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Hi folks, just returned from a nightmare trip to thailand (no 21 in 8 years),I read all the boards so I am not a total greenhorn.I purchased a house pattaya 2 years ago soley in my name via a company and was planning to go live there soon . Ive had long standing tgf who I allowed to live in the house, known her 5 years, supported her for 4 of them,she been holiday visa to uk about 8 times she just returned 1 week prior with 100 000 bht in her pocket same same each holiday trip before working little bit for me uk . We go out with a mate who works for me 2nd night of my latest holiday,get a bit drunk having a laugh in kareoke bar,she tries to take my keys and wallet off me I resist get my wallet back so she smashes a bottle on my head . I stay out that night after recieving tretment at hospial, on going home next day there is a battered rented pickup outside my house and all the items of furniture ie, sofa, washing machine ,fridge ,beds are being to be loaded into it, I say I am calling polce, bluff !! ,my phone battery is flat and I dont even know their number. the stuff is unloaded and they get off. I ask her the wherabouts of my motorbike (which I stupidly put in her name) and she states shes sold it , I take her bike which I bought for her and tell her she can have it back when mine returns . She goes and shocked ,I start to assess the damage looking round the house in the garden thres a pile of ash from which I recover a unburnt fragment of my passport , the tv and cabinet are missing,Ive forgotten the combo of the safe so when I find the pass key and manage to open it Its empty bar for the company stamp shes had my wallet all my atm cards bar one, £500 cash and all comany papers and chanote from inside the safe. This must be a bad dream....... not!! Last year I allowed her to put her name in the tabian barn / house book and went with her to near Banglamund police station where they copied my passport and I signed somthing written in thai which I could not understand Next day she says she wants to collect the rest of her stuff from the house and arrives alone I give her everythink 99%of which I purchased for her , micrwave, rice cookers kettle dvd remotes from when she rented a room .She says to me mabe I cannot live in my house anymore ,Is this a threat ) I speak to the accountant for my company immediatly, on her departure they have photocopies of my chanote, check my company papers saying to me that she cannot touch the house .I arrange to visit them and leavetheir office 16,000 bht lighter .They reccomend to register new minor shareholders ,their staff on the company, but I can not get a new chanote immediatly as this takes about one month toprocess Ten days later and two trips to the embassy in Bankok and I am in reciept of a new extra pages passport and my pocket is 10,000 baht lighter for the trouble Meanwhile back at the house ,I change locks, alarm and safe numbers have a stainless steel overdoor made and the wrought iron entrance gate made higher ,all the windows having been been grilled by me before . I go with my mates thai wife to Banglamund police station and she speaks good english and we make a statement so it is on record If anything happens to me or the house .I hear from some friends of hers in the uk that she has been to see a solicitor about making a play for the house.She has had acess to all the house papers in the safe for two years and I am scared that somehow without me knowing that she has managed toget her name on them . By me allowing her to put her name in the house book tabian barn haveI left myself open?
I am back in the uk now and stewing till my next trip in 3 months .Anyone any thoughts? Sorry for the bad spellings and lack of proper punctuation but its been a while since I was at school and I USED TO LIKE IT BEST WHEN IT WAS SHUT
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at long last , after a long wait , having to trawl through endless posts about political upheaval , currency tumbles , financial advisers trawling for patsies on thai visa , the fuel consumption of hondas and toyotas and the problems of being bearded with a thai wife , good old fashioned down to earth entertainment finally re appears on thai visa.

thank you to the cities and inhabitants of liverpool and pattaya , i knew you wouldnt let me down.

at long last , after a long wait , having to trawl through endless posts about political upheaval , currency tumbles , financial advisers trawling for patsies on thai visa , the fuel consumption of hondas and toyotas and the problems of being bearded with a thai wife , good old fashioned down to earth entertainment finally re appears on thai visa.

thank you to the cities and inhabitants of liverpool and pattaya , i knew you wouldnt let me down.

Entertainment???? I am sure that Mr Nitmoynoy doesn't share your view.


Your accountant who built th company to own your house will best be able to advise you as to who is on the company paperwork. If she is not there, then no problem

next. if she is suing for divorce, then she may try to get the value of 1/2 of your shares of the company. You own "34%" of the company .. more than likely, so even if she could pull this off, she would try to get 17% of the company. She cannot sue for your directorship.

Did you tell the police that she burned your passport and the chinote. Burning the chinote, a government document should get her in a lot of trouble.

