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Thailand being ridiculed/Thai Democracy / Samak in or out...


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Just saw on tv a court ruling for Samak to resign. Apparently he appeared on a Thai television cooking show for which he was compensated? Apparently not allowed by the constitution? Are we in for yet another election and fraud claims?

Some food for thought: Is the PAD very popular or where did they get all their support for the demonstrations? Here in the countryside it's big business. Get paid 1000 baht per day and free transport to Bangkok to participate???

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Just saw on tv a court ruling for Samak to resign. Apparently he appeared on a Thai television cooking show for which he was compensated? Apparently not allowed by the constitution? Are we in for yet another election and fraud claims?

Some food for thought: Is the PAD very popular or where did they get all their support for the demonstrations? Here in the countryside it's big business. Get paid 1000 baht per day and free transport to Bangkok to participate???


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Just saw on tv a court ruling for Samak to resign. Apparently he appeared on a Thai television cooking show for which he was compensated? Apparently not allowed by the constitution? Are we in for yet another election and fraud claims?

Some food for thought: Is the PAD very popular or where did they get all their support for the demonstrations? Here in the countryside it's big business. Get paid 1000 baht per day and free transport to Bangkok to participate???

The cooking show seems like an excuse to get Samak out. What the alternatives will bring, I don't know.

I do think LOS remains polarized and will continue to be polarized.

I am optimistic for Thailand as a nation, and yes, there will be political bumps in the road. What countries have not had these issues in their internecine politics in the course of their history?

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Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej has been ordered to resign after being found guilty of violating the constitution over a TV cookery show.

His entire cabinet has also been ordered to step down.this is the same cookery show that he was doing before and after his election for 8 years. what a shambles, the people at the top of Thailand, have just exceeded their stupidity. well done. and dont anyone tell me theres anyone better to run the country or less corrupt

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Yes, it's a shambles, the loss of face for the PM to step down would be to much for him, so no doubt his advisors with his consent concocted this scenario that forced him from office, without his resignation.

It's a crying shame that it will be percieved as a total joke.

But, it is.

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Instead of following the well trodden path to a"truly independent" media,as practised by most free societies...aka BBC ect...The Thais,(as usual) are doing it "The Thai Way".....Autocrasy is embeded in Asian politics......and so they are stumbling their way to fair media coverage for each political party,and the end of political censorship, state media monopoly,etc but its sooo funny to watch them trying to get their heads round "free media" and what it means and most importantly how to create it. :o

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Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej has been ordered to resign after being found guilty of violating the constitution over a TV cookery show.

His entire cabinet has also been ordered to step down.this is the same cookery show that he was doing before and after his election for 8 years. what a shambles, the people at the top of Thailand, have just exceeded their stupidity. well done. and dont anyone tell me theres anyone better to run the country or less corrupt

Read about that yesterday.


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Yes but it's an even bigger joke.

This from the Bangkok Post:-

Samak out, not down

Sacked Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej has accepted the People Power party's decision to nominate him again on Friday to lead the government, according to high ranking sources in the coalition parties.

The Constitution Court Tuesday afternoon disqualified Mr Samak from the job of prime minister for violating the constitution by hosting two cooking shows on commercial television.

So it appears the PPP can overrule the Constitution Court.

Rest of the story here : http://www.bangkokpost.net/topstories/tops...s.php?id=130537

The term banana republic springs to mind but I think Thailand's politicians don't even measure up to that description.

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Yes but it's an even bigger joke.

This from the Bangkok Post:-

Samak out, not down

Sacked Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej has accepted the People Power party's decision to nominate him again on Friday to lead the government, according to high ranking sources in the coalition parties.

The Constitution Court Tuesday afternoon disqualified Mr Samak from the job of prime minister for violating the constitution by hosting two cooking shows on commercial television.

So it appears the PPP can overrule the Constitution Court.

Rest of the story here : http://www.bangkokpost.net/topstories/tops...s.php?id=130537

The term banana republic springs to mind but I think Thailand's politicians don't even measure up to that description.

Well this is the exact case why Thailand is a laughing stock!!!

As the BBC pointed out last night that no one on the courts actually fully understood the new law, and that it only took a cookery show to bring him down, but then the stupid thing is they can re - elect him as PM Friday????? i mean <deleted> !!!

This little stunt ( as usal not thought through by anyone in power ) has just lost Thailand a lot of FACE

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Another blow to any form of democracy in Thailand.I think he was railroaded & the tanks are soon to roll to take the trash out of Bangkok if the protesters don't take the hint & get out of Dodge!

