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Fxxxxxx Rain!


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As much I appreciate the cooler temps, the daily grey and afternoon/evening rain is just annoying. I might be worng, but last years it was different. Some heavy rains sometimes, but not every day!

Driving back from work at Rayong this early evening it was kind of a nightmare. Constant flashes, heavy rain, max speed on 36 was about 50 km/h, took me much more than 1 hr.

Hope the weekend gets drier, except for myself :-)


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As much I appreciate the cooler temps, the daily grey and afternoon/evening rain is just annoying. I might be worng, but last years it was different. Some heavy rains sometimes, but not every day!

Driving back from work at Rayong this early evening it was kind of a nightmare. Constant flashes, heavy rain, max speed on 36 was about 50 km/h, took me much more than 1 hr.

Hope the weekend gets drier, except for myself :-)


And your point is ??

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Living around Lake Mabprachan I can assure you the current constant downpour is a godsend.

Levels were alarmingly low considering we are at the end of the rainy season, but right now you can see the level rising just looking at it!

Now the one thing I don't like is lightning.

I had roughly 100,000 Baht damage done yesterday by a direct lightning bolt hit.

Almost all network ports on equipment (modem, router, hubs, about 10 PC's, network printer etc. all blew up from the static and little blue sparks raging through my place. A few PC's blew up altogether, and each single piece of equipment was behind a UPS :o

I'm now down to accessing the internet on my laptop using a GPRS aircard, all the rest died on me...

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As much I appreciate the cooler temps, the daily grey and afternoon/evening rain is just annoying. I might be worng, but last years it was different. Some heavy rains sometimes, but not every day!

Driving back from work at Rayong this early evening it was kind of a nightmare. Constant flashes, heavy rain, max speed on 36 was about 50 km/h, took me much more than 1 hr.

Hope the weekend gets drier, except for myself :-)


We are lucky today mate it's tipping it down this morning, since 645 am, and Cable TV has gone off. Oh,and by the way it was just the same last night from 545 pm onwards,avec much thunder and lightening.

They do say the dams/reservoirs were very low and we do need it, and since we arrived in mid-May the rainy season has not been so rainy,perhaps we were overdue.

Good to be alive though Eh ?


Edited by enfield951
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Living around Lake Mabprachan I can assure you the current constant downpour is a godsend.

Levels were alarmingly low considering we are at the end of the rainy season, but right now you can see the level rising just looking at it!

Now the one thing I don't like is lightning.

I had roughly 100,000 Baht damage done yesterday by a direct lightning bolt hit.

Almost all network ports on equipment (modem, router, hubs, about 10 PC's, network printer etc. all blew up from the static and little blue sparks raging through my place. A few PC's blew up altogether, and each single piece of equipment was behind a UPS :o

I'm now down to accessing the internet on my laptop using a GPRS aircard, all the rest died on me...

I was hearing too, that so far there was not enough rain. I could not believe that, because I think there was (the statistics are confirming that as well).

So I wonder why the reservoirs are that kind of empty. Either the consumption was increasing strongly or...no idea.

I was not complaining really, but commuting to and from Rayong is not that fun in those heavy rains....


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August was very dry, at least along the coast in Jomtien, and July wasn't much better. We had several discussions around the swimming pool about the lack of rain, and how we would soon be suffering 2005-style water shortages if we didn't get some heavy rain in September and October. So let it rain, let it rain, let it rain, it's great! :o

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I'm now down to accessing the internet on my laptop using a GPRS aircard

Welcome to the club :D

I guess even a UPS won't protect your from a direct lightning strike :o

Depends on what UPS you have. The little cheap ones won't protect you a bit but the bigger, about the size of a laptop butthree times as thick, will provide the necessary surge protection. I don't know what they cost in Thailand but I am told they are around 150-180 USD in the USA.

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I recently got back from England, where they had a months worth of rainfall within a 24 hour period. They were air-lifting people from their homes because of flooding. I don't mind rain, but constantly where the sky is grey was a tad depressing.

Here on the other hand, its sunshine indoors all the way, so if anyone complains about it, tell them to sod off to England.

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What's all the fuss about..??

September has historically been the month with far more rainfall than any other month.

No big deal...except like Harley due (moo9), I also sometimes suffer, when riding my motorcycle in a heavy downpour....

