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My girlfriend gets several messages on her telephone daily from ISARAPost, which supposedly reports news events very soon after they occur around Thailand. What I've noticed is that as she describes what the messages state, at least half of them claim that multiple people have been killed, which makes me somewhat suspicious considering I rarely see such events reported elsewhere. This morning, for example, she claimed that seven people were shot and killed in Pattaya, but I've seen no such news from any other source.

Does anyone know if ISARAPost is a valid news source, whether it reports actual events or will blatantly create sensational lies, and which people or organizations operate it?

Thanks for you help in advance.


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This morning, for example, she claimed that seven people were shot and killed in Pattaya, but I've seen no such news from any other source.

not to sure about the news source, but if you check www.pattayaone.net .... the above is a daily occurance in Pattaya

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  • 1 year later...

for some reason i do get this messages too ... no idear how i get into this pool ... but well privacy is something not really exist arround here ;)

but for the news iteslf, i know from a thai friend there are man news sources like this ... with moreless acurate news (in thai of course)

most of them never show up in any english language news-source.

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