I guess high season looks like it will be a repeat of low season.

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Yes but it's an even bigger joke.

This from the Bangkok Post:-

Samak out, not down

Sacked Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej has accepted the People Power party's decision to nominate him again on Friday to lead the government, according to high ranking sources in the coalition parties.

The Constitution Court Tuesday afternoon disqualified Mr Samak from the job of prime minister for violating the constitution by hosting two cooking shows on commercial television.

So it appears the PPP can overrule the Constitution Court.

Rest of the story here : http://www.bangkokpost.net/topstories/tops...s.php?id=130537

The term banana republic springs to mind but I think Thailand's politicians don't even measure up to that description.

Quite true Phil, but that the story also hit the news outside of Thailand certainly says something.

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I have been Moving around a lot lately, haven't had a lot of time to focus on the Bangkok News and Political stuff.

People tell me there is Protesting in Bangkok and I'm like "Oh yeah? AGAIN?"

I was wondering if there is anyone out there who is really paying attention to what is going on, and can please post a whole story about what has happened in the past year so I can get caught up here a little.

Cause I read the News, but all I get is bits pieces and fragments of the Story, instead of getting an understanding of what is really going on. I mean in one News Article all I learned was someone was disqualified for hosting a Cooking Show? You're kidding right? That is actually a reason to disqualify someone in Thailand? What other strange reasons can Politicians get the Axe for? And in the Political arena who is the good guys and who are the Bad guys now? I'm beginning to lose track. My Head is spinning just trying to get a grip on all of it. Last I heard Thaksin was the Evil Republican. They got rid of him, then what happened? Where did it go wrong from there? They had an election and did it Count or not?

Who won that whole thing? Or they still haven't decided so they have to have ANOTHER election to solve the Dispute over the 1st election? How does that work?

If someone doesn't get it straight pretty soon it looks like Civil War is on the Horizon no?

So who is the good guys, and who is the Bad Guys right now? Who is doing what wrong the most?

Enlighten me a little here okay?



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I have been Moving around a lot lately, haven't had a lot of time to focus on the Bangkok News and Political stuff.

People tell me there is Protesting in Bangkok and I'm like "Oh yeah? AGAIN?"

I was wondering if there is anyone out there who is really paying attention to what is going on, and can please post a whole story about what has happened in the past year so I can get caught up here a little.

Cause I read the News, but all I get is bits pieces and fragments of the Story, instead of getting an understanding of what is really going on. I mean in one News Article all I learned was someone was disqualified for hosting a Cooking Show? You're kidding right? That is actually a reason to disqualify someone in Thailand? What other strange reasons can Politicians get the Axe for? And in the Political arena who is the good guys and who are the Bad guys now? I'm beginning to lose track. My Head is spinning just trying to get a grip on all of it. Last I heard Thaksin was the Evil Republican. They got rid of him, then what happened? Where did it go wrong from there? They had an election and did it Count or not?

Who won that whole thing? Or they still haven't decided so they have to have ANOTHER election to solve the Dispute over the 1st election? How does that work?

If someone doesn't get it straight pretty soon it looks like Civil War is on the Horizon no?

So who is the good guys, and who is the Bad Guys right now? Who is doing what wrong the most?

Enlighten me a little here okay?



which version do you want?

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Just read this on the wire service, Samak has been nominated again for PM. I used to think these guys were trying to do some good but I guess they are like the rest of the political bunch/ government people. In it for the cash. Why else would spend millions for a job that pays 108,000 Baht a month.

Edited by rocky3
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I'm a firm believer in the notion that people get the politicians they deserve. Frankly, if the Thai population are prepared to sell their democratic freedoms for the price of a bottle of sang saem, then they deserve the idiots they have representing them in Parliament, and their country in the (bewildered and incredulous) gaze of the rest of the world.

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So Newt Gingrich & Co. couldn't get Bill Clinton out of office for lying about sex with an intern. Dennis Kucinich couldn't get George W. Bush out of office for lying to take the country into war.

But over in Thailand, they can remove their leaders from office for appearing on cooking shows!

You read that right. Yesterday, the Thai Supreme Court ordered Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej to resign his seat for receiving $2,350 in illegal payments for appearing on the popular cooking show "Tasting and Complaining." Samak had in fact been the host of the show for seven years prior to becoming Prime Minister, and food was always his trademark.

In full: http://blog.indecision2008.com/2008/09/10/...peachment-tree/

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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