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Atm Fraud


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My daughter was here recently and used her ATM debit card (source Australia) to take small amounts of money out in Bangkok , Pattaya and Nong khai. When she returned to Australia and visited her bank to make a withdrawal the account was empty. Someone had emptied it........ How ? At no time was the card used in a store to buy goods. The card was in her wallet at all times and every receipt was taken from machine.

Fortuantly there was not a lot of money involved but this is scary stuff. The bank are slow to act and their remark was "oh it happens all the time in Asia" But how.

We do recall at one ATM, location not remembered, the screen said. access denied

Any clues anyone ?

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The bank has a record of every withdrawal. Take a look at that and it should give you a clue. Is you r daughter good at math? Can she balance a checkbook. AIs it possible that she withdrew it out herself and didn't realize it?

I know how you can avoid this problem using biomagnetic-synergy. First you get a new account with a new card. Put the card witha small magnet taped to the magnetic strip in your right front pocket if you are left handed and in your left rear pocket if you are right handed. It may take about an hour of brisk walking to energize the biomagnetic-synergy but once energized you will have no problems with unauthorized withdrawals from that card...ever!

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My daughter was here recently and used her ATM debit card (source Australia) to take small amounts of money out in Bangkok , Pattaya and Nong khai. When she returned to Australia and visited her bank to make a withdrawal the account was empty. Someone had emptied it........ How ? At no time was the card used in a store to buy goods. The card was in her wallet at all times and every receipt was taken from machine.

Fortuantly there was not a lot of money involved but this is scary stuff. The bank are slow to act and their remark was "oh it happens all the time in Asia" But how.

We do recall at one ATM, location not remembered, the screen said. access denied

Any clues anyone ?

Yes....same thing happened to me last week.. and all the ATMS where saying " access denied".....Australian account....The Australian bank is looking into it...

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my bank in the uk advised me never to withdraw cash from my uk account using a uk atm card in asia due to the amount of fraud.

always get cash from the bank counter by presenting the card and signing a slip.

its less convenient but much more secure.

pin numbers and card details can be easily obtained by cameras , over the shoulder looks and lebanese loops.

especially prevalent in tourist areas .

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...........................'Lebanese Loop' latest ATM scam..............................

Knight Ridder News Service

Last Updated: March 8, 2003

Look out, travelers. The latest bank card scam is the Lebanese Loop, according to police warnings on the Internet.

Thieves put a thin, clear plastic sleeve into the ATM slot. The machine cannot read the card, so it keeps asking you to register your PIN.

Meanwhile someone watches to learn the PIN while you try to get the ATM to respond.

After you finally give up, the thieves return, pull out the plastic sleeve with the card and drain the account.

So, before putting your card into an ATM, run your finger over the slot. The sleeve usually has a couple of prongs.

maybe thats why you get the access denied message.

sometimes the plastic sleeve has a thing that can read the strip on your card , your card is returned and the thief has your card details and your pin and goes off to make a clone of your card.

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I recently got hit with CC fraud. I live here in Bangkok.

I happened to check my CA, USA bank acct and noticed $300 withdrawals on successive days in Brooklyn, NY.

I immediately called my bank. First they cancelled the card. Then they opened an investigation and in about 10 days they refunded the $600.

Obviously, they were able to get the mag strip information somehow to duplicate the card.

But why an Asian ring would then cash in across the world in Brooklyn, NY is beyond me.

For me, the lesson is to check your accts often and only use the card at a bank ATM rather than at Emporium, MBK or on the street.

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They can do it by fitting a very slim card reader over the ATM card slot. The card reader is made to look like part of the ATM. They get your pin using a miniature camera. Sounds mad i know, but this is one method thats used in the U.K. :o

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They can do it  by fitting a very slim card reader over the ATM card slot. The card reader is made to look like part of the  ATM. They get your pin using a miniature      camera.  Sounds mad i know, but this is one method thats used in the  U.K.    :o

Over the last few years in Oz this scam has been going on. It seems that everytime an arrest is made, it is Malasians involved.

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