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Bangkok Pubs - All Smoke-free Or Just Some?


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Are the pubs in Bangkok really smoke-free now? The law is being followed? By all?

I read on another post that the Huntsman is not. What about all the rest?

Molly Malones? The Londoner?

What is the deal at bar-beers?

There's a couple of tables outside the Londoner's front door for smokers. I very much doubt you can smoke in the Huntsman, I was in there a couple of weeks ago and noticed no sign of smoking.

Every other indoor bar I went to for about two months is enforcing the smoking ban. Open air bars / outside is fine of course.

I was also in Phuket and they don't appear to be enforcing it at all there, not anywhere I went anyway.

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Yes you can smoke in The Huntsman at The Landmark as they are flouting the law as opposed to the more responsible pubs like the Londoner, who provide adequate facilities for their smoking customers.

I wonder if I can now enjoy a smoke at their other restaurants in the hotel?

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Keep in mind, the no-smoking law applies to enclosed air con areas.... So in BKK, I'd say, most such places, even some of the bigger Thai clubs, ARE following the law -- though certainly not all.

A number of the pubs and bars have taken to having (outdoor) patio tables or rooftop areas set aside for smokers.

I don't smoke and don't like to be around it. Last time I was at the Huntsman in the basement of the Landmark Hotel, there were a fair number of people smoking inside, which made having a pleasant meal pretty difficult. Makes me less inclined to go back there....

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Keep in mind, the no-smoking law applies to enclosed air con areas.... So in BKK, I'd say, most such places, even some of the bigger Thai clubs, ARE following the law -- though certainly not all.

A number of the pubs and bars have taken to having (outdoor) patio tables or rooftop areas set aside for smokers.

I don't smoke and don't like to be around it. Last time I was at the Huntsman in the basement of the Landmark Hotel, there were a fair number of people smoking inside, which made having a pleasant meal pretty difficult. Makes me less inclined to go back there....

Then don't go back there.

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Then don't go back there.

Not really constructive answer to a reasonable question.

The fact remains that whether I like or not it is against the law to smoke in such establishments, I am liable for a fine of 2000 Baht if caught and the establishment liable for a fine of 20000 Baht. As I understand there is a number to call to report the laws being broken, it only takes one person on a mission.

It is my right to smoke or not, but my duty to respect the law, I think previous posters have a right to expect that establishments would comply with the law of the land, whether I like it or not.

Edited by Governor
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Then don't go back there.

Yet another constructive answer from you to a reasonable question.

The fact remains that whether I like or not it is against the law to smoke in such establishments, I am liable for a fine of 2000 Baht if caught and the establishment liable for a fine of 20000 Baht. As I understand there is a number to call to report the laws being broken, it only takes one person on a mission.

It is my right to smoke or not, but my duty to respect the law, I think previous posters have a right to expect that establishments would comply with the law of the land, whether I like it or not.

The only question that he asked was he may not go back there. Was it a question? Hence my reply there Gov. It's ok I will disregard your comments as 'sour grapes' because some other establishments seem to get away with allowing smoking and you can't.

The fact remains that writing letters to the Bk Post or on here complaining that authorities won't (or subjectively) enforce the law, will have little affect, unless of course you are one of those farangs that honestly believes they can change local thinking by simply applying your morals upon it. As we have seen here and just about every other country in the world, laws are often open to interpritation.

If you have an issue with a certain establish not conforming to the laws, I suggest to take it up with the authorities directly. And while you are on the smoking crusade, why not also ask authorities to clamp down on all those other things that are against the law here as well, but seem to thrive. Come back and report to us when you have saved the world.

Constructive enough for you? If not, go back to your home country and tell someone who cares.

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I thought you would take the bait.

The poster said they were less inclined to go back, didn't seem like a question to me.

I have no problem with people smoking, you have misunderstood me, I don't and have never smoked, I simply indicated it's my duty and desire to respect the law of the country I have chosen to live, as well as my right to smoke or not. If others decide to flout the law that entirely their choice.

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Then don't go back there.

Not really constructive answer to a reasonable question.

The fact remains that whether I like or not it is against the law to smoke in such establishments, I am liable for a fine of 2000 Baht if caught and the establishment liable for a fine of 20000 Baht. As I understand there is a number to call to report the laws being broken, it only takes one person on a mission.

It is my right to smoke or not, but my duty to respect the law, I think previous posters have a right to expect that establishments would comply with the law of the land, whether I like it or not.