Back to your shares. If you have a friend here, sell some of your shares to him, and then you still remain the sole director. This way, her "1/2" of your shares will be worth even less. Or, completely sell all of your shares to two friends and transfer directorships to them, so that you have nothing. They can sign resale papers of the shares to you for future use.

I wish you the best of luck

Your accountant who built th company to own your house will best be able to advise you as to who is on the company paperwork. If she is not there, then no problem

next. if she is suing for divorce, then she may try to get the value of 1/2 of your shares of the company. You own "34%" of the company .. more than likely, so even if she could pull this off, she would try to get 17% of the company. She cannot sue for your directorship.

Did you tell the police that she burned your passport and the chinote. Burning the chinote, a government document should get her in a lot of trouble.

Back to your shares. If you have a friend here, sell some of your shares to him, and then you still remain the sole director. This way, her "1/2" of your shares will be worth even less. Or, completely sell all of your shares to two friends and transfer directorships to them, so that you have nothing. They can sign resale papers of the shares to you for future use.

I wish you the best of luck

we were not married i told her from the start i was not looking for a wife Im 48 And never had one thats how I can afford to buy house thailand


I think the first thing to do is talk to a Thai lawyer regarding getting a court order excluding her from the property - armed with a Tabien Baarn she may be able to talk her way into the house (if she has not already done so).

OK... First thing to do, if you have any mates in Thailand get them to go around and check that she has not moved into the house.

Renting the house out to a friend with a legal lease might be another good idea (a nominal rent not to make money but to put another obstical in the way of her getting her hands on the house.

Renting the house out to a friend ........ might be another good idea

are you sure about that ?

i would not want to put a friend into a house that might be the object of the attentions of a bunny boiling basket case trying to obtain possession of said house.

at long last , after a long wait , having to trawl through endless posts about political upheaval , currency tumbles , financial advisers trawling for patsies on thai visa , the fuel consumption of hondas and toyotas and the problems of being bearded with a thai wife , good old fashioned down to earth entertainment finally re appears on thai visa.

thank you to the cities and inhabitants of liverpool and pattaya , i knew you wouldnt let me down.

:o I missed you.........

On a more serious note: she must be a kind of Classy Lady...isn't she ?...smashing a bottle on your head was just a mistake maybe ?


Renting the house out to a friend ........ might be another good idea

are you sure about that ?

i would not want to put a friend into a house that might be the object of the attentions of a bunny boiling basket case trying to obtain possession of said house.

Very good point, she and her family will see the house as theirs and will not care who is inside.


Jesus mate, I think she may have some issues! Allof this, just because you took your keys and wallet back off her? It seems odd after you (seemingly) have supported her very generously over a five year period. It seems a bit of an over reaction for such a minor incident. You have my sympathy. Your post is unique here as, you seem to have crossed the T's and dotted the I's in the way you have set up your affairs in Thailand, unlike most of the tales of woe we see on a regular basis on this forum. I would not be putting any friends at risk by allowing them to stay in your place, nor would I be walking away. There is no rule that says the foreigner always loses, so fight for what is yours through the legal system, just hope that you get a Thai lawyer that is trustworthy. All the best.

