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Daytime Mugging In Nai Harn - Rawai!


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NOt to be the bearer of Bad news again ..

Today at around 3pm (15:00) by Banana Corner in the Nai Harn Rawai area a woman was mugged on her bike. They or he (?) grabbed her bag and pulled her off her bike.

She is in ICU with a fractured skull and???

This was in BROAD Day light. I think the Gazette will have more by tomorrow.

Be alert, be careful and be safe.


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NOt to be the bearer of Bad news again ..

Today at around 3pm (15:00) by Banana Corner in the Nai Harn Rawai area a woman was mugged on her bike. They or he (?) grabbed her bag and pulled her off her bike.

She is in ICU with a fractured skull and???

This was in BROAD Day light. I think the Gazette will have more by tomorrow.

Be alert, be careful and be safe.


A walk from Chalong to Rawai was one of my regular execises when staying down there.

Looks like no more.

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NOt to be the bearer of Bad news again ..

Today at around 3pm (15:00) by Banana Corner in the Nai Harn Rawai area a woman was mugged on her bike. They or he (?) grabbed her bag and pulled her off her bike.

She is in ICU with a fractured skull and???

This was in BROAD Day light. I think the Gazette will have more by tomorrow.

Be alert, be careful and be safe.


:o , are you sure? But how can this be?

Huggybear said it was safe in Nai Harn!!!

absolutely sure. I heard it from her friend and other friends heard it from her husband. Huggybear must have a car.

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I don't ever really get angry Bob, after living here for awhile you learn that is not a good habit. You live in Thailand also, yes?

What is key though, and I apologize to all of the other TV members is that we stay on topic. As somewhat of a "senior" member here, I also apologize to you, Bob, for letting you think it is o.k. to stray off-topic, get personal, when really what this forum board is about is to help each other with appropriate responses to what has been submitted as a topic.

This particular thread has yet to really been proven. I would like to hear or see more "facts" regarding the mugging before posting a response.

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off topic and inflammatory posts have been removed. this is a serious thread folks, so lets keep it on track.

next time warnings will be issued.

and remember, if you feel a post is out of line, hit the REPORT button on the bottom left corner of the post. a mod will usually attend to it soon after.

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off topic and inflammatory posts have been removed. this is a serious thread folks, so lets keep it on track.

next time warnings will be issued.

and remember, if you feel a post is out of line, hit the REPORT button on the bottom left corner of the post. a mod will usually attend to it soon after.

Wow I never even thought about it! NO news, she is still in ICU. I did see 5 police men on Patak Road standing around watching some construction today where the road is getting widened. It made me think of her as I wondered wouldnt their time be speant doing something useful?

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Wonder if Gen Aprick(sorry Gen Apirak) is going to get involved in this one .


So many BIB standing around the cones on the old Chalong circle yesterday then playing cards in a hotel next to a bar I was drinking in made me feel ooohhh! so safe.

Keystone Cops would run rings around theses clowns

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Sorry to hear about this !!! I lived in Rawai from july 2006 to may 2007 and never had a problem,but haven`t been back since then.I have heard and read the reports of killings/muggings in the Rawai area since then.

IMO it`s a little bit of being "at the wrong time on the wrong place" and I would have no problems renting a house near Wat Sawangarom in the future,but how is the Rawai/Nai Harn BM`s opinion of the current climate in the area ?

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Eh, what's BM mean and I might or might not be able to answer the question.  I hope BM doesn't stand for Bad Man.  Sorry to hear about the victim still being in ICU.  Of course the Keystone Cops won't find the attacker ( at least until the attacker provides actual photos of the event in quetsion) along with some other "proof" as photos have shown to not be enough evidence in other various cases of laws being broken.

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Thai lady or Falang lady?

We had the problem here on Koh Samui a couple of years ago.

Youth gangs from the mainland come here and mugged old ladies.

The threw a stick in the front wheel of the motorbike, so they crashed grabbed the gold and handbag and run away.

The problem stopped after the military police made road checks on often empty roads.

The local BiB was busy collecting the white envelopes.

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From The Phuket Gazette:

Muggings in Rawai continue

RAWAI: A year after the still-unsolved murder of Norwegian Simen Knudsen, violent robberies against foreigners on motorcycles continue in Rawai – with the the perpetrators now carrying out attacks in populated areas during broad daylight.

The latest victim is 38-year-old Sandra Ullrich, who suffered two fractures to the back of her skull when a pair of Thai men on a motorcycle tried to steal her shoulder bag about 1 pm on Thursday.

The attack occurred as Ms Ullrich, a four-year resident of Phuket, was riding her motorbike past the Banana Corner restaurant, at the corner of the three-way intersection of Saiyuan and Wiset Rd, in the heart of the Rawai-Nai Harn area.