Belonging to the Landmark the Huntsman might be considered a private club and the law don't apply there.

It's stretching the interpretation of the law but I guess the Landmark has the clout to do that should it ever come to a lawsuit.

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What's your problem... BKK James....??? Lighten up with the ATTITUDE....

I didn't ASK any question re the Huntsman.... I did make a personal STATEMENT.... saying simply, the fact they don't follow the current law against indoor smoking makes me less likely to go there again as a patron, since I have many other choices of establishments where they are following the law.

And, I don't think either I or Governor were complaining about anything, or talking about crusades, or writing letters to the newspaper... So I'm not sure where you're pulling all that stuff from...

The OP here (which was not me) asked a question about whether the smoking law is being enforced in BKK establishments... I and others attempted to answer his question... That's all....

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The Huntsman is a public restaurant/pub that happens to be located inside a hotel, the same as about 10,000 other similar establishments around BKK. Suggesting it to be a "private club" isn't just stretching the interpretation of the law.... It's silly nonsense.

Belonging to the Landmark the Huntsman might be considered a private club and the law don't apply there.

It's stretching the interpretation of the law but I guess the Landmark has the clout to do that should it ever come to a lawsuit.

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What's your problem... BKK James....??? Lighten up with the ATTITUDE....

I didn't ASK any question re the Huntsman.... I did make a personal STATEMENT.... saying simply, the fact they don't follow the current law against indoor smoking makes me less likely to go there again as a patron, since I have many other choices of establishments where they are following the law.

And, I don't think either I or Governor were complaining about anything, or talking about crusades, or writing letters to the newspaper... So I'm not sure where you're pulling all that stuff from...

The OP here (which was not me) asked a question about whether the smoking law is being enforced in BKK establishments... I and others attempted to answer his question... That's all....

Very BOLD of you, your reply. My POINT is if you don't want to go to the Huntsman or any other establishment that allows smoking, then DON'T go.

Much like I don't like to go to clubs full of freelancers (which also happens to be illegal here) so I don't go to Spice, CM2 and the like.

BTW, I wasn't really taking offense to your reply to the OP I was in fact replying to the Gov.

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I noticed in my most recent visit to my favorite local Japanese joint that all the entering Japanese people were walking through the cute downstairs restaurant to an upstairs I didn't know existed. At first I just assumed it was a party, but that made less sense as people came in. After the first couple came back down, though, it didn't take long to figure it out, heh. Smelled like a bunch of Turks. So it looks like the Japanese have found a clever way around the law - upstairs smoke-easys.

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Keep in mind, the no-smoking law applies to enclosed air con areas.... So in BKK, I'd say, most such places, even some of the bigger Thai clubs, ARE following the law -- though certainly not all.

A number of the pubs and bars have taken to having (outdoor) patio tables or rooftop areas set aside for smokers.

I don't smoke and don't like to be around it. Last time I was at the Huntsman in the basement of the Landmark Hotel, there were a fair number of people smoking inside, which made having a pleasant meal pretty difficult. Makes me less inclined to go back there....

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The last time this smoking issue came up, I suggested it would be better if some clubs/pubs were allowed to be smoking ones; it seems like some of them have made this decision on their own (probably at a certain amount of expense to the BiB). If there are a few dotted around here and there, it's only sensible, I think, especially now that most of us can go to most places without worrying about the smoking issue (and what a luxury that is, finally!!!).

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I love it whenever there is any thread on smoking. The anti-smoking Nazis always have to tell us what bad people we are to smoke etc, etc.

I say let your feet do the talking. If a restaurant, bar, club, pub was loosing a large portion of their clientele and profits because people went elsewhere to avoid the smoking don't you think that they would voluntarily go non-smoking? Capitalism is a good thing. If you give your customers what they want you make lots of money, you don't you go out of business. Governments pass laws such as these because they know private business owners would never voluntarily ban smoking especially in a bar. Going to a bar and smoke go together.

