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Animal Armageddon In Kpn Tonight

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i don't care what they give them as long as it is humane. i am all for euthanization as a secondary means to control the population (after sterilization) since it prevents a lot of the dogs from suffering on the street as well.... but euthanization by poison is just too much horrible, drawn out suffering...

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How about Death by Chocolate?

Don't dogs die if you give them chocolate?

How about meat laced with valium?

Once they are unconscious, they can then be killed painlessly with a blow to the head.

I guess that you are just trying to wind up people who actually care. Pity.

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Not at all.

So far, the only solutions by the anti-culling people have been either a wailing and gnashing of teeth, a demand for peoples attitude to change (yeah....right), or solutions that are impractical, too expensive meaning that they will never happen.

The chocolate crack was tongue in cheek, but, the valium suggestion was serious.

Do you have any solutions that are practical, cost-effective and can be implemented now?

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Do you have any solutions that are practical, cost-effective and can be implemented now?

I have one:

Please donate whatever you can to PAC, so that they may continue doing their excellent work at keeping the KPG dog population down through spading.

There was no dog overpopulation problem in KPG prior to last week's culling, but there may well be one in 6-12 months unless PAC can get back on their feet.

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Not at all.

So far, the only solutions by the anti-culling people have been either a wailing and gnashing of teeth, a demand for peoples attitude to change (yeah....right), or solutions that are impractical, too expensive meaning that they will never happen.

The chocolate crack was tongue in cheek, but, the valium suggestion was serious.

Do you have any solutions that are practical, cost-effective and can be implemented now?

Yep, I think Jose's post to send a donation(s) to the PAC is the way to go and one that I support.

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Neutering may well work in Ko Phangan because of its relatively small size, but, it certainly hasn't / doesn't work in Phuket.

Donating money to the Phuket equivalent would be throwing good money after bad, but, if there really wasn't a problem before the cull (where did all these dead dogs come from and why did they have puppies if neutering was so successful), then I guess that's the way to go.

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