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Am I Being Played?


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Out of the millions of wonderful nice Thai women you could hook up with you are intent on following up with a whore to see how serious things can get..... This forum is like the twilight zone. Got any self esteem buddy?

No women is a whore.

Even well educated ones.

But most men are "sluts"

Even well educated.

Said from a man.

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Omg you sound exactly like the poor guy (before his life got destroyed)in this

famous book Private dancer.

Are you for real, or just joking???

What you are saying is scary, very scary, its not even funny.

Download and read this short e-book that I uploaded for you(thailand story

the pdf file)

Here is a sample http://www.stephenleather.com/private-dancer.pdf

You said you have nothing to lose.

Beware, if you get involved and stuck too deep they can kill you.

I got some bad news for ya.

Private Dancer is fiction.

And the guy got run over by a redi-mix truck. Could happen anywhere in the world.

You're gonna pay for it - one way or the other.

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Omg you sound exactly like the poor guy (before his life got destroyed)in this

famous book Private dancer.

Are you for real, or just joking???

What you are saying is scary, very scary, its not even funny.

Download and read this short e-book that I uploaded for you(thailand story

the pdf file)

Here is a sample http://www.stephenleather.com/private-dancer.pdf

You said you have nothing to lose.

Beware, if you get involved and stuck too deep they can kill you.

I got some bad news for ya.

Private Dancer is fiction.

And the guy got run over by a redi-mix truck. Could happen anywhere in the world.

You're gonna pay for it - one way or the other.

Jesus H Christ!

I can't believe that you would actually ask advice on an anonymous internet forum...........

Think about what you're doing

The posts from people asking for advice in their relationships must be troll posts, they must be !

Can one imagine how sad one would have to be as to ask total strangers on an anonymous internet forum for advice on a personal relationship. :o

It's total insanity.

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This thread is an insult to Thai women, also It's an insult to anyone with a brain.

Why do some Farangs feel the need to put Thai people down ?

Is it your own insecurities, are you just going with the flow ?

Pathetic! :o

I never replied to this thread as an insult to Thai women. I simply replied with an offer. Take it or leave it......it means nothing to me. I have what I want in life, and no one will ever change it or take it from me. So to dumb it down for some, this is up to you. Now, isn't that Thai enough???

Edited by rigpigonjuice
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I live in the UK with my Thai wife. She has many Thai friends in our home town, there seems to be a large community here. Of the women in the group a minority met their farang husbands through the sex industry - I don't know the details, my wife's not interested and wouldn't tell me anyway - that's their past. Of this minority I would say all are loving faithful caring wives. And it would be easy to reply that I might not know what they're doing behind their husbands back, but that's not the case as we all see each other so often.

Anyway, you know the girl and can be the only judge here.

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I live in the UK with my Thai wife. She has many Thai friends in our home town, there seems to be a large community here. Of the women in the group a minority met their farang husbands through the sex industry - I don't know the details, my wife's not interested and wouldn't tell me anyway - that's their past. Of this minority I would say all are loving faithful caring wives. And it would be easy to reply that I might not know what they're doing behind their husbands back, but that's not the case as we all see each other so often.

Anyway, you know the girl and can be the only judge here.

You state "minority" met wives from sex industry ? Sure its their past and does not mean they are bad or should be judged.

I struggle to believe a guy goes to Thailand for 2 weeks and meets a girl who is not in, was in the sex industry.

In the past I visited a night club in Bracknell and there were Thai girls on the game , the club is in a hotel.

There are good girls and bad, in all walks of life.

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Omg you sound exactly like the poor guy (before his life got destroyed)in this

famous book Private dancer.

Are you for real, or just joking???

What you are saying is scary, very scary, its not even funny.

Download and read this short e-book that I uploaded for you(thailand story

the pdf file)

Here is a sample http://www.stephenleather.com/private-dancer.pdf

You said you have nothing to lose.

Beware, if you get involved and stuck too deep they can kill you.

I got some bad news for ya.

Private Dancer is fiction.

And the guy got run over by a redi-mix truck. Could happen anywhere in the world.

You're gonna pay for it - one way or the other.

I have some bad news to for you too.

You actually believe people dont know its fiction?

You seriously trying to inform about it?

Bad news #2 you are trying to (miss)inform about the ending

and did not even get the correlation between the op and the book.

You did not even understand the ending?

The cement truck story was a coverup story

for the fools like Vernon(and some others irl :o )

Edited by Lilyjade
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Out of the millions of wonderful nice Thai women you could hook up with you are intent on following up with a whore to see how serious things can get..... This forum is like the twilight zone. Got any self esteem buddy?
Valid question, however he answered it when he says he was not attratcive to women...( no self confidence )...,he has fallen into the old trap of having attention ( albeit from an "escort girl " ) and not being used to it or being able to handle it,.the same as these guys we see in pattaya with what can only be described as old bar floor cleaners that maybe were the only one left in the bar at 4 am so she will do !,.makes you wonder who the whores are ,the women or the men,.we can advise on it all we want, i have a LOT of friends i gave advice to but as soon as the first girl they saw fluttered there eyelashes they were in ( in what im not sure,but it wasnt love )...like many other long term thailand residents i have seen people ive have known all my life and considered sensible and not impulsive, till..........they come to THAILAND whoever penned the word AMAZING probably had no idea at the time how fitting that word is,. :o
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Seems that the general concensus is that I forget going in December rather than giving it a chance? It will never work, or there is too much risk.

