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Just out of interest, what is the legal alchohol limet when driving in Thailand?

Offically that is....does anyone know?



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Just out of interest, what is the legal alchohol limet when driving in Thailand?

Offically that is....does anyone know?



Interesting that it's lower than the UK (0.8 mg/ml).

In answer to the OP, yes I do drive after drinking and probably drink a little more than I would in the UK. This does not mean I drive drunk!! I have no means of testing but I suspect I'd be a little over the UK limit.

Information for the rest of the world is here:-


"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


my mother and I were victims of a drunk driver in California. We were in the crosswalk on our way to a restaurant. She has a fractured pelvis and I have a broken fibula and tibula, missing teeth and permanent scars. I was in a 26 hour coma.


I am sorry but there is no excuse whatsoever for drink driving, i have seen first hand the effects of d/d. If i see someone getting in a car who is obviously drunk, i dont care if they are a friend i will tell them they shouldnt be driving, and if they dont stop and get a taxi or walk i will call the police.

I am not a grass but unforunately people who are drunk dont seem to listen to the sober people out there.

I have seen a friend killed by a d/d, beleive me it will live with me forever, my friend got hit by a car while he was crossing the road in the city centre and he was crushed against the railings by a pedestrian crossing, 22 years old!!!!! what a <deleted> waste of life and the d/d got 6 months in prison. :o

So for those of you that d/d you just better hope i dont see you doing it because i will report you


I can't drive, so drink driving has never been a problem for me. However, if I could drive I would never under the influence of any drug, I just couldn't bare the thought I was responsible for someone's death just because I couldn't be arsed to take a taxi.

Just out of interest, what is the legal alchohol limet when driving in Thailand?

Offically that is....does anyone know?



Interesting that it's lower than the UK (0.8 mg/ml).

In answer to the OP, yes I do drive after drinking and probably drink a little more than I would in the UK. This does not mean I drive drunk!! I have no means of testing but I suspect I'd be a little over the UK limit.

Information for the rest of the world is here:-


Over the limit but you don't think you drive drunk ?

Is drunk when you fall over ? :o

Interesting to note that there is no country which has a higher limit than the UK. :D


I have never been driving sober in Pattaya. Using alcohol every day on holiday, it would be very dangerous driving without drinking 5-6 Chang beers first. I drive only motor bike and I drive slowly. When I'm feeling drunk, I don't drive.

I have never been driving sober in Pattaya. Using alcohol every day on holiday, it would be very dangerous driving without drinking 5-6 Chang beers first. I drive only motor bike and I drive slowly. When I'm feeling drunk, I don't drive.

Well i hope you dont kill a child while you are drink driving, in fact i hope you fall off your bike and are maimed for life :o

I have experienced first hand someone who wasnt drunk yet managed to kill my friend. <deleted> like you need locking up, you are a danger to society and to yourself.

You <deleted> moron :D

QUOTE(lappami1 @ 2005-09-04 22:40:44)

I have never been driving sober in Pattaya. Using alcohol every day on holiday, it would be very dangerous driving without drinking 5-6 Chang beers first. I drive only motor bike and I drive slowly. When I'm feeling drunk, I don't drive.

Well i hope you dont kill a child while you are drink driving, in fact i hope you fall off your bike and are maimed for life 

I have experienced first hand someone who wasnt drunk yet managed to kill my friend. <deleted> like you need locking up, you are a danger to society and to yourself.

You <deleted> moron 

I'll second that Daleyboy. I wasn't interested in drunken Pattaya "holidaymaker's" opinions and experience.


Yep I still drink and drive/ride after a couple of cans of chang and so do all the other expats I know but after about three beers I wouldn,t drive unless it was a emergency


Now that i know that the death penalty can be applied for killing someone while drink driving i will never do it again.

i dont drink and drive at home in the UK, where you might get off with a 2 year ban.

Very supprissed people still drink drive in thailand.

Before anyone harps on about knowing the law, dont.


Trouble with DD is that it not only slows your reactions, it impairs your judgement and this can be the most dangerous aspect. The first instance being the decision that you're OK to drive...

However, there are of course many other causes of this, drugs both illegal, prescribed and in Thailand bought over the counter at a pharmacy.

Then there a lack of judgement brought on by infirmity and old age, and just plain stupid driving, what ever brings it on....

