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100% Woman?


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Not a good idea to bet the farm on a piece of plastic (ID). Yes, they can be faked AND bought. If they have the determination to cut off their genitals, a move that is completely against most natural human instincts, then they probably have the 'balls' to go out and get a fake id.


How can they have 'balls' to get a fake ID? Didn't you just say that they were cut off? Hmmmmm :o

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You can't fake bone structure.

The rib cage alone will tell you the difference and answer your question, or did you never do anatomy at


You are partially correct.

I assume you learned your anatomy from the bible which if I remember correctly refers to females having one less rib than men.

Of course this information coming from the bible is incorrect and completely untrue.

There is at least one general and noticeable difference between male / female bones, it has nothing to do with the ribs though.

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Take her to a BBQ at your mates,if she takes over the grill your in trouble.

Ask yourself who has real control over the TV remote? if its not you your in trouble.

Leave a yorkie bar temptingly in the fridge if it goes missing or gets tampered with shes a he.

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Look at the feet.....my friend did.....after the fact......... :o

Yes, this is the only reliable test. Turn your GF upside-down and examine the feet. By law all Thai products have to be stamped "Made in Thailand" - if this is on the bottom of the right foot it's a boy, left foot it's a girl.

im a bit confused, i just turned my mrs over and she has made in thailand stamped on her left foot and made in loa stamped on the right on the right foot???

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sniff WHAT?

If you cant figure that one out...not going to explain it to you in graphic detail, but lets just say it has something to do with the smell of fish....

:o:D:D i understand your test.... but if all the women your mate goes with smell like that down under, he is picking the wrong one everytime :D

Disagree ^

It's one thing they can never duplicate, and amen to that.

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I know lots of posters are enjoying making fun of the OP and his question. But it is valid, and concerns are real.

I consider myself well-versed in the dance of the sexes, and I can usually tell if some "lady" has a Y chromosone.

But I was stymied myself last Sunday. I met a tall lady who had contacted me online. She was attractive, but her hands were long and strong. She had a very slight adam's apple, far smaller than a man's (but that could have been shaved down.) She had no breasts to speak of, but while very slender, she had a little female-looking fat covering her waist, and her butt was nicely curved. Her voice sounded female, but not excessivly so.

I have to say that while I think she is a real woman, I was not sure. In fact, I declined to go up to her apartment after because of my uncertainty.

I have always thought I can tell who is female and who is male, but this opened my eyes that maybe I can't always tell. So I feel for the OP..

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Look at the feet.....my friend did.....after the fact......... :o

Yes, this is the only reliable test. Turn your GF upside-down and examine the feet. By law all Thai products have to be stamped "Made in Thailand" - if this is on the bottom of the right foot it's a boy, left foot it's a girl.

Brilliant, Phaeton--I love it; no seriously, I must agree with Maigo though, although not up my alley [ as the actress said to the bishop] if it feels good do it-I think 'Winnie the rude word's' answer is also pretty sure-fire--chicks can't park.

Whilst I, too, feel for the OP [ and nearly got caught out one night a long time, and after far too many beers] this topic has got to have elicited the funniest answers for some time--good on yer guys and gals.

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I feel for the OP too, here.

Some of these 'converts' to the female body can be really convincing and at times I have also had difficulty telling the difference. Yet when you look closely there are differences. Be it voice, adams apple, mannerisms and physical differences. Embarrasing to get that close to find out you have been fooled :o

You don't want to have her examined by a doctor? On second thoughts that would be a giveaway to her that you have doubts. Ever thought of talking to her about your fears? IF you two are serious she might agree to an examination.

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Thats what I heard too about the arms bending thingy. Guys can only straighten their arms but females can bend their arms past their elbows.

Never had the opportunity to ask a ladyboy to try it. I attract too much attention from them as it is, dont need to be come involved with an experiment with tem.

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But I was stymied myself last Sunday. I met a tall lady who had contacted me online. She was attractive, but her hands were long and strong. She had a very slight adam's apple, far smaller than a man's (but that could have been shaved down.) She had no breasts to speak of, but while very slender, she had a little female-looking fat covering her waist, and her butt was nicely curved. Her voice sounded female, but not excessivly so.

"Shaved down"?? Pray tell, how do you think that is done? And what is an "excessive" female voice? "Female-looking" fat? Bloody hel_l, I didn't know anyone could tell the difference...

If it put you off, that should've been more than enough - it is irrelevant as to whether the person was male or female.

