGET TO CHECK YOUR TYRE PRESSURE. I'd like to believe that was the contributing factor in my skid. Even after letting air out of the front, by the time I got home and checked it with my gage, it was still over (!) 42 PSI.

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OK just the usual group ride antics then :D !! Everyone safe and sound. Dont know which way you do the Mae Sai run, but the 107 up via Fang is great, road getting some work done but combo of fast sweepers closer to CM and really nice after Ping Khong out to Fang. Theres just road after road of great country up there.

The lost luggage thing almost happened to me on way up to IB1.. Pushing along the boring 4, down a slope with large bump at bottom, bit of a flyer and suddenly couldnt feel the tail bag against my back !! Luckily it had just shifted back a few inches.. That night I bought bungees :D !!

When it comes to group rides, I am thinking small groups are better.

Also may have some progress on my new project bike :o.. Tell ya if it happens.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well as its almost a month since we departed on this.. Maybe its time I got my contributions in order. To be fair I did hang around a bit longer and was delayed by adding all my GPS data and geotagging them up on flickr.

As the story of the trip has been laid out consider this just a photoblog.. Observant eyes will spot multiple rides, but less said about that the better ey lads !! :o

So day 1 up to Hua Hin



Rain and a sucky long straight road


Parked under cover


The day after, when we met up I was too focused on riding than taking pics.. Then I was too focused on where the oil was coming from !!

Once I got up to CM it was blue skies and good cruising... Had a great place to stay out on the west side of the city, easy access to the lovely little Samoeng loop.. Nice easy short cruise with spinner on the back, fine for a short distraction.




Wanting to have a bit more of a full day ride we had a crack at heading to Mae Hong Song province via Inthanon and Mae Cheam.. Distances once you get further out up there are really easy to underestimate, You look at something on a map and think "hey 80kms or so" but with all the twisties thats more like 120 or more.. Then instead of 100 - 120 average speeds think 50 or 60.. So what you think might take an hour can be more like 3 !!

First we set off and enjoyed the superb and fast road up to Inthanon. Just beautiful scenery.. I loved it and want to spend much more time up there.



And up to the peaks.


Where who do we see loitering with intent ??


Suffering side to side grins and tyre wear..

We made our excuses and left.. Before Trent tried to get another cuddle off the missus !! :D

After an obligatory photo of the 'highest point' sign and back to the ride.. We then took the forest road to Mae Cheam that was twisty as hel_l.. Trent must have had his work cut out for him on the flying fridge here !!

This was probably the longest straight for 20kms !!


Actually this bit would have been brutal fun on the bandit.. Real short blasting tight undulating road.. I was really missing my bike at this point, sometimes I could cruise and not care as I ride really differently with the missus on board but some other times I was kicking myself for trashing it.. More great scenery and clean cool air..


Out past Mae Cheam the road went on.. and on.. And on..




Good photo opps..


And great but quiet country.. I wouldnt want to get stuck in these hills after dark with a flat !! Felt like 'the hill s have eyes' kinda vibe :D !! You could crest one ridge, ride down through the valley, cross the river that runs through the bottom, then back up the other side, over 20kms sometimes without having seen anyone.. Coming from densely packed phuket it was a head trip !!

Having underestimated distance and time, our return was nearer dusk than I planned, but gave a couple of great sunset shots of this temple.


This day as a slideshow with many more pics

More to follow....

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That was probably the best of the ride shots.. This one is more the CM touristy stuff.. Really nice place with loads to keep you interested.

I spent a fair bit of time doing stuff that kept the missus happy, there was the usual



Local rides


Tigers and just silly stuff like zorbing


Bars / Gogos and nightlife.. It aint Pattaya (thank god) but there seemed plenty of places to head out to for anything less then a full on sex pest. Isnt that right Trent :o



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Other rides that got squeezed in..

A hop to Chiang Rai to see a Sailing buddy of mine.. Wish I had more time to make this a 2 day ride up through Fang and to enjoy it, as it was we made it a bit of a dash on the main roads.



We also did a Loop around the Phrao and Chiang Dao Loop and stumbled over the Chiang Dao cave system.. Wasnt expecting to drag my fat ass through underground caves !!


Nice place here.. Very scenic but nearly no one around..



Sorry not more bike and road pics.. I kinda only took pics when we stopped..

CM really impressed me.. Very livable, friendly locals, all farang needs in the way of supermarkets and development, but without the hordes of Costas type chavy tourists and the kind of Thais that prey on them.. I hope to be back up there (with a more reliable steed) shortly.

Thats the highlights.. Many many more pics up on flickr if anyone cares.


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Great Pics LivinLOS! Worth the wait :o

I'll be back in Thailand in late January and will be plotting a new IRON BUTT trip with my wingman Trent. How about the Udon Thani Bike Week on the 3-day weekend Feb 7-9th?

Get you bike sorted and let's ride!