…people turning and talking, fiddling with the radio, looking at themselves in the rear-view mirror, not having any mirrors, driving with a crash helmet covering their headlamps, no brakes, faulty vehicles, protruding or insecure loads, wrong lane, sudden swerving to make a turn, stopping in the middle lane to get a U-turn, pulling a truck across a carriageway at night with no side lighting on the trailer, no indicators, no brake lights, no lights at all, overtaking on the inside, overtaking when someone is turning right (or left), shooting lights, U-turns at roundabouts, talking on mobile phones, gawping at other accidents, dawdling along looking for a shop or turning, etc., etc.

Is the idiot who runs you over sober any less to blame than the drunk?

In the UK they reckon that 30% of all accidents have alcohol involved...that means that 70% of all the B*****s who run into you are stone cold sober...does this mean that if they were drunk you'd have over a 50% better chance of not being hit!?!?!?!?!?!

In the UK they reckon that 30% of all accidents have alcohol involved...that means that  70% of all the B*****s who run into you are stone cold sober...does this mean that if they were drunk you'd have over a  50% better chance of not being hit!?!?!?!?!?!

very funny, I love stats too!

but you know the truth, you are less likely to have an accident when sober than when drunk. The 30% figure you quote does not indicate that DDs are only 5% of the drivers, so you are 6X more likely to have an accident when over the limit.

It is not really a subject to laugh about, esp if you get involved in such an accident


In the UK they reckon that 30% of all accidents have alcohol involved...that means that  70% of all the B*****s who run into you are stone cold sober...does this mean that if they were drunk you'd have over a  50% better chance of not being hit!?!?!?!?!?!

very funny, I love stats too!

but you know the truth, you are less likely to have an accident when sober than when drunk. The 30% figure you quote does not indicate that DDs are only 5% of the drivers, so you are 6X more likely to have an accident when over the limit.

It is not really a subject to laugh about, esp if you get involved in such an accident

just found another stat (ROSPA) that claims 16%, so that's down to 3 times more like to be involved.....

Drinking of course turns you into an idiot whether or not you are driving, but assuming that most drinkers aren't drunk all the time, what about the people who ARE idiots all the time? That means every mile they drive they are dangerous but DDs are only like that when they are drunk!? Unless of course they are both....


It's quite simple really - if you drink and drive, it increases your chances of killing/injuring an innocent person/child and yourself.

If you want to increase your chances jut a little, just take one beer or two, but remember other people chances of dying are increased too.

Sure there are sober idiots on the road, but they are nothing to the guy who drinks and then drives on a public road.


Drinking of course turns you into an idiot whether or not you are driving, but assuming that most drinkers aren't drunk all the time, what about the people who ARE idiots all the time? That means every mile they drive they are dangerous but DDs are only like that when they are drunk!? Unless of course they are both....

well, of course they are both, otherwise they would not drink and drive!!


I used to live in Chiang Rai's bar district (only by coincedence) and when too many people would ask me too many curious questions about my personal history, the accident would come up. You should see the guilty looks about drunk driving.

QUOTE(lappami1 @ 2005-09-04 22:40:44)

I have never been driving sober in Pattaya. Using alcohol every day on holiday, it would be very dangerous driving without drinking 5-6 Chang beers first. I drive only motor bike and I drive slowly. When I'm feeling drunk, I don't drive.

Well i hope you dont kill a child while you are drink driving, in fact i hope you fall off your bike and are maimed for life 

I have experienced first hand someone who wasnt drunk yet managed to kill my friend. <deleted> like you need locking up, you are a danger to society and to yourself.

You <deleted> moron 

I'll second that Daleyboy. I wasn't interested in drunken Pattaya "holidaymaker's" opinions and experience.

Exactly whose opinions are you interested in? If I knew I leave the comments for those who wish someone get maimed for life. I think you appreciate opinions like that. My point was that when you use alcohol regularly for a long time, your brains get used to it and you are not so huge risk for traffic if you don't drink too much.


The wifes friend owns a Motorbike and Car Rental shop in Jomtien. She always aske me if i want to rent and the answer is always no. I'm on my hols and probably pissed alot, so why do i need to (i know it's different for people living in LOS). I don't drink and drive in the UK, so why in LOS. Especially with all the freely and cheaply available transport, there is no need and IMHO and there are too many nutters on the road anyway.

