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Marriage Documentation Aus/thai

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Hi everybody

I am going to Thailand in October to register with my Thai gf and then go to her house for the traditional ceremony. I am a divorced person and want to know what documents I will need to register (e.g. Birth Cert. Divorce Cert). Do the documents need to be original or will copies suffice? Do they all need translating into Thai and the ones that do need translation, how long does it take to do? Can anyone recommend a good (and quick) translator close to the Australian Embassy in bangkok?

Thanking you in anticipation


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I can only speak from a english perspective but what i did was go to the embassy get a afirmation to marry which cost 3500 baht, then went to the nearest translating place who translated it and got it stampped by the thai goverment department(cant remeber which one) at 800 baht which took 1 day , then went to the local amphur and signed the marrige papers which i did in 20 mins and cost me 500 baht..

It will be the same for you but the aussie embassy..good luck

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