Happy Trails,


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Great Pics LivinLOS! Worth the wait :o

I'll be back in Thailand in late January and will be plotting a new IRON BUTT trip with my wingman Trent. How about the Udon Thani Bike Week on the 3-day weekend Feb 7-9th?

Get you bike sorted and let's ride!

Happy Trails,


That might fit some timing I was playing around with a couple of weeks earlier than I wanted but.. We will see..

Plus I have bigger plans afoot :D

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Unfortunately (fortunately for some) I will be unable to make this trip. My sisters getting married and ive been requested to attend the Bux party for added entertainment. I will be gone from last weekend in January until approx 17th Feb.

I cannot make this trip, therefore this cannot be officially named Iron Butt 3 ...

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Same goes for me, I am back in the dark continent the 31st of Jan.

Well Trent looks like we have to make a Iron Butt III in Isaan and hopefully cross the border to Cambodia and do a manly tour there in January. We really should aim for one Iron trip a month, maybe ask Dave to give us a topic on GT-Rider unless Thai Visa want's to give us one here...

What do you say???

Allan you MUST come as well, that would make at least 3 weirdo's on the trip, think Trent has some others up the sleeve as well. And obviously anyone else who want to join, come up with ideas and lets roll there is casino's and hmm well fun places which is cheap over there.

The so-called Iron Butt III will end up as Iron butt IV or since Trent is not there it will probably be Iron un-butt or something... I am all for a monthly Iron Butt, and hopefully we get a topic on either Thai Visa or GT-Riders!!! Maybe need a group name hehe :o

Cheers Bard

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Unfortunately (fortunately for some) I will be unable to make this trip. My sisters getting married and ive been requested to attend the Bux party for added entertainment. I will be gone from last weekend in January until approx 17th Feb.

I cannot make this trip, therefore this cannot be officially named Iron Butt 3 ...

No worries. At least now we can up the pace. :D

This one will be called Titanium Butt :o

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I'm up for some rides if i'm not working. i'm down for coming to BIRA. let me know the detils.


Allan Bira run is the 4th of Jan (Trent's birthday) going to Pattaya for some manly R&R and birthday fun afterward.

What times are you free in Jan? should be a bit longer than a weekend since we have lots to do over there.

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Agreed- we can't call this one Iron Butt if Trent's not around, so I'm going to re-name it the Lead Ass until someone comes up with a better name! :D:D:D:D

Happy Trails One and All!

How 'bout "First Long Ride that didn't see a Ninja 250 dropped"? I won't be there and that should drastically improve the chances of the title being true. :o

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Anyhooter Ironbutt sounds kinda old.

Perhaps we should come up with a name with some funk in it......

Or name each ride after a rider. Example:

Trent in Tights ride.

Flatout Tony Rides

Anthony sore ass ride

Andrew ride it,like you stole it ride.

Dave don't drop it ride

Alan no breakdown ride

Dan where my cb400 ride

You get the picture.......

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Anyhooter Ironbutt sounds kinda old.

Perhaps we should come up with a name with some funk in it......

Or name each ride after a rider. Example:

Trent in Tights ride.

Flatout Tony Rides

Anthony sore ass ride

Andrew ride it,like you stole it ride.

Dave don't drop it ride

Alan no breakdown ride

Dan where my cb400 ride

You get the picture.......

my ass was the least of my worries...maybe "Anthony severed spine ride" :o

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  • 2 weeks later...
Maybe Trent's Katoy ride :D or just simply The Visa Ride??? or The Visa Riders Tour hehe

How many is in for setting up a monthly ride?

Cheers Bard

hey i only just come back to this thread... seems im always being picked on everywhere. keep up the good work!

im definately up for some trouble around Isaan and Cambodia...can we leave today ? what time ??

ahh good to be back posting after a few weeks off over Christmas. 4500km and a set of tires later am back at work :o


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Maybe Trent's Katoy ride :D or just simply The Visa Ride??? or The Visa Riders Tour hehe

How many is in for setting up a monthly ride?

Cheers Bard

hey i only just come back to this thread... seems im always being picked on everywhere. keep up the good work!

im definately up for some trouble around Isaan and Cambodia...can we leave today ? what time ??

ahh good to be back posting after a few weeks off over Christmas. 4500km and a set of tires later am back at work :D


i hope you did the burnout just outside a tyre shop :o

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Maybe Trent's Katoy ride :D or just simply The Visa Ride??? or The Visa Riders Tour hehe

How many is in for setting up a monthly ride?

Cheers Bard

hey i only just come back to this thread... seems im always being picked on everywhere. keep up the good work!

im definately up for some trouble around Isaan and Cambodia...can we leave today ? what time ??

ahh good to be back posting after a few weeks off over Christmas. 4500km and a set of tires later am back at work :D


i hope you did the burnout just outside a tyre shop :o

yes and the guy that sold me the tires was the guy who went sick at me for filling his shop with smoke..its off screen but they are behind me yelling at me to stop...couldnt hear them on account of the roar from my exhaust :D

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