Some people just have to impose their values on others. It's too bad I can't stream the Penn and Teller Bullshit! episode on second hand smoke on the forum. There is no solid science on the subject as of yet. Just like silicone breast implants (thought they were bad, then find out they are perfectly safe) and recycling (more pollution and greenhouse gasses are created by recycling than going to the landfill). Global Warming (in the 70s and 80 pollution was supposed to cause an Ice Age) I could go on and on. When it comes to emotional subjects, like, I don't know, smoking, people can not be objective. They can only see it from their emotional standpoint. It makes them feel better that they maybe helping some poor stupid smoker quit.... No thank you we don't need it. Do you think that smokers saw the warnings and exclaimed: Holy Shit! Smoking's bad, I thought cigarettes were good for ya, and they have like vitamins and stuff! To quote Denis Leary

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I find a lot of pubs where the clientele is overwhelmingly Thai do not enforce any smoking ban. On the other hand, majority farang-customer pubs have to enforce it. It's a cultural reflection. The majority of Thai boozers either smoke or don't mind other people's smoke. The majority of farang boozers are non-smokers and obey rules. The majority of Thai coppers like a myriad of laws and regulations so they have an opportunity to extract bribes and pay-offs. I would comment on Japanese but they generally keep other nationalities out of their pubs.

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GunnyD, I'm not a anti-smoking Nazi, but I am a non-smoker... And I'm never one to tell you or anyone like you that you're bad for smoking. If you want to ruin your health and/or kill yourself smoking, please be my guest. I just don't want you to take me with you, or be subjected to your smoke when I choose not to smoke or breathe other people's smoke into my lungs. As long as you don't impact other people, go right ahead.....

I love it whenever there is any thread on smoking. The anti-smoking Nazis always have to tell us what bad people we are to smoke etc, etc.

I say let your feet do the talking. If a restaurant, bar, club, pub was loosing a large portion of their clientele and profits because people went elsewhere to avoid the smoking don't you think that they would voluntarily go non-smoking? Capitalism is a good thing. If you give your customers what they want you make lots of money, you don't you go out of business. Governments pass laws such as these because they know private business owners would never voluntarily ban smoking especially in a bar. Going to a bar and smoke go together.

Some people just have to impose their values on others. It's too bad I can't stream the Penn and Teller Bullshit! episode on second hand smoke on the forum. There is no solid science on the subject as of yet. Just like silicone breast implants (thought they were bad, then find out they are perfectly safe) and recycling (more pollution and greenhouse gasses are created by recycling than going to the landfill). Global Warming (in the 70s and 80 pollution was supposed to cause an Ice Age) I could go on and on. When it comes to emotional subjects, like, I don't know, smoking, people can not be objective. They can only see it from their emotional standpoint. It makes them feel better that they maybe helping some poor stupid smoker quit.... No thank you we don't need it. Do you think that smokers saw the warnings and exclaimed: Holy Shit! Smoking's bad, I thought cigarettes were good for ya, and they have like vitamins and stuff! To quote Denis Leary

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GunnyD, I'm not a anti-smoking Nazi, but I am a non-smoker... And I'm never one to tell you or anyone like you that you're bad for smoking. If you want to ruin your health and/or kill yourself smoking, please be my guest. I just don't want you to take me with you, or be subjected to your smoke when I choose not to smoke or breathe other people's smoke into my lungs. As long as you don't impact other people, go right ahead.....

Like they (many others on this board) say, if you don't like what's going on in Thailand then leave.

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If you'd bother to check, what's "going on" in Thailand is a law against smoking in indoors, air con venues. So I guess, you should consider taking your own advice...

I'm just fine here... I'm content to follow the law, and see it properly enforced.

GunnyD, I'm not a anti-smoking Nazi, but I am a non-smoker... And I'm never one to tell you or anyone like you that you're bad for smoking. If you want to ruin your health and/or kill yourself smoking, please be my guest. I just don't want you to take me with you, or be subjected to your smoke when I choose not to smoke or breathe other people's smoke into my lungs. As long as you don't impact other people, go right ahead.....

Like they (many others on this board) say, if you don't like what's going on in Thailand then leave.

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If you'd bother to check, what's "going on" in Thailand is a law against smoking in indoors, air con venues. So I guess, you should consider taking your own advice...

I'm just fine here... I'm content to follow the law, and see it properly enforced.

GunnyD, I'm not a anti-smoking Nazi, but I am a non-smoker... And I'm never one to tell you or anyone like you that you're bad for smoking. If you want to ruin your health and/or kill yourself smoking, please be my guest. I just don't want you to take me with you, or be subjected to your smoke when I choose not to smoke or breathe other people's smoke into my lungs. As long as you don't impact other people, go right ahead.....

Like they (many others on this board) say, if you don't like what's going on in Thailand then leave.

"Properly enforced", just like all the other laws.

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"Properly enforced", just like all the other laws.