Edited by onethailand
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For "half a year of dating", one would think that the OP would know this person well enough, well... well enough for the OP to ask her to walk down the aisle with him. If you had to doubt after "half a year of dating", I say there is a possibility... but are you ready for the answer if she really is a he. :o

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I have been dating a Thai girl for about half a year. Everything is going real well. She acts more farang and we are in what would be considered a western-style relationship. I am falling in love, but due to the well-know presence of ladyboys I'm still a little hesitant.

There seems to be a proceedure for everything to make a 100% woman, but I was wondering if there is anything that can't be faked? Is there someway of verifing this before we get to serious?

Well you have to go through her direct.. :D I mean verabally just ask her/him..I am sure you will get an answer.. :o

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But I was stymied myself last Sunday. I met a tall lady who had contacted me online. She was attractive, but her hands were long and strong. She had a very slight adam's apple, far smaller than a man's (but that could have been shaved down.) She had no breasts to speak of, but while very slender, she had a little female-looking fat covering her waist, and her butt was nicely curved. Her voice sounded female, but not excessivly so.

"Shaved down"?? Pray tell, how do you think that is done? And what is an "excessive" female voice? "Female-looking" fat? Bloody hel_l, I didn't know anyone could tell the difference...

If it put you off, that should've been more than enough - it is irrelevant as to whether the person was male or female.

When a guy gets a sex-change operation, they often get their adam's apple shaved to make it smaller. "Shaving" is the term the doctors use--I don't know if it is really shaving, per se, or merely cutting. And shaving also affects the voice.

There are some voices which are clearly female and some are clearly male, in my opinion. Some voices are more androgynous.

And yes fat is distributed differently on men and women. Just look at where it is distributed. And skinny women tend to have some fat covering various spots on their bodies while skinny men tend to look more muscular (not really huge muscles, just there is no fat covering them).

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Thats what I heard too about the arms bending thingy. Guys can only straighten their arms but females can bend their arms past their elbows.

Never had the opportunity to ask a ladyboy to try it. I attract too much attention from them as it is, dont need to be come involved with an experiment with tem.

guys can bend their arms past their elbows. i can anyway. if i can then so could some other dude trying to be a chick.

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Thats what I heard too about the arms bending thingy. Guys can only straighten their arms but females can bend their arms past their elbows.

Never had the opportunity to ask a ladyboy to try it. I attract too much attention from them as it is, dont need to be come involved with an experiment with tem.

guys can bend their arms past their elbows. i can anyway. if i can then so could some other dude trying to be a chick.

but one you could have her try (especially if she is well endowed) is to see if she can touch her elbows behind her back.

In fact this should be a test for all women. It is great to watch.

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Hello! I am currently in a situation that should be fairly common for more seasoned expats and experts on Thai culture. This seems to be the best place to ask.

I have been dating a Thai girl for about half a year. Everything is going real well. She acts more farang and we are in what would be considered a western-style relationship. I am falling in love, but due to the well-know presence of ladyboys I'm still a little hesitant. Everything leads me to believe she is a genuine woman. All the parts are anatomically accurate (I don't mean to claim myself an expert, but I do know my way around a woman's body very well), and even IDs are all in order. However, she says that she doesn't think she can have children due to a couple abortions in the past and few years of unsucsessful attempts at conception in her last serious relationship. Anytime she says this, I am a bit shaken because I want to have my own children someday. She says she believes a doctor could help her get pregnant, but the whole situation in Thailand makes me wonder if this is all a cover up.

There seems to be a proceedure for everything to make a 100% woman, but I was wondering if there is anything that can't be faked? Is there someway of verifing this before we get to serious?


are you sure you know the difference?

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Thats what I heard too about the arms bending thingy. Guys can only straighten their arms but females can bend their arms past their elbows.

Never had the opportunity to ask a ladyboy to try it. I attract too much attention from them as it is, dont need to be come involved with an experiment with tem.

guys can bend their arms past their elbows. i can anyway. if i can then so could some other dude trying to be a chick.

maybes it is a destiny calling .. hahah j/k j/k

Nar it bends a like more to the left or righ depending witch arm.. I saw it yesterday was interesting..

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I have had to delete some posts, one that was slagging others, and another in reply to it

if you believe the OP to be false, then dont reply to the thread. if you choose to reply then at least be respectful if not helpful.

the forum rules prohibit slagging off any other person, and I will not tolerate it.

good luck

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There seems to be a proceedure for everything to make a 100% woman, but I was wondering if there is anything that can't be faked? Is there someway of verifing this before we get to serious?

BLOOD TEST! Either XX (female) or XY (male). It's one feature you can't change even with a blood transfusion!

Just go get a SIDs test. Just tell her it's just for the protection for both of you and have the Doctor confirm for you.

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