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We (me, Thai wife, and 7 yo daughter) will be moving to Sri Racha soon. We have been homeschooling our daughter thus far and she is quite advanced in her learning. We now want to make the switch to a more school-ish environment (friends, play time, and continued accelerated learning).

Knowing that the typical Thai teacher salary is less than (sometimes considerably less than) THB ~20k/month for a good quality teacher; and knowing that the international schools charge THB ~45k/month, it only makes sense to consider grouping with 4-8 other parents and we each ante up THB ~10k per month for an excellent private teacher to teach our 4-10 children 5 hours per day, 4 days per week, all year long.

1. Anyone have recommendations for (preferably FEMALE fluent English-speaking Thai) teachers in the Chonburi area?

2. What accreditation and credentials should I be looking for?

3. Can our children take the standard exams and would their education be recognized when they transfer to a real school later in life?

4. Anyone else in the Chonburi area with children in the expensive international schools care to join in and make this happen?

I've read on the board that there is a very high turnover at the area international schools. If they are not happy, I sure don't want them teaching my daughter. I would much rather get an excellent private teacher who only has 4-8 students and save a few THB at the same time.

Your input is appreciated.


I am letting this thread run here, for teachers, whilst the smilar thread runs in the Family forum, for parents. Good luck. I have only observed about ten percent of the Thai teachers of English to be fluent in English, and they earned almost 30K per month, plus lots of benefits.

Good international schools have minimal turnover, but they pay over 80K for M.Ed., western trained native speakers. Anyway, good luck.

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