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Is This Theoretically Possible ?

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(UK citizen, 48 years old, Thai GF - 3 years, with own house)

Is the following theoretically possible without having to leave the Kingdom?

1. Enter Thailand on a 30 day stamp.

2. Marry the Thai girlfriend. (local Thai ceremony).

3. Register the marriage at District Office.

4. Apply at BKK Immigration for 1 year marriage extension)

(including: satisfying the monthy/yearly income requirements, and any other necessities)

5. Annual visits to Immigration for further yearly extensions.


6. Reach 50 years old, but not bother with the retirement visa option, as it requires a larger monthly income.

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Yes. But you would have to act quickly, as you would need to convert your visa exempt entry within 9 days of entering Thailand.

Also, from where are you entering Thailand? If you are coming from the UK you might want to try to get a non-O visa for 90 days, based on friends or family in Thailand from the consulate in Hull. It would cost you a visa, but it would give you more time to arrange things and you could come on a one-way ticket.

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Thanks Mario

I am currently working somewhere in the middle east - so would be entering Thailand from Dubai, not UK.

Is my understanding correct on point 6. (with current legislation)

If you are married to Thai, and when you reach 50, dont bother with the retirement option?

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The marriage route is more hassle for you and immigration, as it involves much more paperwork. Also if the marriage ends (in divorce or death) you would have to leave the country. Marriage over, permission to stay ends.

The retirement option is easier, but will require you to deposit a lump of money (800,000) or 65,000 a month or a combination of both.

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Thanks guys

The local ceremony bit was only to keep her happy, and maybe earn some bonus points in the Karma bank.

Somebody states obtaining the 1 year marriage visa is a hassle?

So its not the case of registering legally at district office and then providing a document to prove to immigration?

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No. You would need proof of an income of 40,000 baht. That can be your, your wifes or combined income. For income withing thailand you need to show tax documents. For income gained outside of Thailand you need a declaration of your embassy stating your income.

Also you need to take your wife with you for an interview. They will require photo's of you and your wife in and outside the house and of your clothing closet with clothing of both of you in it. You will need a map to your house, etc. They will than give you 30 days and after final aproval you get the rest of the one year extension.

Best to check with the immigration office where you will aplly, as each office has some different rules as to which documents they require.

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