Whether it is enforced or not it is still the law. I, as a guest of this country try and abide by the laws of the land, if others choose not to do so, that is really their choice, and may I suggest that it might indicate their general respect for others.

Whilst I am a non smoker, I have no desire to prevent others enjoying their smoke but I would rather not share it with them. I am certainly not on a crusade, and most certainly object to being called an anti smoking nazi, a pretty insulting description.

It has also been suggested that if I don't like people ignoring the no smoking laws, I should leave the country, I am sure smokers and non smokers alike will agree this is a pretty dumb statement, others ignore the law, so I should leave the country.

Thailand, like most civilised countries in the world, has outlawed smoking in such environments, and I am sure they have done this for a very good reason.

I am also disappointed that this thread, like most previous threads on this subject, has turned into smokers insulting non smokers just because they have dared to state they do not wish to share other peoples second hand smoke.

If the smokers amongst us enjoy smoking then good luck to you, if there are smokers who are trying to kick their addiction, then also good luck to you, I understand it's very difficult. But please give us non smokers the courtesey of enjoying a smoke free enviorment without insulting us, it is really not nessessary.

Edited by Governor
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Hit a verve have I? I didn't name anyone in particular. Thou doest protest too much.

To give complete disclosure, I don't drink on a regular basis, I don't drink here, and in fact I have never been to a bar in Bangkok. Frankly I can't stand stupid drunk people. I also keep to the non-smoking section (when or where there still are) when I eat out. I am not much for mixing eating and smoking. In fact I only go out with my dad or other vets to the American Legion Post 103 where since we are a private club we can smoke and drink legally indoors.

My use of the term "Smoke Nazi" is for SHOCK FACTOR and it seemed to work.

In case you just honed in on the "Smoke Nazi" line and didn't bother to read anything else. My main problem is government legislating behavior. I can't stand people who impose their morality on me or anyone else. Next is the Transfats Example 2008 Democratic National Convention banned all transfats, as some cities in California have tried to pass. Private business is just that, private. If you don't like how a person does business you don't return. I have had bad service at a place, or been annoyed by the atmosphere (noise, music, etc.) and I do something amazingly easy, I don't go back! I don't expect a law to be passed to cater to my wants. Discrimination against smokers is the hip thing to do today. Next it will be picking on the overweight.

Edited by gunnyd
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Yes...I can certainly understand...why we don't want any government legislation of behavior....

--no rules against driving your car the wrong way down the road

--no rules to try to keep the airplane you're flying on safe

--no rules against dumping pollution into the water people drink

--no rules against driving while drinking.... etc etc etc

If only there were no government rules regarding behavior, the world would be such a better place. :o

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It's very funny when smokers get all bent out of shape and angry about this one. Second smoke gives people lung cancer, period. You shouldn't have a right to smoke wherever you want, as it infringes on the rights of others to have a healthy atmosphere. Period. But smokers like to take it personal and say that their rights are being taken away. Nonsense. You are taking the rights of others such as those who work at the bar or frequent the bar and don't smoke to not get lung cancer through your second hand smoke. It's really quite simple. Anyone who gets all mad about is merely being sensitive and selfish. Sure you can have places to smoke, but they must be enclosed or outdoor areas where people who don't care about getting second hand smoke or smokers themselves can be free to go. Smokers just love to throw up smoke screens (yep that's a bad joke) on this issue about rights that don't exist as they seriously infringe on others' rights. The only ground for argument smokers have to stand on is one of smoke...................

Edit: gunnyd and others are missing the point. It's not a personal rights or even a moral issue, it's a health issue. You can still smoke, just not when it harms others. It's like shooting guns (at least in places where you can have guns). You can shoot guns when hunting or at a gun range as you have the right to that, but when you shoot someone else then it becomes wrong.

Edited by Jimjim
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The fact remains that whether I like or not it is against the law to smoke in such establishments, I am liable for a fine of 2000 Baht if caught and the establishment liable for a fine of 20000 Baht. As I understand there is a number to call to report the laws being broken, it only takes one person on a mission.

Too bad the health dept. don't offer a bounty.

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To the OP

No there should not be any Bangkok pubs offering indoor smoking. Thai law forbids it.

To everyone else. Thanks for the entertainment. I get bored sitting around the apartment. I really enjoy provoking discussion on controversial topics.

Darn I am ending up like JingThing???? I'd better not post for a while.... :D Maybe not, I like reading and making posts on TV :o

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