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Governor’s stern words puts scare into South Pattaya’s 101 businesses

Orders city officials to do their job or face the consequences

Chonburi Governor Sawang Srisakun announced that he is taking a tough new stance on the ongoing controversy involving South Pattaya’s now famous 101 businesses. He has ordered city hall to comply with court orders to tear down the allegedly illegal buildings, and said that if this doesn’t happen, he will go after city hall, not necessarily the 101 businesses.

In case you’re new to town, there is a list of 101 businesses in South Pattaya which have long been encroaching on public land (this includes every building to the sea side of Walking Street). Owners of the businesses say that they have been there so long, they have exceeded the “statute of limitations” and now have the right to be there. However, the courts don’t agree.

This problem has been dragging on for years and has become a thorn in the side of Pattaya City government. City officials originally requested that owners of these establishments voluntarily dismantle the offending structures. When owners refused, city officials were forced to turn to the courts to try to resolve the issue.

Monday afternoon, Chonburi Governor Sawang Srisakun and his three deputies, Preecha Kamolbutr, Virawit Wivatanavanich and Phisit Boonchuang rolled into Pattaya to meet with the local media at city hall to discuss the issue.

When asked about the progress of the court cases regarding the 101 business, Governor Sawang responded by saying that he has already ordered local officials to continue the legal proceedings against the South Pattaya group which allow Pattaya City authorities to completely remove illegal buildings - and any portion of buildings which have been constructed on public land.

Governor Sawang added that should Pattaya officials not comply with the laws and fail to proceed with the removal, they themselves will be in dereliction of duty and will face legal prosecution.

One of the most unwavering protesters in this on-going fight to illegally retain public land has been the Nang Nual Restaurant, which has been at loggerheads with Pattaya City for nearly 10 years. While the restaurant has removed some part of its illegal structure, it has not completely complied with the order to remove sections which still infringe on public land and is holding out.

This convoluted story gets more complicated since Pattaya City presented the case to the provincial court and the court ruled in favor of the city. The ruling stated that city officials will be allowed to remove all illegal structures. However, officials have been dragging their feet and very few of the structures have been dismantled.

The latest development in this murky tale reveals that Pattaya City collaborated with Provincial Prosecutors Officers and received a letter from the Supreme Court stating that the 1979 legislation which governs building regulations authorizes officials to legally carry out their duties.

Governor Sawang explained that now the city must issue yet another legal order to vacate. If building owners or those in charge of the South Pattaya buildings fail to follow the orders within the specified time frame, Pattaya City has the authority to begin court proceedings, arrest the owner and remove offending structures that infringe on public property under amended governing building regulation legislation of 1992, Section 43, articles 1 and 2.

Governor Sawang said, “I will hand this matter over to the appropriate department and get the job done as quickly as possible. Ownership land title deeds will be checked using special funding if necessary.”

Sawang concluded, “However, if there are no ownership deeds pertaining to a specific property in question, those squatters will face immediate legal action to the full extent of the law. If officials fail to carry out their duty or procrastinate then they’ll face disciplinary action and/or court proceeding as well. The issue of 101 has gone on for too long and immediate action must be taken.”


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EGG on my face time, I tried to paste this earlier, but didn't happen. However, it is from Pattaya Mail November 2002 and would frighten me if I was stopvt7. Despite stern warnings, and threats to city officials, nothing has happened with the 101 businesses. So, I assume that any attempt to cut a few floors off VT7 will be met with the same attitude.

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This waffling about 'public land' as if once the offending structures are removed, Pattaya residents and visitors will be treated to a new, pristine beach or a park. It is only a ruse of the local government officials in power at the time to fulfill their own agendas, ad nauseum. They have all been variously promised a kick back by whoever is planning the extended marina, beach-front condo or whatever other monstrosity they want to stick on the beach

However, it would be a monumental improvement if Walking Street only had quality, low-rise construction on the east side and the west side was a open to the sea with wide walkways, viewpoints, rest areas and (take note Mr. Mayor) trees! A nice beach boulevard with greenery, air and light rather than the fetid and claustrophobic tunnel to Bali Hai pier that we have now.

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This waffling about 'public land' as if once the offending structures are removed, Pattaya residents and visitors will be treated to a new, pristine beach or a park. It is only a ruse of the local government officials in power at the time to fulfill their own agendas, ad nauseum. They have all been variously promised a kick back by whoever is planning the extended marina, beach-front condo or whatever other monstrosity they want to stick on the beach

However, it would be a monumental improvement if Walking Street only had quality, low-rise construction on the east side and the west side was a open to the sea with wide walkways, viewpoints, rest areas and (take note Mr. Mayor) trees! A nice beach boulevard with greenery, air and light rather than the fetid and claustrophobic tunnel to Bali Hai pier that we have now.

Think you are missing something here. The report is 6 years old, and the governor had threatened action against the city officials for not getting something done about it. I just wondered if ANYTHING had ever been done about it. Which means stopvt7 may win his case and look at VT7 in perpetuity

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One of the big WS GoGo owners told me a few years back that most of the land there is owned by the Thai Navy. That would explain why threats by PCH and the Chonburi governor get nowhere. I doubt that either the mayor or the governor much fancy the idea of a platoon of marines coming to visit them. :o

Anyone know if this is true?

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This waffling about 'public land' as if once the offending structures are removed, Pattaya residents and visitors will be treated to a new, pristine beach or a park. It is only a ruse of the local government officials in power at the time to fulfill their own agendas, ad nauseum. They have all been variously promised a kick back by whoever is planning the extended marina, beach-front condo or whatever other monstrosity they want to stick on the beach

However, it would be a monumental improvement if Walking Street only had quality, low-rise construction on the east side and the west side was a open to the sea with wide walkways, viewpoints, rest areas and (take note Mr. Mayor) trees! A nice beach boulevard with greenery, air and light rather than the fetid and claustrophobic tunnel to Bali Hai pier that we have now.

Think you are missing something here. The report is 6 years old, and the governor had threatened action against the city officials for not getting something done about it. I just wondered if ANYTHING had ever been done about it. Which means stopvt7 may win his case and look at VT7 in perpetuity

I doubt I missed anything. Nothing much ever changes in Pattaya where gobs of tax-free money i.e. backhanders or under-the-table deals are to be had. You quoted a 6 year-old news item about a subject that resurfaces every few years when there's a change of local government. The chances that this perceived inertia is a good omen or otherwise for some ongoing battle between homeowners and some unspeakably rich businessmen and their attendant lawyers over who gets or loses a sea vista is a bit of a stretch.

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There has been an update to this story, way back in 2005.

It turned out that a lot (though not all!) of these buildings were legal, at least to the extent of not reaching over the water. So our glorious local government went on and published plans to build a stilt road on the water, almost touching the buildings. After finding out that this project would cost more money to build that they can afford, it was silence again.


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