Mind you I dont mind taking the risk, what do I have to lose going out there a second time and see what develops, if anything. If not I cut my losses, if I dont go I will never know???

I dont think its impossible that this could work, just that there is alot of risk and I have to be careful.

I think the main concern here is that she is an escort, but escorts do marry dont they, they are human beings afterall.

Obviously, you are trying to convince yourself. There's nothing dumber than someone who asks for advice and argues with the answer.

Bloody hel_l that rings a bell, how many of us have advised friends and had it fall on deaf ears !,.there is an old northern england saying " theres nowt as strange as folk " ,geez that weighs up a lot of people i have known :o
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Omg you sound exactly like the poor guy (before his life got destroyed)in this

famous book Private dancer.

Are you for real, or just joking???

What you are saying is scary, very scary, its not even funny.

Download and read this short e-book that I uploaded for you(thailand story

the pdf file)

Here is a sample http://www.stephenleather.com/private-dancer.pdf

You said you have nothing to lose.

Beware, if you get involved and stuck too deep they can kill you.

I got some bad news for ya.

Private Dancer is fiction.

And the guy got run over by a redi-mix truck. Could happen anywhere in the world.

You're gonna pay for it - one way or the other.

Jesus H Christ!

I can't believe that you would actually ask advice on an anonymous internet forum...........

Think about what you're doing

The posts from people asking for advice in their relationships must be troll posts, they must be !

Can one imagine how sad one would have to be as to ask total strangers on an anonymous internet forum for advice on a personal relationship. :o

It's total insanity.

Too embarrassed to ask friends i suppose :D .
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Will this make you happy? Will it make your life better? Can you afford to support her and all of her family members? Unless you are prepared to deal with someone's sloppy seconds and don't have any self confidence issues (i.e. you won't throw being an escort in her face every argument or assume she is turning tricks while you are out of town) then why not? Go for it.

However, before you listen to the lament of your loin's lust, make sure that;

1. She is free of disease, particularly untreated herpes and genital warts,

2. Have an escape plan in place along with emergency cash and,

3. Your friends and family know where you are going and the identity of this person. (Register with your embassy as well.)

For all anyone knows, she could be a very good person forced into an unwanted career.

Not for me to judge anyway. I'm a whore in my own way, I suppose.

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I met a Thai girl online, who happens to provide an escort service.

Well, so you are one of many of her customers.

One to keep for sure, unlike the others, you the handsome man.

She is after the security: house, car, gold, money flowing in, easy life.

Who would not dream having such a life?

And don't forget: She IS different from the thousand of sisters playing the same game.

Go for it man, so she can stop f*cking other potential security providers :o and be your exclusive whore.

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Hi guys thanks for the replies, I know the odds are against me and going by track record it looks a no brainer.

How do you think I should proceed? SHould I give it a chance in December or just tell her that this is not going to work and see how she reacts?

I dont think Im naive, just hopeful. There is no doubt she likes money, so do most women (but they play it in different ways)

And as far as the money is concerned she did mention a couple of times when we argued about if she didnt like me she could have other clients getting X amount of money and not be free to me. Also she saved me alot of money on the holiday but seeking the less expensive route, mentioning that customers would fly here and there, but she did not want that.

Be interesting to see if she lets me visit her parents then the whole thing changes then no? Why would she want me to spend 3-4 days in her village?

Dont flame me too much thanks

That says a lot about your knowledge. It is not a case of her 'letting you see her parents'. If you go to the village that is one of the main reasons you are being taken there along with seeking out approval from others who will be sizing you up.

Take time. Take it slowly, very slowly. Make no commitments, especially financial ones. Many of us are too well aware of longer term 'scams' to get their hands on our money. Yet, when we do find a good one, we are often by that time so suspicious of ulterior motives that we find it hard to tell a genuine lady.

If you do go and see her, and why not, then take care. Relax but be aware of what is going on around you.

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I will give you piece of mind, PM me her details and I will report back on how sincerer she is. Let this be an offer to all, if you think your lady is genuine, I will test her for you. And the best part is....this is free. No cost involved. I am happy to crush your dreams. Rigging is the life.

A brilliant idea, never thought of this before.

I heard that they do this sort of thing in England, only in reverse. A wife who suspects her husband could be unfaithful, hires a good looking lady private detective. The lady than accidentally on purpose meets the husband out somewhere and tries to coax him into a one nightstand. If muggins falls for the bait, whamo the wife takes him for every penny followed by a quickie divorce and then little wifey is free to follow her life’s ambitions financed by ex hubby without the burden of having him around, all legal with the blessing of the courts.

