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Thais Have To Be Careful...

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op keeps talking about roid rage..

op was beaten up a lot in highschool.. mommy doesnt let you cry on her lap anymore?

or are you just some jealous fat guy whining over the internet where he cannot get confronted by those who are not big pussies?

Seriously your rant is the most pathetic one i have seen on this forum.. all i see is jealous of guys in shape and tries to give dignity to bar girls + tries to show off because some bar girls chose him over 2 young english dudes

What a strange man is our small goats cheese.

Fixated on the gym, being in shape, paying low rent, and abusing people. :o

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op keeps talking about roid rage..

op was beaten up a lot in highschool.. mommy doesnt let you cry on her lap anymore?

or are you just some jealous fat guy whining over the internet where he cannot get confronted by those who are not big pussies?

Seriously your rant is the most pathetic one i have seen on this forum.. all i see is jealous of guys in shape and tries to give dignity to bar girls + tries to show off because some bar girls chose him over 2 young english dudes

What a strange man is our small goats cheese.

Fixated on the gym, being in shape, paying low rent, and abusing people. :o

coming from the old guy that had to move to issan to get any girl to want to live with him?

Yeah. Good one.

are you jealous because you're all flabby and unhealthy?

op keeps talking about roid rage..

op was beaten up a lot in highschool.. mommy doesnt let you cry on her lap anymore?

or are you just some jealous fat guy whining over the internet where he cannot get confronted by those who are not big pussies?

Seriously your rant is the most pathetic one i have seen on this forum.. all i see is jealous of guys in shape and tries to give dignity to bar girls + tries to show off because some bar girls chose him over 2 young english dudes

You really are some sort of :o

You should either get a life and change your attitude or change your login to "petitesamaawng"

op keeps talking about roid rage..

op was beaten up a lot in highschool.. mommy doesnt let you cry on her lap anymore?

or are you just some jealous fat guy whining over the internet where he cannot get confronted by those who are not big pussies?

Seriously your rant is the most pathetic one i have seen on this forum.. all i see is jealous of guys in shape and tries to give dignity to bar girls + tries to show off because some bar girls chose him over 2 young english dudes

You really are some sort of :o

You should either get a life and change your attitude or change your login to "petitesamaawng"

I am deeply impressed with how rapidly everyone has got a good grasp of what I went through. Except for 'small goats cheese', not a single person has questioned that maybe I was lying and actually did say something ( I didn't ) or must have been drunk etc etc.

I feel like I am part of a family... :D

Maybe I'll just err on the side of personal safety and get an uzi !! Wonder if they sell 'em in Big C ?
Indeed they have a small selection, the best value is the close quaters combat model, where if you keep on pulling the trigger it makes a realistic Kcha, kcha, kcha noise and you can see sparklies in the workings. It comes with silver plastic handcuffs although a little small you might find a use for them and a plastic dagger - ideal for stirring your coffee.
...not a single person has questioned that maybe I was lying and actually did say something (I didn't) or must have been drunk etc etc.
OK if that's what you want the collective masses of TV to ask, did you actually .....zzzzzzZZZZZ :o

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