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Sunlight At The Botom Of The Ocean

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People all over Thailand have benn asking one question," Who is correct, dugdig that charming, dashing gentleman or Randomchances that skurvy cow milker?"

Now is your chance...if you are Thailand related....to give your opinion....is there light at the bottom of the ocean in Thailand...meaning the bottom of the bottom, not at the beach.

Now, where were we...oh yes:

Randomchances, since someone agrees with you (perhaps but we'll see if they actually do agree with you later) you ask what further proof do I need....well a very well informed gentleman (who, by his style of writing must be a very handsome man as well) has posted on the 'useless information' topic in the 'Hong khlaay kriat' forum...and I suggest you go take a look.

What more proof do YOU need, indeed.





Welcome! Jump right in and waste as much band width as you want. You must be new here. Wasting band width is mostly what we do here at TV!! The topic is 'Is there sunlight at the bottom of the ocean in Thailand.' Waste as much bandwidth as you want but it would be nice if you said something that was at least vaguely related to the topic. If you have absolutely no interest in the topic at all you can still waste as much of our/your time as you want...its up to you. You could just ignore any topic you find boring...if you want...or you could just demonstrate to everyone how much you dislike it...if you want.

Again, welcome! I hope what I've written here helps you to make intelligent and polite decisions in the future... if those are the kinds of decisions you would like to make!



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