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My Boss Is In Bkk For 13 Days - Any Ideas?


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Hi all!

I am a 3rd year law student, and I work as one of many lowly legal assistants in the San Diego offices of one of the largets law firms in America (Not quite Baker Mackenzie, but I think we make more moolah!) Anyways, we hve 3 attorneys leaving for a BKK business trip on 12/14 - 12/27. The way the Thai clients have it set up, they scheduled sporadic meetings throughout the duration of the business trip, but there will be 2 periods (of 3 days each) in which my boss will have all to himself. Although the 2 other lawyers have made it clear that they will concentrate on partaking in, shall we say (I am sure every euphimism has already been exhausted on this forum) more "erotic" pursuits.

My boss and his g/f have made it sufficiently clear that he would like to steer clear of the adult entertainment centers. I (stupidly) told him that I had been to BKK a couple times in the past 2 years, but I didnt visit one cultural landmark, ######, the only 2 places I went were siam square and sukhumvit. So, I am in kind of a bind... He asked(directed) me to provide some suggestions. If anyone can contribute (I know there are many of you!), than here are some helpful factors to take into consideration:

1.He is 28 years old - Japanese/American - Speaks English as first language, but he can speak Korean near perfect, and passable Japanese? - This is just from what I overhear foreign clients. - So if the language competency helps in finding a foreign tour group/ program (NOT BACKPACKERS) more along his style that would be great.

2.He will be travelling alone, his g/f has to finish out the football season [GO SAN DIEGO CHARGERS!!!] (NFL - American Football) hopefully getting to the Superbowl! And therefore will not be available.

3.Due to time constraints planes would be the preferred method of transportation (over buses, trains, automobiles)

4.For practical purposes, money will not be a material issue . (Due to the forced overseas placement during Xmas, our firm has been extremely generous providing a per diem [billed to client? I wonder] of $650 - 29,000bt? (Good lord! Me and my 3 friends comibined. culd definitely could have done some damage with that kind of coin in 2002!)

I was thinking Chiang Mai, or Koh Samui, but if the scene in those areas has gotten hectic and lost its charm, that probably wouldnt be appropriate.

Also the firms travel dept booked him at the InterContinental in Erawan for the whole trip (another hotel that I as a backpacker only saw from the skytrain essentially), but he would prefer a quiter setting with (relativly) quick access to Siam Square. (This might be a pipe dream).

Guys, I am so sorry that I have taken so much time on this, but it's cause I procrastinated till that last minute, and I need to have a choice of interesting outing suggestions by tommorrow 10:00 a.m. (pst). Hey let me just thank all those that contribute to this forum to make it one of the best sources of practical and contemporary information resources regarding all thing Thai on the net!


Winston H Cary

Legal Clerk

International Trade Practice

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I am a 3rd year law student, and I work as one of many lowly legal assistants in

As a law student and legal aide, I'm sure you've figured out how to research a topic and use and internet search engine, in particular the one on this site. You should be able to search within the individual categories and find all sorts of leads.

You seem to want to do so many things in so little time. Other than using the search engine to do your homework, my only suggestion would be to simply your plans and concentrate on a few things to do.

My limited opinion is that things like transportation and getting from one place to another, tend to take more time than people think. So you and your entourage may not have as much free time as you think.

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Paehk firstly you have posted in the wrong section, there is a travel section further down the page.

You could read old posts about hotels, locations etc and also the links at top are more relevant to your post.

So have a look there, that's a really good place to start.

Edited by bronco
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Find a bunch of links for things to do in Thailand....this should be no problem especially considering the budget. Sort them by type ....outdoors ....cultural ...shopping....sport....etc. Send this to him as an email and let him know that while he's in Thailand he can use this resource to choose his activity depending on what mood he's in. If youi've go the time and ability you could make a powerpoint presentation of the highlites....oooooo....powerpoint....mega management bonus points!!

This is your chance to really impress the boss whith how slick a presentation you can make on short notice....a very important (if not the most important) management skill other than general schmooz ability.

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Very appreciative! I ended up shipping a box full of your standard commercial published tourism reference material directly to the Intercontinental Hotel so that they will be there when he arrives.

I Organized and printed a spiral bound quick reference guide essentially cutting and pasting information to MS word from various internet links sorted (per your suggestion) by categories, distance, and methods of available transportation.

It appears our law firm has some sort of Thai "black card" (maybe similar to Amex Black card) account with the govt of thailand that provides very thorough assistance with any questions/problems he might encounter.

Your absolutely right about going the extra mile on presentation, it makes all the difference... even if your dad is the boss's boss' boss!

Winston H Cary

Gray Cary Ware & Freidenrich, LLP.

Legal Clerk

Interantional Trade Practice

Now if I spent as much time figuring out this guys Thai trip as I did on studying for the bar...

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You know what, I just read my original post, and I state that my mentor/boss's girlfriend can't go because of the NFL footbal season... No she is not a Defensive lineman or anything like that (lol), she is a cheerleader for the team. Not really a material issue but for those football fans that might be scratching their heads about that one!


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