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Return A Slap From A Lady. Right Or Wrong?


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Need an insight into this, I've reached several points where I encounter this and a similar situation. Regardless if it's a slap or a shove.

You can add verbal assault as well.. I'm sure some will disagree with what I've done in the past, but will do it all the time when I'm getting disrespected..

I'll add, I can get disrespected from anyone I don't know, but if I know them, and support them, and paid for the home they now live at, then all bets are OFF!!!

I can replace property that I might destroy (which is stupid, but works for me).. You take what that person that slapped you likes the most, then you smash it right in front of them!! Then continue to destroy everything else in sight.. then watch her reaction... Then walk away.. And if she comes after you to hurt you, I don't know about that... When I lost control, everyone ran out of the house, with the exception of her mother and father..

The mother was the only one said anything, and got in her face and chewed her ass out, while her father sat back and watched..

Then in the morning.. Everyone was happy again.. At least that's how my story ended... We still have our ups and downs, but we have not come to that point again.. (knock on wood)...

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I'm not a politically correct advocate of not beating the wife or kids, or women in general, but not kids other than those you are responsible for. Not that I ever have, as I don't have any and my last fight was at school aged about 14. If a woman deserves it then why not? And some kids need a slap sometimes.

However, you should always think about it first, rather than reacting spontaneously, as the repurcussions can be unexpected and more unpleasant for yourself.

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My real concern here is who are you guys hanging out with? We all choose our associates and situations, simply dont associate with the kind of people that would attack you... pretty simple really. Sorry but that means no bar girl hookers mmkay? If you insist on hanging with those type of people than dont complain! They arent nice people! Duh.

Agree, no nice lady will slap you unless you deserve it.

So if you are slapped by a woman, either apologize or just walk away because obviously you’re hanging with the wrong people.

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QUOTE (Boater @ 2008-09-13 22:59:39) *

walk away.............................

as if.....

Even it's a women, a grown women hitting a grown man should be prepared to accept adult consequences.

Where is this thread going??? or are you waiting for someone to to tell you it is ok to hit a women??????

Here I am.

Brother Thai men showed us it is ok to hit a woman if she deserved it. We should make treasure of their teachings.

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Personally, I wont give a dam_n if I get slapped by a women and them not expecting a equal slap in return. They have the god given rights of equality and yet they expect us to take the slap like a "gentlemen" and get away with it. And not to mention the fking crowd will go against you if you gave a return slap and get away with it.

Not only this, but for instance, if you did not offer your friend (women) to hold her heavy items, you are instantly looked down upon by fellow friends and the girl herself. Since when is not offering any kind of assistance (open doors, carry her stuff, letting her get things first) considered a taboo??

Need an insight into this, I've reached several points where I encounter this and a similar situation. Regardless if it's a slap or a shove.

Note: I've never ever slapped a lady before, nor engaged in physical aggression. I've always been a kind person to ladies and offering help and taking sacrifices for them. However, it came to a point where these things are taken for granted by them.

Return a slap from a lady?


I can't have been a gentleman.

Return a slap from a woman?

Well, that might be different!

All highly pathetical of course.

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Never has happened yet. I would do what I told all my kids to do. Walk away, and do not come back. When the other party calls you, tell them it is totally unacceptable. And, end the relationship if it happens again.


I am right in thinking that you are gay? (Forgive me if I am wrong).

But how would this work in a gay relationship?

Honest question.

I think most of us can answer that with the same reply, its no different is it ?......but heres one what about if a ladyboy attacks /slaps you, do you ask "do you still have a penis " and if yes stick one on him ! :o
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I think most miss the point here, jumping on the old chivalry nag.

The OP, as I understand it, is questioning the slap in relation to the equality thingy. For many decades females have fought for equality, but it seems to have sort of overshot the goal.

Question is, where does the male dig in and fight against what has now become a lopsided equality thingy. I say, dig in, but don't shoot till you see the whites of their eyes.

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I think most miss the point here, jumping on the old chivalry nag.

The OP, as I understand it, is questioning the slap in relation to the equality thingy. For many decades females have fought for equality, but it seems to have sort of overshot the goal.

Question is, where does the male dig in and fight against what has now become a lopsided equality thingy. I say, dig in, but don't shoot till you see the whites of their eyes.

A lady friend of mine told me some time ago she felt cheated by this "equality thing". Women didn't win much but lost a lot, at least it was the way she felt.

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I think most miss the point here, jumping on the old chivalry nag.

The OP, as I understand it, is questioning the slap in relation to the equality thingy. For many decades females have fought for equality, but it seems to have sort of overshot the goal.

Question is, where does the male dig in and fight against what has now become a lopsided equality thingy. I say, dig in, but don't shoot till you see the whites of their eyes.

A lady friend of mine told me some time ago she felt cheated by this "equality thing". Women didn't win much but lost a lot, at least it was the way she felt.

Don't be fooled. They won't be satisfied till they rule the world.

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I have been slapped once in my life. I was in my car taking somone back to the bus station. She had come down to meet me, and pretty much everything she had written was a pack of lies. So I was taking her back so she could go home. To make a long story short, this hefty woman was upset that I was not going to be spending time with her, so she walloped me across my face. This was not some little slap, but a rather hard smack, and she had the size to make it hurt.

I was not in good temper before, and this one really got me going. So I grabbed her wrist as she was about to lay into me again. I am quite strong, so she was not able to slap me or wrench her arm away. I looked into her eyes and in the most menacing tone I could muster, I told her to never, ever slap me again. I held her arm for another few seconds, then let her go. She quickly got out of my car and left.

I can't ever see the need to slap a woman. If she is coming at me with a knife, well, it is all out hitting that would be the response. But slapping infers that the situation is not crazy, and there is time to take other action. And slapping back is just tit-for-tat.

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Well since the one and only fight I've witness whilst living here was between a Ladyboy and a woman - I can confirm that even a ladyboy doesn't hit a woman back! :o

It was rather amusing though with about 3 or 4 other ladyboys trying hold the woman back whilst the ladyboy being attacked was cowering away being as effeminate as possible! :D

As for the original post . . I think the one of first reply sums it up - walk away. Be a bigger man and walk away and leave her riled up!

Then if the crazy bitch attacks you from behind . . . put her on her ass as fast and hard as possible! :D :D

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they can vote, they can work, they can wear pants? well they can withstand any arms they do to us..

slap away.

if you don't then, you should not allow them to work, vote, wear pants and especialy.. own anything..

They worked for their right to be equals to male, now were stuck with shitty firefighters and policewoman that need backup of males 100% of the time.. well.. now the slapping era is over.

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Guys, the issue about a man hitting a woman is not (in my mind) an issue of chivalry of sexuality equality/non-equality.

It's the simple principle of fair play. Most women are substantially weaker physically than most men.

So the same rule that would prevent you from hitting a much smaller man, or one with a ophysical impediment, etc holds.

It's not that she is a woman, but that there is no chance of a fair fight.

Need an insight into this, I've reached several points where I encounter this and a similar situation. Regardless if it's a slap or a shove.

OP, you need to seriously reappraise either whom you associate with or how you behave with them or both. Once might be a freak occurrance but happening several times raises serious questions...not "How to respond?"but "Why do I keep encountering this?"

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