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Father Says John Mark Karr Has Left The America

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Father says John Mark Karr has left country

Former Atlanta resident, who implicated himself in Jon Benet Ramsey’s death, had worked in Grant Park

John Mark Karr’s father said his notorious son has been run out of town by neighbors who made him feel anything but welcome. Grant Park residents worried that Karr was moving into their community say they’re relieved to hear the news.

The slight former schoolteacher — who achieved a bizarre celebrity two years ago when he implicated himself in the JonBenet Ramsey murder, then was cleared — had been spotted in the neighborhood several times in recent weeks. “Everyone’s talking about it,” said Eric Nankervis, who lives just a few blocks away from a Glenwood Avenue home owned by Karr’s father, Wexford Karr.

The elder Karr said his son has left the country but did not say where he’d gone. “He knew he’d never be able to live a normal life here,” Karr said.

He’ll get no pity from his neighbors, whether in Sandy Springs, where Karr was living with his father, or Grant Park. “People are very concerned,” said Amy Martin, who lives a block away from the Karr house on Glenwood. “This is a family-friendly neighborhood.”

John Mark Karr has never been convicted of any crime, though he faced child pornography charges in California when he emerged as a potential Ramsey suspect. He was extradited from Thailand in 2006, before Boulder, Colo., officials cleared him when his DNA did not match the male DNA found on the child beauty queen’s body. He was also cleared of the porn charges due to lack of evidence.

Grant Park residents said they don’t want Karr in their neighborhood because of the number of young children in their community. The Grant Park Neighborhood Association estimates that more than 700 children live in the neighborhood. There’s a preschool a block away from the Karr home, and a charter school within a half-mile.

In the past, Karr, 43, has seemed to enjoy his notoriety. In an interview in August 2007, Karr stood by the statement he made to reporters after his extradition: “I loved JonBenet, and she died accidentally,” he said. Asked if he was an innocent man, he replied, “No.” Karr also spoke of wanting to live a normal life in Atlanta. At the time he was living with his father and 23-year-old fiancee, Brooke Simmons, in Sandy Springs, where neighbors spoke about doing what they could to make Karr “uncomfortable.”

“He’s been treated like a criminal,” said Wexford Karr in an interview Sunday night. “We’ve all been placed in the same cauldron, and now they’ve brought it to a boil.” Karr said his son never planned to move into Grant Park. “He was just helping me with some of my properties,” he said.

When interviewed last year, Karr said he’s had a difficult time finding employment. Before his arrest in Thailand, Karr worked as a teacher. A Wikipedia page about Karr says he’s currently teaching fourth grade at an Atlanta primary school, though city school officials say their records show he’s never been employed by them. He lost his first teaching job, in Marion County, Alabama, after parents complained about his interactions with female students.

The Conyers native’s personal life is also unsettled. Simmons broke off their engagement a few months ago, telling the syndicated television show “Inside Edition” Karr still believes he had something to do with JonBenet’s murder.

“He never said that he made it up. Never,” she said. Twice-wed, Karr’s wives were 14 and 16, respectively, when he married them.

“I think it was more than she could shoulder,” Karr’s father said of Simmons. “This has been tough on all of us.”

“I’ve lost all my friends,” he said. “Some I had for many, many years.”

Though they hold no ill will toward Karr’s father, residents in Grant Park hope he’s telling the truth about his son’s self-imposed exile.

“We don’t want him living here,” Martin said.

- Atlanta Journal-Constitution / September 16, 2008

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I doubt he will come back to Thailand, I figure Thailand will not want to lose face like that again.

I am no psychaitrist, but the guy seems like he has some major mental issues.

You can say that again. I also saw his interview on Larry King. Disturbed individual.

And this disturbed individual led people to question many other decent people trying to do a good job in South East Asia. It was bad PR for Thailand, EFL in Thailand, and for Farangs living in Thailand, IMO.

Oh well, over and done. Things have moved on.