Hi folks, just returned from a nightmare trip to thailand (no 21 in 8 years),I read all the boards so I am not a total greenhorn.I purchased a house pattaya 2 years ago soley in my name via a company and was planning to go live there soon . Ive had long standing tgf who I allowed to live in the house, known her 5 years, supported her for 4 of them,she been holiday visa to uk about 8 times she just returned 1 week prior with 100 000 bht in her pocket same same each holiday trip before working little bit for me uk . We go out with a mate who works for me 2nd night of my latest holiday,get a bit drunk having a laugh in kareoke bar,she tries to take my keys and wallet off me I resist get my wallet back so she smashes a bottle on my head . I stay out that night after recieving tretment at hospial, on going home next day there is a battered rented pickup outside my house and all the items of furniture ie, sofa, washing machine ,fridge ,beds are being to be loaded into it, I say I am calling polce, bluff !! ,my phone battery is flat and I dont even know their number. the stuff is unloaded and they get off. I ask her the wherabouts of my motorbike (which I stupidly put in her name) and she states shes sold it , I take her bike which I bought for her and tell her she can have it back when mine returns . She goes and shocked ,I start to assess the damage looking round the house in the garden thres a pile of ash from which I recover a unburnt fragment of my passport , the tv and cabinet are missing,Ive forgotten the combo of the safe so when I find the pass key and manage to open it Its empty bar for the company stamp shes had my wallet all my atm cards bar one, £500 cash and all comany papers and chanote from inside the safe. This must be a bad dream....... not!! Last year I allowed her to put her name in the tabian barn / house book and went with her to near Banglamund police station where they copied my passport and I signed somthing written in thai which I could not understand Next day she says she wants to collect the rest of her stuff from the house and arrives alone I give her everythink 99%of which I purchased for her , micrwave, rice cookers kettle dvd remotes from when she rented a room .She says to me mabe I cannot live in my house anymore ,Is this a threat ) I speak to the accountant for my company immediatly, on her departure they have photocopies of my chanote, check my company papers saying to me that she cannot touch the house .I arrange to visit them and leavetheir office 16,000 bht lighter .They reccomend to register new minor shareholders ,their staff on the company, but I can not get a new chanote immediatly as this takes about one month toprocess Ten days later and two trips to the embassy in Bankok and I am in reciept of a new extra pages passport and my pocket is 10,000 baht lighter for the trouble Meanwhile back at the house ,I change locks, alarm and safe numbers have a stainless steel overdoor made and the wrought iron entrance gate made higher ,all the windows having been been grilled by me before . I go with my mates thai wife to Banglamund police station and she speaks good english and we make a statement so it is on record If anything happens to me or the house .I hear from some friends of hers in the uk that she has been to see a solicitor about making a play for the house.She has had acess to all the house papers in the safe for two years and I am scared that somehow without me knowing that she has managed toget her name on them . By me allowing her to put her name in the house book tabian barn haveI left myself open?

I am back in the uk now and stewing till my next trip in 3 months .Anyone any thoughts? Sorry for the bad spellings and lack of proper punctuation but its been a while since I was at school and I USED TO LIKE IT BEST WHEN IT WAS SHUT

I advise all farangs prior to coming to Thailand , to watch the movie Casino and remember what De Niro tells Sharon Stone : " Once a hooker , always a <deleted> hooker".


Nothing in the OP indicates this woman was ever a "working girl". She may simply be nuts. And there are women who at one time were in the business who eventually settled down into successful marriages. Granted, that's not usually the case, but it can happen. Let's not sterotype. And let's get back to giving the OP the concrete advice he needs to deal with his present predicament, which from the sounds of it, is a serious one.....

Be cheaper to get her whacked.
its one way to go about it but then it depends whether you want this over with or "dead and buried". it would provoke retaliation likely to be disproporionate.if you try to get one back the thai will try to do worse.I think the best way out of this is to sell the house. but she will find out when he tries to sell and then probably send round the cousins to wreck the house.so it would have to be done with little advertising and cheap to get it gone before she figures out what is going on.however if he wants out of a continued mess, the best chance is to sell cheap. if he can offload quick then he has a chance this will go away. otherwise it probably won't.reminds me I bought an amulet a long time ago that brought me very bad luck. big time. and after some very bad problems I figured out where it started. the way I cured the problem was selling to somebody who wanted to buy it. then it was off my hands and the problems stopped. iam not superstisous but it is true.not what has happened in this case but might give a pointer to the solution. he cannot now sell the girl so better try the house.not an easy case to deal with. best of luck.jojo
Hi folks, just returned from a nightmare trip to thailand (no 21 in 8 years),I read all the boards so I am not a total greenhorn.I purchased a house pattaya 2 years ago soley in my name via a company and was planning to go live there soon . Ive had long standing tgf who I allowed to live in the house, known her 5 years, supported her for 4 of them,she been holiday visa to uk about 8 times she just returned 1 week prior with 100 000 bht in her pocket same same each holiday trip before working little bit for me uk . We go out with a mate who works for me 2nd night of my latest holiday,get a bit drunk having a laugh in kareoke bar,she tries to take my keys and wallet off me I resist get my wallet back so she smashes a bottle on my head . I stay out that night after recieving tretment at hospial, on going home next day there is a battered rented pickup outside my house and all the items of furniture ie, sofa, washing machine ,fridge ,beds are being to be loaded into it, I say I am calling polce, bluff !! ,my phone battery is flat and I dont even know their number. the stuff is unloaded and they get off. I ask her the wherabouts of my motorbike (which I stupidly put in her name) and she states shes sold it , I take her bike which I bought for her and tell her she can have it back when mine returns . She goes and shocked ,I start to assess the damage looking round the house in the garden thres a pile of ash from which I recover a unburnt fragment of my passport , the tv and cabinet are missing,Ive forgotten the combo of the safe so when I find the pass key and manage to open it Its empty bar for the company stamp shes had my wallet all my atm cards bar one, £500 cash and all comany papers and chanote from inside the safe. This must be a bad dream....... not!! Last year I allowed her to put her name in the tabian barn / house book and went with her to near Banglamund police station where they copied my passport and I signed somthing written in thai which I could not understand Next day she says she wants to collect the rest of her stuff from the house and arrives alone I give her everythink 99%of which I purchased for her , micrwave, rice cookers kettle dvd remotes from when she rented a room .She says to me mabe I cannot live in my house anymore ,Is this a threat ) I speak to the accountant for my company immediatly, on her departure they have photocopies of my chanote, check my company papers saying to me that she cannot touch the house .I arrange to visit them and leavetheir office 16,000 bht lighter .They reccomend to register new minor shareholders ,their staff on the company, but I can not get a new chanote immediatly as this takes about one month toprocess Ten days later and two trips to the embassy in Bankok and I am in reciept of a new extra pages passport and my pocket is 10,000 baht lighter for the trouble Meanwhile back at the house ,I change locks, alarm and safe numbers have a stainless steel overdoor made and the wrought iron entrance gate made higher ,all the windows having been been grilled by me before . I go with my mates thai wife to Banglamund police station and she speaks good english and we make a statement so it is on record If anything happens to me or the house .I hear from some friends of hers in the uk that she has been to see a solicitor about making a play for the house.She has had acess to all the house papers in the safe for two years and I am scared that somehow without me knowing that she has managed toget her name on them . By me allowing her to put her name in the house book tabian barn haveI left myself open?