Interestingly, unless i've missed a post, there hasn't been a mention of being "over the top" the morning after. A friend of mine went on a Christmas do, last year. He got up the following morning and drove to work. On the way, he was stopped by the police, they bagged him, he was over the top and that was that. How many of us have been a touch nervous about being breathalised the following morning? I think i've been guilty of that and yet, it is still drinking and driving :o

Exactly whose opinions are you interested in? If I knew I leave the comments for those who wish someone get maimed for life. I think you appreciate opinions like that. My point was that when you use alcohol regularly for a long time, your brains get used to it and you are not so huge risk for traffic if you don't drink too much.

If this is your attitude then your opinions arent of any interest to me. :D

And the bit about your brain getting used to it!!!! dont make me laugh, if you had half a brain you would be dangerous. How can you possibly justify that your brain gets used to it?

I really hope you dont kill someone while drunk in charge of a motor vehicle, do you think you could handle seeing that person being killed over and over in your head for the rest of your life? :o

I hope one day i see you getting into or onto a vehicle, drunk then i will take great pleasure in watching you being arrested and deported back to the hole which you crawled out from.

People like you make me sick, get a life and grow up

I hope one day i see you getting into or onto a vehicle, drunk then i will take great pleasure in watching you being arrested and deported back to the hole which you crawled out from.

I think you have few pleasures in your life. I hope you see soon someone arrested of some crime you deeply despise. In Pattaya the punishments are not very hard, 200-400 B and you can go on driving. I've heard that the punishments will be harder in future, then I maybe have to reconsider my D/D habits.

I think you have few pleasures in your life. I hope you see soon someone arrested of some crime you deeply despise. In Pattaya the punishments are not very hard, 200-400 B and you can go on driving. I've heard that the punishments will be harder in future, then I maybe have to reconsider my D/D habits.

Unfortunately correct. I hope you and your half brain do not get into an accident.

I saw a farang mow down a kid one day, tried to drive away, but the crowd caught him and beat him to a pulp; maybe his half brain was quartered? :o:D

QUOTE(lappami1 @ 2005-09-04 22:40:44)

I have never been driving sober in Pattaya. Using alcohol every day on holiday, it would be very dangerous driving without drinking 5-6 Chang beers first. I drive only motor bike and I drive slowly. When I'm feeling drunk, I don't drive.

Well i hope you dont kill a child while you are drink driving, in fact i hope you fall off your bike and are maimed for life 

I have experienced first hand someone who wasnt drunk yet managed to kill my friend. <deleted> like you need locking up, you are a danger to society and to yourself.

You <deleted> moron 

I'll second that Daleyboy. I wasn't interested in drunken Pattaya "holidaymaker's" opinions and experience.

Exactly whose opinions are you interested in? If I knew I leave the comments for those who wish someone get maimed for life. I think you appreciate opinions like that. My point was that when you use alcohol regularly for a long time, your brains get used to it and you are not so huge risk for traffic if you don't drink too much.

i think your brain gets used to something - not having any brain cells!


Driving home last night through the centre of Khon Kaen, I came to a hold up and asked what had happened, the answer, "2 teenagers dead".

What caused it, the reply, "mao" drunk. I am so used to hearing this that is has become normal.

The only good thing here was the fact that they didn't kill anyone else but themselves.


It's hard enough driving in the cities without adding alcohol to it.

I used to hire motorbikes and occasional drive them pissed in Patong. That was over 10 years ago now.

Thinking of the risk I was taking.

- No international drivers licence.

- No bike licence in my country.

- Pissed

Had travellers insurance but if I had an accident the company would have laughed at me! :D

Cheers :o


Those of us who like to drink A LITTLE before getting in the motor may find this site interesting (it's a blood alcohol guestimator).


Having fed my normal drinking habits into this I find that I'm probably under the UK limit (by about 25%) contrary to my previous post where I said I felt that I was probably just over the limit.

This will NOT increase the amount I drink.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

Those of us who like to drink A LITTLE before getting in the motor may find this site interesting (it's a blood alcohol guestimator).


Having fed my normal drinking habits into this I find that I'm probably under the UK limit (by about 25%) contrary to my previous post where I said I felt that I was probably just over the limit.

This will NOT increase the amount I drink.

My hat's off to you Crossy.

If I could control my drinking like that I would.

I think you may in the minority though.

What is particularly bad is that many farang drink and drive, yet they are the ones coming from societies where this is condoned.  These people won't drink in their home country, so why do they do it here?


Umm condoned means approved of Simon , did you mean another similar word?

Regards drink driving , no I don't. but my greatest fear when I move to Thailand is my wife and kids safety in Isaan. I have a fear that some idiot will mow them down or something similar.

Then I would probably be incarcerated for Murder.


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