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Unless John Karr is Black Listed do not be so sure he will not end up in Thailand. He was quite comfortable here. Because he is familiar with his surroundings, culture and the people he just may try to relive his experiences here. Remember he is manic about attention otherwise he would not have insinuated himself in Jon Benet Ramsey’s murder case. This is evidenced by the bizarre interviews he gave to the press when it became clear he was not involved in any way.

Half of his notoriety stems from the attention he was given by the government and police here. Who can forget the "perp walks" provided by the police to the world tabloid press. Every government and police official fighting to get close to Karr for a photo op. The smiling, the high-fives the party atmosphere they, the officials, created for what in reality was a child murder case. The only positive thing to emerge from the circus was some well deserved scrutiny on the "English teachers" who had access to many of Thailand's children.

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I agree with you in part, but then you also give the very reason why the Thai authorities may not want him back

Half of his notoriety stems from the attention he was given by the government and police here. Who can forget the "perp walks" provided by the police to the world tabloid press. Every government and police official fighting to get close to Karr for a photo op. The smiling, the high-fives the party atmosphere they, the officials, created for what in reality was a child murder case.

He really showed them up to be unprofessional and complete and utter fools. Imagine the loss of face if he shows up.

BTW does he even have a passport?

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I agree with you in part, but then you also give the very reason why the Thai authorities may not want him back
Half of his notoriety stems from the attention he was given by the government and police here. Who can forget the "perp walks" provided by the police to the world tabloid press. Every government and police official fighting to get close to Karr for a photo op. The smiling, the high-fives the party atmosphere they, the officials, created for what in reality was a child murder case.

He really showed them up to be unprofessional and complete and utter fools. Imagine the loss of face if he shows up.

BTW does he even have a passport?

I opened my comment with the idea he may be Black Listed and of course everyone thinks he should be except the Man Boy Love Club. He has no convictions and no travel restrictions. He is NOT a registered sex offender because he was never convicted of anything. There is absolutely no legal reason not to give him a passport therefore he has one. I think there is a 50-50 chance that he may not be Black Listed. It would take an official about 5 minutes do accomplish the grueling task of entering him onto the Black List but where is the cash or adoration in that. Perhaps the Tourism Authority of Thailand will use him as a "Celebrity Ambassador" to kick start tourism in a ruined market for the high season. It is a disgusting idea but nothing surprises me. TIT. I don't think the government or the TAT has any more face to lose.

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As I recall he was listed as 'Persona Non-gratis' after his deportation. However, it sure wouldn't be hard for him to get into Cambodia and then a hop across the border where, God knows if they will even check before stamping him into the country.

If anyone hears where he is headed for, it might be nice to post it, just for the sake of interest.

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This man needs a good psychiatrist and probably strong medication which I doubt he can afford and the US is not the kind of civilized country that will give that to him. Now he can't find work which is understandable and he can't travel back to Thailand which is understandable. Wouldn't it be more merciful just to put him out of his misery? I am no Christian but where is your mercy to a sick man who if you objectively look at his past, is HARMLESS.

Edited by Jingthing
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Former Jon Benet suspect forced to flee

ATLANTA, Sept. 17 (UPI) -- A man who gained celebrity two years ago by implicating himself in the death of Jon Benet Ramsey is no longer living with his father in Atlanta.

Wexford Karr says his son, John Mark Karr, has been forced to leave the country by neighbors who made him feel anything but welcome, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported Wednesday.

"He knew he'd never be able to live a normal life here," the elder Karr told the newspaper.

Residents of his Grant Park neighborhood said they worried about Karr's son because there are so many children living in the area.

John Mark Karr, 43, was never convicted of any crime but faced child pornography charges in California when he emerged as a potential suspect in the Ramsey case.

He was extradited from Thailand in 2006 but was subsequently cleared when his DNA did not match the male DNA found on the body of Jon Benet Ramsey, a 6-year-old beauty contestant found dead in her home Dec. 26, 1996.

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