...but a few km/miles later the rain stops and I'm dried by the tropical sun [uh, sometimes... :o ]

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What's all the fuss about..??

September has historically been the month with far more rainfall than any other month.

No big deal...except like Harley due (moo9), I also sometimes suffer, when riding my motorcycle in a heavy downpour....

...but a few km/miles later the rain stops and I'm dried by the tropical sun [uh, sometimes... :D ]

As you say - a few kilometres later it stops.

I am in Southern Vietnam and I have not seen the sun since April. It rains here for about ten hours out of every 24 and it is heavy rain, not showers, In Pattaya it is an hours rain / 3-4 hours sunshine most of the time.

I have always been a very cheerful, resilient guy (well - I am British :o ), but here I have learnt to understand how people become depressed and suicidal. Iy really is bad.

I have friends from the States who were here in the sixties and early seventies, on a paid vacation. I asked one or two how they coped during the monsoons and got the reply that "if we were out in the field, we just pulled our ponchos over our heads, wrapped our legs round a tree and let it flow round us".

I live on an unsurfaced road and it is all slick mud unless it is 6 inches of water. The whole town of Ca Mau is under water and this is not unusual. Two pairs of shoes fallen to bits in the past two months.

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What's all the fuss about..??

September has historically been the month with far more rainfall than any other month.

No big deal...except like Harley due (moo9), I also sometimes suffer, when riding my motorcycle in a heavy downpour....

...but a few km/miles later the rain stops and I'm dried by the tropical sun [uh, sometimes... :o ]

October in Pattaya is, and always has been the month with the most rainfall, by a significant amount, yet every year people forecast the end of the rainy season now! Long way to go yet, I usually enjoy it, but the current dull period is dragging on.

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Living around Lake Mabprachan I can assure you the current constant downpour is a godsend.

Levels were alarmingly low considering we are at the end of the rainy season, but right now you can see the level rising just looking at it!

Now the one thing I don't like is lightning.

I had roughly 100,000 Baht damage done yesterday by a direct lightning bolt hit.

Almost all network ports on equipment (modem, router, hubs, about 10 PC's, network printer etc. all blew up from the static and little blue sparks raging through my place. A few PC's blew up altogether, and each single piece of equipment was behind a UPS :o

I'm now down to accessing the internet on my laptop using a GPRS aircard, all the rest died on me...

I was hearing too, that so far there was not enough rain. I could not believe that, because I think there was (the statistics are confirming that as well).

So I wonder why the reservoirs are that kind of empty. Either the consumption was increasing strongly or...no idea.

I was not complaining really, but commuting to and from Rayong is not that fun in those heavy rains....


Commuting between South PTT and North Chonburi every day, indeed, yesterday evening a great view, but not very nice to drive on the 7 en 36.

This morning, suddenly almost got stuck in a mini-reservoir on the Motorway nr. 7......luckily I was driving only 80 km/h, but some <deleted> 'flew' in the lake with a 140 km/h..........

Edited by farangtingtong
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I'm now down to accessing the internet on my laptop using a GPRS aircard

Welcome to the club :D

I guess even a UPS won't protect your from a direct lightning strike :D

Depends on what UPS you have. The little cheap ones won't protect you a bit but the bigger, about the size of a laptop butthree times as thick, will provide the necessary surge protection. I don't know what they cost in Thailand but I am told they are around 150-180 USD in the USA.

there is NO 100% protection against a strong lightning hit. whether the surge is through the electrical supply or the phone line (exception unplugging all equipment) :o

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It is the same in Phuket and samui.... also very cold....

Just so you Pattaya ers, ites, onians etc feel like someone is picking on you, rest assured that the lovely metropolis of Bangkok is currently and has been under the same dark cloud as the rest of the country for the past year and a half it seems.

If in fact you are experiencing boughts of moldiness around your place of comfort (house is what i mean), don't blame it on the poor girl down at the bar for not taking the time to ensure that everything is dry before entering.

In this weather it's best to keep indoors, undercover and out of the wet was what my mom used to tell me. Personally, i prefer the opposite.

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Yes, the rainy season friend. I love it, to me it mean a green green rice field, a great harvest for the Thai farmers and maybe just maybe a little profit for the rice, if ONLY they could cut out that DARN old middle MAN. If I am lucky no in-laws needing a loan because could not grow any rice. :o:D:D:D:(:D

Edited by BigSnake
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