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Sin Sod


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You need to take a tough line about this.

After the marriage there should be no more talk about Sin Sod.

It was presented at the wedding ceremony and that is an end to it.Tong Mun, you mean?

In my case I got the whole sum back later in the day.

The presentation of the money was a matter of "face".

Later there will be sick buffaloes but that is a different matter.

It is an accepted part of Thai life that children are expected to support

their parents.

Edited by Kf6vci
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MIL is well off. A 30 k pension and good health insurance from an American husband.

I asked a professor who has much higher status and more material assets as well how much he paid. The answer was 100 k plus the journey of the family to attend the wedding.

Tong Mun has been returned at once, after the ceremony which took place at a different setting than the wedding itself.

Would be interesting to ask the monks since they had to suggest the wedding day :o

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You need to take a tough line about this.

After the marriage there should be no more talk about Sin Sod.

It was presented at the wedding ceremony and that is an end to it.

In my case I got the whole sum back later in the day.

The presentation of the money was a matter of "face".

Later there will be sick buffaloes but that is a different matter.

It is an accepted part of Thai life that children are expected to support

their parents.

Yes it fits well as the government don't provide a pension. Then again Thailand is still developing and the tax rates are low.

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I got married in Feb -

my wife is the one who requested a 100k sin sod - and also 152g of Gold ( 10 baht gold )

beside this - we had a huge party which i wanted .. inviting everyone from the village around her village that work out to be about 800-1000 people . we had a mini concert which have 40 musican, singer and artist . a 15 meter stage - as well as the provicence mayor and someof the locla administrator coming down .

the partyed lastest 3 days - everything was great .

and i was really reeally fun ..

of cos we hire monk for a event and that is totally another fee .

over all i guess the spending is in the range of 400-600k

in my view is a totally worth while investment , i am intro to the whole village . even the local headman and mayor is now talking business with me . as well as my wife had her own land .

but of cos this is my marriage and i think the sin sod is a form of respect and understand you should come up with to show you are responsibile for your marriage .

oh her mother return us the money for us to invest in business and to add to that her father just give her 20 rai of land . which we are planning to turn it into a small farm .

as for the gold .. i got some diamond and makeit into jewllery for my wife to wear .



i was thinking after married i will need to help pay for spending as she got a installment for a NEw Vigo

but my wife insisted that she can deal with her own debt .

so now what i cover is only the new town house rental we move in . and her mother come over offen and cook us very nice thai food -

i guess i am lucky to have such a wonderful wife

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Irish Moss? Does that mean the young lad is red faced like most micks except thai? :o Mind you dare say sun ain't good for him either.... however will love his pints of Guinness. :D

Perhaps you and jangles should chat things over. :D (start payments now)

OI! Brit, no red face here, maybe arrange for a pint in Dec and see the boy, that is if you remember to turn up :D

Good Luck


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