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R_e_s_p_e_c_t... From Your Thai Boss..


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After reading the above posts, I feel a lot better about my job...

I have a Thai boss whom I respect, she is very squared away and it appears that she respects me and my opinions as well.

She is tough, but fair and is more than willing to admit that she doesn't know everything and expects her staff to know more than her (which isn't easy).

Yes, most of the Thai staff are afraid of her because she is very straightforward and expects everyone to take responsibility for their actions (no face saving allowed).

As for me, I like her leadership style (I have fairly thick skin) and I learn something new everytime she calls me into her office.

Just want to add this:

Its not always perfect, there are times when I think I am right and she overrules me, but its her company and she has that right. The good thing is even if she over rules me or any other employee it is always for a reason and she explains why...

I'm with you. My Thai boss is easy to work and always has my back. Problems in my office stem from other staff until they realize that complaining about me making them do their job only gets them a dressing down. I wonder if its because my boss is also a Thai women? She was educated in the West, which I am sure is a help.

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My Thai bosses respected me for what I was, an ajarn in a Thai matayom school. While they lacked much of what I had grown used to in the west (as a government accountant), I had my share of psycho bosses in the West. None of my Thai bosses was outrageous, but they were unanimous in their total incompetence as bosses. Never told their subordinates what they needed to know, did not answer important and pertinent questions. Had no concern for visas, work permits, etc. They dressed well, were overly polite and indirect, never raised their voice, and kept their colossal incompetence as administrators right where it was obvious but unquestioned. Good hearts, well dressed, and loved their Thai food. Could not manage to open a door properly, but they knew whom to wai and how high.

Sounds like my boss............. Who is English.

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Before telling the world your Thai boss doesn't respect you, it might be worth taking a moment to consider why not.

I've seen many a foreigner in Thailand wash the respect they were given down the drain by behaving in a manner that could only destroy the respect they thought theirs by right of being a westerner in Thailand.

Just because you can't see/understand the rules does not mean there are no rules.

It's all bright and shiny, but do you mind to let the audience know what these 'rules' are, or are they top secret, or do you only know/heard about, that there are rules?

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I have not met any Thai bosses who have had management training, were competent, or knew much about the people they supervise. Usually it's a good-ole-boy/girl network or else they cheated their way into their position of power over others.

I suppose the west is similar. No big surprise there. If you're good at what you do, all the losers will try to get rid of you and be scared because you might make them look bad. The best advice I can give you is to get some dirt on all the losers and then when they attack you, you've got some ammo.

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just recently a fair few people have been telling me about their experiences with former and current thai bosses. most of these experiences have been negative. :D

there seems to be a theme running through their stories, which is that they don't feel respected. i have the same feelings towards my boss, who i'd describe as being very unpredictable - one day full of praise, the next full of rage and scorn. it seems that she has no impulse control, often forgets to tell me important information before client breifings, blames others for her own mistakes, never bothers to find out the cause of problems. terrible really.

i've been interviewed for other jobs, because i basically don't feel very appreciated at my current work. the other work places i've been to seem to be much better, with bosses who know what they're talking about, and are interested in having a decent chat with me.

what are other peoples' experiences (negative, positive, indifferent) of their thai bosses, and do you think there are any issues for them when it comes to working with a farang? :o

Sounds like a typical lady boss anywhere in the world!555

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I have not met any Thai bosses who have had management training, were competent, or knew much about the people they supervise. Usually it's a good-ole-boy/girl network or else they cheated their way into their position of power over others.

I suppose the west is similar. No big surprise there. If you're good at what you do, all the losers will try to get rid of you and be scared because you might make them look bad. The best advice I can give you is to get some dirt on all the losers and then when they attack you, you've got some ammo.

You do not need 'Dirt' on anyone , know whom you are and what your capabilities are , if you are not aware of your 'Worth' no one else will . I was always hired for my competance at my job , the boss was usually the owner , any disparity , i informed him that i was hired for my competance and not to be at his beck and call , he either respected this or i was gone , i never got fired because i proved my worth and more than earned my salary .

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