I am back in the uk now and stewing till my next trip in 3 months .Anyone any thoughts? Sorry for the bad spellings and lack of proper punctuation but its been a while since I was at school and I USED TO LIKE IT BEST WHEN IT WAS SHUT

I advise all farangs prior to coming to Thailand , to watch the movie Casino and remember what De Niro tells Sharon Stone : " Once a hooker , always a <deleted> hooker".

or ' You can the the girl out of the bar, but you can't take the bar out of the girl"

Did you get your bike back?


My bike is now the prized posetion of a m/c taxi driver outside the Royal Palace hotel on second road,HE bought it for 10,000 bht I having paid 25,000 for it 15 months ago. I forgot to mention in my OP that she arrived at the house about 4 days after the bottling incident at 8o clock mornig with the police demanding her motobike ,to which I duley obliged I herd later she had to pay them 1000 bht to help her

Nothing in the OP indicates this woman was ever a "working girl". She may simply be nuts. And there are women who at one time were in the business who eventually settled down into successful marriages. Granted, that's not usually the case, but it can happen. Let's not sterotype. And let's get back to giving the OP the concrete advice he needs to deal with his present predicament, which from the sounds of it, is a serious one.....

She was a working girl from soi 2 but not for very long ,in the uk I heard her talking in thai on the telephone to some about doing something along these lines of whats happened ,

She was a working girl from soi 2 but not for very long ,in the uk I heard her talking in thai on the telephone to some about doing something along these lines of whats happened ,

Be very careful...sounds like "the long game".

I would keep a low profile. :o

All the best for the future and take care.



i see barbara windsor as the basket case , ken dodd as the punter , kenneth williams as the mate renting the house , hattie jacques as the som tam lady and sid james as the pattaya lawyer advising the punter. also bert kwouk in a cameo role as the motorcycle taxi driver. nicholas cage has agreed to play "lek" , the bearded katoey with a heart of gold who comes to the rescue of the lads and ultimately finds happiness in the arms of the punter after a traumatic sex change operation.

carry on pattaya dangerous will be a big budget production using traditional british humour and subtle pathos to document the ups and downs of life in pattaya for a group of british expats ,on the run from their home town of liverpool after warrants are put out for their arrests for hubcap theft as they struggle to come to terms with the cultural differences and unexpected turns of events that befall them as they chase love in that seaside town on the gulf of siam.

filming to start in blackpool , december 2008.


get a bit drunk having a laugh in kareoke bar.


What was the laugh ? was it something like putting your hand down some girls pants ?

Seems strange all this started in the Karaoke bar ?

