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Second Marriage And Making Of Will.


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Setting up a will.

If I was still in my first marriage, then its a no brainer. Just leave everything to the wife and then when she dies it would pass equally to all the children.

Now being in a second marriage, if I was to leave everything to my wife when I die, when her time comes then she would just leave it all to her children and ignore my child from my first marriage.

I'm interested in learning how other members that are on their second marriage have worded their wills to take care of both current spouse and children (either step-children or blood-children), and also children from a previous marriage.


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I'm leaving it all to my wife and trust her to divide it evenly between her and my kids when she kicks the bucket. My first concern is the wifes wellbeing and happyness. The kids are old enough to look after themself. So whatever is left over gets divided up between them.

I have no doubt that she will do the right thing. If she dosen't I will come back and haunt her. :o

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