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Knife-wielding Intruder In Rawai

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.. The Chalong police are useless ...

...but extremely profitable - one of the most profitable stations in the country, I have read. I guess all those 300 bahts for not wearing a helmet add up. And minimal expense on crime solving helps the bottom line too.

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I have read in the news many quotes lately from Thai officials regarding the necessity to apprehend of someone who either has injured or killed a foreigner. The focus of their concern, however, is invariably from the perspective of correcting a problem that adversely affects tourism, and hence revenue. Why can't Thai officals be more focused on doing their job because it's their responsibility and/or it might make Thailand a generally safer place for all people or just because it's the right thing to do? Why does money always seem to take priority in Thailand over morals, ethics or just plain common sense? This preoccupation with money coupled with a self-serving attitude is the cause of corruption in all ranks of Thai government.

This preoccupation with money coupled with a self-serving attitude is the cause of corruption in all ranks of Thai government.

It's not just government officials. Unfortunately this attitude permeates all through Thai society, indeed many Asian societies. I've often wondered why Thais are like this and have had discussions with my Thai wife. She reasons that historically Thai people have had little money, no social security safety net or other government supplied benefits. Ok, Thais can live off the land, few are starving, but what happens if they get sick or injured. It takes money to get GOOD treatment.

I reason that in our Western societies people pay taxes & into pension/social security funds. Very few Thais pay any taxes or into social services. Ok, it's changing a bit these last couple of years with 30 baht health care (for what that's worth !) and a fledgling social security system for company (only) employees.

I have read in the news many quotes lately from Thai officials regarding the necessity to apprehend of someone who either has injured or killed a foreigner. The focus of their concern, however, is invariably from the perspective of correcting a problem that adversely affects tourism, and hence revenue. Why can't Thai officals be more focused on doing their job because it's their responsibility and/or it might make Thailand a generally safer place for all people or just because it's the right thing to do? Why does money always seem to take priority in Thailand over morals, ethics or just plain common sense? This preoccupation with money coupled with a self-serving attitude is the cause of corruption in all ranks of Thai government.

I've often wondered the same thing. Maybe it's the difference between Christianity and Buddhism. I don't see much of the "Love all men and women as your brothers and sisters" mentality here. Back home, a person didn't have to be a Bible thumper (or even go to church) to live by the Golden Rule.

This preoccupation with money coupled with a self-serving attitude is the cause of corruption in all ranks of Thai government.

It's not just government officials. Unfortunately this attitude permeates all through Thai society, indeed many Asian societies. I've often wondered why Thais are like this and have had discussions with my Thai wife. She reasons that historically Thai people have had little money, no social security safety net or other government supplied benefits. Ok, Thais can live off the land, few are starving, but what happens if they get sick or injured. It takes money to get GOOD treatment.

I reason that in our Western societies people pay taxes & into pension/social security funds. Very few Thais pay any taxes or into social services. Ok, it's changing a bit these last couple of years with 30 baht health care (for what that's worth !) and a fledgling social security system for company (only) employees.

Yes, I agree completely.

The truth is that the result is extortion, corruption (whatever you wish to call it) is endemic to all facets of Thai government, from the PM down to the local government officials. The Thais are very complacent about corruption unless they are personally adversely affected. Otherwise, an honest government is of little concern to most Thais and the result is a society with serious moral issues and a corrupt, dysfunctional government. Maybe that’s what they deserve…

The following article from the Bangkok Post illustrates same.

Report from today's Bangkok Post shows Thai people don't care about corruption. This supports what I have said before, the Thais only worry about what directly affects themselves. They cannot see the damage done to the nation because it isn't apparent to them.

A opinion poll which concludes Bangkok people don't really believe honesty is always the best policy shows a worrying decline in the morality of Thai society, Deputy Prime Minister Paiboon Wattanasiritham said yesterday.

The Abac Poll surveyed 2,506 people in Bangkok and nearby provinces and found that more than 70% of them were ready to ''accept'' a corrupt government if it would improve their own well-being.

Rest of article here : http://www.bangkokpost.net/News/12Jun2007_news10.php

May I give a shout out and thank you to MaximumSecurity for not jumping in here with his pitch.

I thought for sure he'd be in on this thread.

Thanks for the free plug. HuggyBear. Its always good to have our name mentioned, even at times of preventable tragedies like this. But we are no longer interested in sharing security information on ThaiVisa forums because of the insipid, ill-mannered attitudes of people like you and SirBurr.

We find it fascinating that you didn't want a company who guarantees their clients' safety to share their knowledge with the forum. Why is that?


Nothing wrong with having knowledge and sharing advice.  You could do this without pitching your products and services quite easily.  

>> But we are no longer interested in sharing security information on ThaiVisa forums because of the insipid, ill-mannered attitudes of people like you and SirBurr.

Yeah that's it, take your ball and go home.  boo hoo.

The truth is that the result is extortion, corruption (whatever you wish to call it) is endemic to all facets of Thai government, from the PM down to the local government officials. The Thais are very complacent about corruption unless they are personally adversely affected. Otherwise, an honest government is of little concern to most Thais and the result is a society with serious moral issues and a corrupt, dysfunctional government. Maybe that's what they deserve…

I detect a change in attitude from the more educated/well read Thais, mostly in Bangkok and the South. In the past couple of years this group of Thais no longer accept government corruption & government ineptitude & government waste. In the long term this will be good for Thailand, but expect some years of public demonstration & disorder.

Thanks for the free plug. HuggyBear. Its always good to have our name mentioned, even at times of preventable tragedies like this. But we are no longer interested in sharing security information on ThaiVisa forums because of the insipid, ill-mannered attitudes of people like you and SirBurr.

Thanks for the free plug. MaximumSecurity. Its always good to have my name mentioned blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada.

May I give a shout out and thank you to MaximumSecurity for not jumping in here with his pitch.

I thought for sure he'd be in on this thread.

Thanks for the free plug. HuggyBear. Its always good to have our name mentioned, even at times of preventable tragedies like this. But we are no longer interested in sharing security information on ThaiVisa forums because of the insipid, ill-mannered attitudes of people like you and SirBurr.

We find it fascinating that you didn't want a company who guarantees their clients' safety to share their knowledge with the forum. Why is that?

How is it that you "guarantee" my security? If I am wounded do you unwound me? Or maybe you are like the protection rackets. Someone hurts me, you send out some thugs to break legs. That may be worth paying for. I'll just keep my weapons close and guarantee at least that I won't go down alone.

May I give a shout out and thank you to MaximumSecurity for not jumping in here with his pitch.

I thought for sure he'd be in on this thread.

we are no longer interested in sharing security information on ThaiVisa forums because of the insipid, ill-mannered attitudes of people like you and Sir Burr

Coming from the guy who calls people whiners? What a joke you are, I doubt you could secure a baby's diapers from a poo.....

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