Was she the perfect partner before this Karaoke experience ? :o

i see barbara windsor as the basket case , ken dodd as the punter , kenneth williams as the mate renting the house , hattie jacques as the som tam lady and sid james as the pattaya lawyer advising the punter. also bert kwouk in a cameo role as the motorcycle taxi driver. nicholas cage has agreed to play "lek" , the bearded katoey with a heart of gold who comes to the rescue of the lads and ultimately finds happiness in the arms of the punter after a traumatic sex change operation.

carry on pattaya dangerous will be a big budget production using traditional british humour and subtle pathos to document the ups and downs of life in pattaya for a group of british expats ,on the run from their home town of liverpool after warrants are put out for their arrests for hubcap theft as they struggle to come to terms with the cultural differences and unexpected turns of events that befall them as they chase love in that seaside town on the gulf of siam.

filming to start in blackpool , december 2008.

Just sit on it

i see barbara windsor as the basket case , ken dodd as the punter , kenneth williams as the mate renting the house , hattie jacques as the som tam lady and sid james as the pattaya lawyer advising the punter. also bert kwouk in a cameo role as the motorcycle taxi driver. nicholas cage has agreed to play "lek" , the bearded katoey with a heart of gold who comes to the rescue of the lads and ultimately finds happiness in the arms of the punter after a traumatic sex change operation.

carry on pattaya dangerous will be a big budget production using traditional british humour and subtle pathos to document the ups and downs of life in pattaya for a group of british expats ,on the run from their home town of liverpool after warrants are put out for their arrests for hubcap theft as they struggle to come to terms with the cultural differences and unexpected turns of events that befall them as they chase love in that seaside town on the gulf of siam.

filming to start in blackpool , december 2008.

Brilliant! :o



i see barbara windsor as the basket case , ken dodd as the punter , kenneth williams as the mate renting the house , hattie jacques as the som tam lady and sid james as the pattaya lawyer advising the punter. also bert kwouk in a cameo role as the motorcycle taxi driver. nicholas cage has agreed to play "lek" , the bearded katoey with a heart of gold who comes to the rescue of the lads and ultimately finds happiness in the arms of the punter after a traumatic sex change operation.

carry on pattaya dangerous will be a big budget production using traditional british humour and subtle pathos to document the ups and downs of life in pattaya for a group of british expats ,on the run from their home town of liverpool after warrants are put out for their arrests for hubcap theft as they struggle to come to terms with the cultural differences and unexpected turns of events that befall them as they chase love in that seaside town on the gulf of siam.

filming to start in blackpool , december 2008.

Brilliant! :D

Yes, brilliant! :o Taxexile's posts are always pretty dry, but beneath the humour he has a point.

I don't think the original poster would listen to good advice even if it was fothcoming here. The situation he finds himself in (entirely self-inflicted and it seems that warning signs were there) is not an easy one to extricate from. Basically there are only two solutions. Both were given earler. 1. "Have her whacked" - this might bring some sense of justice and satisfaction (maybe the road I'd go down if I was ever stupid enough to get into this position), and: 2. Walk away and try to see the lesson here. Or a combination of both, if he has the character it requires.

There is no other practical advice, because he will only be digging himself in deeper, spending more money, and I think the local Thais have 'marked' this man as a source of wealth anyway by now, and he must be the source of amusement for all the Pattaya underclass. Better to quit whilst ahead (not that I'd call this ahead!) or this will lead only to more tears. - and possibly his untimely demise, as has been the case many, many times in similar situations - just read this website!!!

The Golden rule: Never invest into Thailand, money that you are not prepared to say goodbye to. Because sooner or later you will have to - be absolutely sure about this. You will. It may not be the predatory girlfriend, it may be we are all forced to go when the political situation changes (when the unmspeakable happens in the not-too-distant future) and times of uncertainty. You either have to leave it all behind or end up dying here (either bnaturally or otherwise) and losing it, many instances recorded here. So to the OP - you are in a lose-lose situation. Interesting that this should happen to somebody from Liverpool - no doubt Taxexile sees the irony in that!

BY the way, loved the bit about the Bearded ladyboy but I think Burt Kwok is getting a bit old to play a MC Taxi driver. My sympathies to the OP :D


No mention of "private dancer" yet.the book is one of those on the must read list for farangs who come here and find a bar girl they want to stay with.I am not saying the case here is a bar girl. One of the main points coming out of the story is don't try to think you are smarter, and can get your own back.Whacking her or any similar tactics are not the way to go. We don't need to add to the ride bye shooting list.regardsjojo

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