The victim’s husband, Dutchman Hans Ullrich, told the Gazette shortly after the accident he was incensed at the response of the Chalong Police and that he was prepared to “take matters into my own hands” if they fail to take action to catch the perpetrators.

“I just went to the police station. If these guys don’t take care of it, I am going to absolutely freak out. I am going to sit in the bush myself with a couple of my friends and take care of it, because this is absolutely insane. They don’t do [anything] about it, ” said Mr Ullrich, a well-known member of the local dive industry.

“I know these types of things happen everywhere, but it just seems to be getting too much lately,” he said.

Mr Ullrich said he knew of three other similar attacks that have happened over the past six weeks.

Police sometimes patrol risk areas, such as the road from Rawai to the Kata Viewpoint, in the high season, but otherwise only after high-profile cases such as the Knudsen killing, he said.

Mrs Ullrich on Friday was still in the intensive care unit of Phuket International Hospital, where she had yet to regain her hearing, though she is expected to make a full recovery, he said.

The skull fractures, which occurred even though she was wearing a helmet, resulted from the awkward way she fell from the motorbike, he said.

When reporting the incident at Chalong Police Station, he was shown entries in the daily log of two similar attacks over the previous two days, he said.

The attack against his wife came little over a month after Mrs Ullrich’s best friend, American Sheila McCormick, was attacked in similar fashion on the viewpoint road from Rawai to Kata, not far from where Mr Knudsen was stabbed to death on September 24 last year.

In that attack, on August 15, Ms McCormick was riding along the viewpoint road at about 9:30 pm. As she reached the bottom of the hill near the elephant camp, she passed two men on a single motorbike who appeared to be drunk, she told the Gazette.

“Then I knew I was being followed, so I put some distance on them,” she said.

Suddenly they sped up and the man on the back of the bike reached out to grab her bag, but the pair lost control and crashed into the guardrail at the bottom of the hill going about 100 kilometers per hour, she said.

“They didn’t get my bag. They just got really hurt,” she said.

But Ms McCormick also crashed, suffering two broken ribs, bad abrasions and a sprained ankle that left her unable to walk for a week, she said.

“The area has a reputation for this kind of thing happening, but the reputation is for attacks that happen at one o’clock in the morning against people who are alone, possibly drunk… When I went to the police station, I found out that they had attacked another foreign woman on the same hill a few hours earlier, at about 7 pm,” said Ms McCormick.

She added that she got a very good look at her attackers and was told by police that her description of the two men matched that of two men who had carried out the attack two hours earlier.

A simple patrol dispatched to the scene of the first attack could have scared off her assailants and prevented the attack against her, she said.

Chalong Police did not record a police report in the case of her attack, even though she talked to them three times, she said.

“That was the whole point. They didn’t do anything for me and they didn’t do anything for her [Ms McCormick],” she said.

“I really love this place and I really felt safe, even as a woman. So I am really surprised about all the things going on,” she said.

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From The Phuket Gazette:

Muggings in Rawai continue

RAWAI: A year after the still-unsolved murder of Norwegian Simen Knudsen, violent robberies against foreigners on motorcycles continue in Rawai – with the the perpetrators now carrying out attacks in populated areas during broad daylight.

O.K., this is terrible and again re-iterates the priorities the police have here. They couldn't give a sh*t about the farang population, their concern is how best to put THb in their pockets. Sad state indeed......

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For a minute I thought there was hope when I saw this

Chalong cops nab snatch-and-run bandit


However then I read the final qoute from the police officer:

When asked if there were more bag snatchers working in the Rawai/Kata area, the duty officer at Chalong police station told the Gazette that, “We are still actively trying to track down bag-snatchers. Usually they are hard to catch as most of them are from upcountry and only strike using rented motorbikes. They often leave the island after carrying out a crime.”

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I understand Mr. Ullrich very well. If it were my wife I would be looking for someone to smash. Probably the only thing that will help since the cops are worthless. May give pause to some of those out there who prey on the supposed weak.

Several months ago a long time resident of the area told me the cops ARE the muggers or at least control the gangs. I have no proof of this of course but it does explain the lack of crime solving activity. I would hope he is wrong. I had high hopes for the new General.

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The Gazette Move fast, huh?

Ms. McKormick also reported to Thai News channel 7 who already broadcast it.


From the Phuket Gazette:

American assault victim thinks she has found her attacker

RAWAI: One of two American women brutally assaulted by motorcycle-borne snatch bandits in recent months called the Gazette late this afternoon to say she is “100% certain” that the man who assaulted her was the same man arrested by Chalong Police early Sunday morning.

For background on the case, see the two previous stories here and here:

Sheila McCormick, who survived an attack by two men on a motorbike on August 15, said she is preparing to visit Chalong Police to identify 24-year-old Manop “Nop” Tongboon as her attacker after seeing his picture on the Gazette website today.

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