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Lek Bar....beach Road Soi7


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Just come away from Pattaya and back into the daily grind again.

Called in to see Lek and Charlie at Lek bar down the sea side of of soi 7 beach road,,several times.

If you want to enjoy a few beers without demands of "buy me drink" and enjoy good music ,,,inside the throws of soi 7&8 please give them a visit.

They are a dying breed ,,Leks Beef stew is second to none and Charlies library of music is endless.( I contributed to his punk music collection a little bit)

Me and the missus head striaght down there when we are in Pattaya,,,,,top people ,,great music and retaining the spirit of Thailand,,all are welcome.Nice one Charlie and Lek.


Chris,Phil and Kai

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Good recommendation soihok

I will try it out

Good recommendation? You are having a laugh!

You would be wise to reserve your judgement until you have visited a few times and got to know the owners a bit better.

Lek bar used to be located further up the same road, Leks stew is good and she has a personality unlike Charlie, Charlie is very offensive about different people from different cultures in the uk and has a very low opinion of thai's, which is very odd considering he is maried to one!

They used to live in Luton as I recall.

Charlie is a frustrated ex soccer player who failed to shine in the uk and that may explain but never excuse his bitter and lousy attitude, particularly to foreigners in the uk.

As they have been open for over 5 years you might consider why not many people use the place?

By all means go along there and you should make up your own mind over a few weeks, they will be glad of the custom I am sure, Lek at least makes an effort, Charlie is one of those blokes you would avoid like the plague in your local back home, just my opinion.

roy gsd

Edited by roygsd
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Good recommendation? You are having a laugh!

You would be wise to reserve your judgement until you have visited a few times and got to know the owners a bit better.

Lek bar used to be located further up the same road, Leks stew is good and she has a personality unlike Charlie, Charlie is very offensive about different people from different cultures in the uk and has a very low opinion of thai's, which is very odd considering he is maried to one!

They used to live in Luton as I recall.

Charlie is a frustrated ex soccer player who failed to shine in the uk and that may explain but never excuse his bitter and lousy attitude, particularly to foreigners in the uk.

As they have been open for over 5 years you might consider why not many people use the place?

By all means go along there and you should make up your own mind over a few weeks, they will be glad of the custom I am sure, Lek at least makes an effort, Charlie is one of those blokes you would avoid like the plague in your local back home, just my opinion.

roy gsd

My granny always said if you can't speak well of someone, better not to say anything. I am afraid your rant comes over as very spiteful as opposed to the friendly advice of the OP.

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Well try this for even handed comment.

Lek Bar Soi 7.

Bog standard Soi 7 bar and all that entails.

Nothing much to set it aside from its neighbours.

Lek works her arse off. Charlie samples too much of his own stock. Again nothing unusual there.

Never eaten there so can't comment on the food.

Ta Da.

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There wouldn't be too many people who walk into a bar with the aim of having a drink with the owner. Nice atmosphere, good cold beer, friendly staff, comfortable seating are the most important things....to me anyway.

If the owner is a bit of a git, that's his problem...provided he doesn't interfere with the customers. If the bar has been there for five years, they must be doing something right.

The OP states that the Lek Bar is well worth a visit and that's good enough for me to give it a try.

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The derogatory comments might only serve as an incentive for some to go take a look themselves. This I believe is the reason why many people go to Crazy Daves for example, because they've heard he can be a <deleted> and is rude on occasion. See you there then.

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i have known charlie and lek for about 20 odd years both here and in the uk ,i must say that i have never found charlie rude ,or for that matter drinking heavilly ,lek is one of the nicest people you could meet and will sit and chat for hours .my wife and i rarely go to bars but if we go for a meal at tequila reef or are walking up beach road of an afternoon ,we always pop in to have a chat and a beer .

if your looking for a wild time with girls on tap its not for you ,but if your with a girl or on your own and just want a friendly place to sit for a while then its leks bar on soi7.

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i have known charlie and lek for about 20 odd years both here and in the uk ,i must say that i have never found charlie rude ,or for that matter drinking heavilly ,lek is one of the nicest people you could meet and will sit and chat for hours .my wife and i rarely go to bars but if we go for a meal at tequila reef or are walking up beach road of an afternoon ,we always pop in to have a chat and a beer .

if your looking for a wild time with girls on tap its not for you ,but if your with a girl or on your own and just want a friendly place to sit for a while then its leks bar on soi7.

I have a bar that I frequent on soi new plaza (opposite side of second road between soi 7 and soi 8) where I have gotten to know the owner and his wife. I spend most evenings in there while I'm on holiday. Nice comfortable, relaxing place without any pressure to buy drinks and good conversation with the owner. It's a perfect place for me and my lady. I'm an old man now. Tony's or Lucifer was the place for me to hang out 5 years ago but I'll take a small, quiet, relaxing place anytime.

Coincidentally, it is also called Lek's :o .

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  • 3 months later...

I have known Lek & Charlie for 15 years now

They run a great bar and have a fantastic collection of music

Its a good place to take the wife as there are no girls there and you can kick back and relax away from the normal hassle of Soi 7.

Not the place to go for a gang of lads intent on destruction but Charlie knows this and has created a little niche here

Does he drink ? yes of course Aussie Chardonnay being his tipple

Does he dislike certain people ? yes but thats all he does not advocate murder

To guarantee a great reception order you drink and shout " Hairy <deleted> " you will be friends for life.

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Well most bar owners have interesting personalities and quirks. Makes these sort of bars fun and gives it a bit of character even if they are tw*ts!!! :o

Exactly these new types of bar manager you get in the UK and the fancy bars in BKK are sterile fcukers who need a personality injection, saying that i cant be doing with walking down soi 6, 7, 8 due to being a hansum fcuker and getting harrassed by flabby tattoo'd bar girls.

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Well most bar owners have interesting personalities and quirks. Makes these sort of bars fun and gives it a bit of character even if they are tw*ts!!! :o

Exactly these new types of bar manager you get in the UK and the fancy bars in BKK are sterile fcukers who need a personality injection, saying that i cant be doing with walking down soi 6, 7, 8 due to being a hansum fcuker and getting harrassed by flabby tattoo'd bar girls.

you poor man.............such a hard life! is there still a gauntlet to be run down soi 6 since afternoon closing?

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It is O.K. but I know better bars on Soi 7. Like most bars, it depends on your taste. Some of the best bars, I don't even publicize because I don't want them to be mobbed my morons.

The great thing in Pattaya is that bars open and close every day and it is great fun trying all the new ones.

I was down at Jamiesons yesterday. Very sad. Three people in the place until I left at about 5.00pm. But it is very out of the way and if you go there at night you need transport.

I like to drink Guiness, pricey but has anyone any good Guiness-Bar recommendations, whilst we are on a bar thread?

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The derogatory comments might only serve as an incentive for some to go take a look themselves. This I believe is the reason why many people go to Crazy Daves for example, because they've heard he can be a <deleted> and is rude on occasion. See you there then.

Agreed, but then again, I think many go to see if it really is as crap as some people make it out to be :o

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  • 11 years later...

Lek Bar Was a cracking no hassle' bar, run by lovely people, even better when they  moved to a 'closed' bar further down the soi. Real 'blasts from the 'Golden Years'

I managed to get there around 2009(ish) before they moved up to Uthai Thani, where sadly Lek passed away a few years ago. 

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On 9/21/2008 at 9:36 PM, NanLaew said:

My granny always said if you can't speak well of someone, better not to say anything. I am afraid your rant comes over as very spiteful as opposed to the friendly advice of the OP.

Granny obviously never had the internet.

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