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Hi All

Anyone know anything about Laser teeth whitening? how good are the results?

are there better methods for whitening teeth?

what is the cost?

are there any downsides?

where in Bkk?

Any personal experiences?




It's not very healthy for your teeth and tends to make them more brittle, ask a dentist in the West who is not connected with the whitening business. Actually, go talk to the dentists at Chiang Mai Ram hospital in Chiang Mai, they are all against the procedure even though the hospital wants to sell it as a service!

Hi All

Anyone know anything about Laser teeth whitening? how good are the results?

are there better methods for whitening teeth?

what is the cost?

are there any downsides?

where in Bkk?

Any personal experiences?



interesting question, I suspect its very good for the dentists in LOS but maybe not as cheap or as good as it is in parts of eastern europe who seem to be getting a vert large number of "dental tourists" these days.

roy gsd



Had it done in Singa years ago. Thousand bucks at the time. Would not recomend it as my teeth were SUPER sensitive for a long time afterwards.

Just go to a dentist and get them to make a tray of your teeth and use the home kit. Takes a few days, but you have more control, so if your teeth start to feel "seaw", then you can stop for a day or two. Girlfriend used it and had great results.

Agreed. The enamel on your teeth is vital to their longevity. If your teeth are already prone to cavities, laser whitening certainly will not help.

Price - Well under 500 USD


Thanks everyone.

I am super cautious with my teeth so I think I will leave things be.

Onece again,


Thanks everyone.

I am super cautious with my teeth so I think I will leave things be.

A wise decision. Nobody cares what your teeth look like.

Thanks everyone.

I am super cautious with my teeth so I think I will leave things be.

Onece again,


There are other less harmful ways of whitening your teeth.

VIBE mentioned a good way above... there is also bleaching.


Boots in Thailand sell a home bleaching kit called "Sparkle" from USA. Contains exactly the same stuff (Peroxide) as the dentists use. Great results at a fraction of the cost of the dentist. If your teeth are sensitive afterwards use Sensodyne toothpaste for a few days.

Hi All

Anyone know anything about Laser teeth whitening? how good are the results?

are there better methods for whitening teeth?

what is the cost?

are there any downsides?

where in Bkk?

Any personal experiences?


Hi!, here are the facts about teeth, as I was a dental nurse in the army.

1/ Your theeth are covered by enamel, which by nature is colorless, ie. clear.....ask a dentist.

2/ The color of your teeth is determined by the color of the dentine which is the white material inside of the enamel of your tooth.

3/ Depending on what chemicals you were exposed to as an unborn child can have an impact on the color of the dentine. Not everyone's teeth are naturally WHITE!, but somewhere close to white.

4/ So, all these charlitan, make a quick buck schemes are just that.

5/ I you are a smoker, with badly discolored teeth, then maybe the laser treatment will remove the nicotine stains to bring your teeth back to their original natural whiteness.

6/ The world can be an evil place, (getting ripped off all the time) eg. why do governments allow cigarettes to be sold if they know it will kill you!

As they say in California,




Tooth whitening in Dallas has never been easier! One of the first things others notice about you is your smile.Whiter teeth, in about an hour. It's that simple. Years of yellowing as well as stains from coffee, cigarettes, or red wine are almost magically erased in the time it takes for a haircut, manicure, or lunch.LaserSmile™ tooth whitening is safe, and no other method produces a better result for anyone wanting results right away. What patients tell us is that people remark how much better or younger they look, but don't realize their improved appearance is due to whiter teeth. You won't have to worry you'll look like Ross in that Friends episode where his teeth glowed in the dark.





Go to the chemist and pickup a bottle of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. Dilute it 50% with distilled water or use it as is (I do). Just dip your toothbrush in it. Teeth will be white within 30 days. If you don't like the taste or smell, buy the tooth powder (9 THB) the Thais use and mix it with that or just dip your HP-soaked toothbrush in it. Otherwise seek out 35% food grade HP and dilute 10x.

I threw my toothpaste away.

Cost of HP? 30 THB. Saving on toothpaste? Work it out. Fresher breath too.


Try oil gargle.

Using a table spoon of sesame seed oil, or other oil, your teeth will be whiter after only 15-20 minutes. There are apparently numerous other benefits with this Ayurvedic treatment.

Do a search for gargle and oil to find more information.

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