For ex pats wanting to earn a little extra income here, how about becoming certifiers of how faithful to their so called partners these women really are, for a fee and expensies. No need to be an Einstein or one of the Chippingdales to qualify for the job in Thailand.

I’d be willing to invest in such a business venture.

Anyone interested, pm me.

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This thread is an insult to Thai women, also It's an insult to anyone with a brain.

Why do some Farangs feel the need to put Thai people down ?

Is it your own insecurities, are you just going with the flow ?

Pathetic! :o

I did not read where the OP was putting Thai people down , i just think you are being paranoid about what in many cases is correct , why would literally thousands of posters write in and ask for advise ? Methinks perhaps you have insecurities of your own the way you rant on about how fantastic the Thai ladies (people) are at practically every opportunity you get . Thai ladies just happen to have a 'Not-so-good' reputation in many countries of the world for their 'Whoremanship' , please relax and all will be well in the end , if you consider some of the advise given is well meant and constructive .

Incidentaly , the difference between a Whore and a Prostitute ?

The prostitute has the brains to charge !!!!

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Hi there

I know alot of people will probably be judgemental regarding thism but here goes, I wont go into all the detail but summarise the maini points.

I met a Thai girl online, who happens to provide an escort service. That was the initial intention, but then we got to like one another during the 2 weeks I spent with her. Shes educated and used to have a decent job, but allegedly used the internet after breaking up with her cheating boyfriend, shes 31 by the way. She told me her rate and I said it was quite expensive so I made her an offer , she said she would see when she meets me, was quite fussy about what I looked like etc.

At the end of the holiday she didnt ask for any money and appeared (even found money in the hotel and gave it to me) to be enjoying my company as I am a similar age to her and we got on very well sexually and personality wise, we even had a few arguments like boyfriend and girlfriend do, this had never happend to her before when meeting clients it was a more professional basis. I was ill and she looked after me, she seemed to care filling my plate when it was empty and glass etc. She even paid for some of the meal we had one day. Im going back in December and she wants me to visit her place where she grew up (maybe family). I have also spoken to one of her cousins (female) who saked me about myself and what I did.

She tells me she has no children and is quite open with me. By the way I dont find it difficult to attract women back here in Europe, so we seem a good match together. She even talked about cooking for me and if we were married she would care more for me then her MOM.

I know that she still does her job and Im fine with that, but Im not sure if Im just another client or if this is genuine (afterall she is a sort of escort), its 50/50 in my gut. We communicate now and again on MSN and email and text almost every day.

I know this might be a bit pathetic, but what are the chances this is genuine? I will probably know more in December when I return.

No. no - surely not. She sounds 100% sincere and genuine to me. Rarely have I read a story on TV of such sinceirty been expressed. My advice: go for, throw all your energy into this one, give her everything she wants ...................... red flags everywhere, you'll loose the shirt off your back!!

You know that she still does her "job" - well, that I think somes it up doesn't it!

.... come back in a couple years time and tell us all how things are going.

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Whats the difference between a chicken and a prostitute?

A chicken goes; coc a doo da loo and a prostitute goes; any cock will do.

What did the prostitute say in the leper-colony?

Business is dropping off.

What did the moderator say to sassienie about cracking these jokes?

Dont know yet, but hoping for the best.

Edited by sassienie
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If you are being honest here and not just a troll, then you REALLY need to beware! The chances that she is genuine are very, very slim and you might just be on the verge of making the worst mistake of your life. Tread very carefully if you are intent on going through with it, despite the large number of warnings you have received here from so many voices of experience.

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Steve99 I have no WAY of knowing if she is playing you; but can tell you one thing don't never EVER under estimate the Thai women, if nothing else 95% of them are STREET Smart. :o:D Hang in there Sport, just watch your back, maybe ask for a little oversite from an on the scene Buddy.

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Oh well, working girls do sometimes have a relationship that doesn't revolve around money, and yes, they can fall in love.

I see that 16 people are reading this thread now, so you will get a lot of reactions.

All I can say is be cautious, but the same would apply if she was working at the airport or running a laundry service.

you have got to be kidding! why dont you go 4 a real uni girl, lots trolll the onternet looking 4 customaas, i mean boyfriends!

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Being taken to meet the family, well of course the family want to check you out, they will be thinking about sin sot no doubt and then theres always the family that will have crisis on a regular basis, that require funds.

This young woman is playing the game, maybe a little smarter than most by not appearing to care too much about money.

Not all Thai women are out for the take there are some very genuine ones, albeit in the minority. you are concerned about this now, your concerns will never completely disappear no matter what, do you want to live with the doubt.

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You have answered yoru own question by asking it.

One reply said would you marry a prostitute in your own country an dthen answer would be NO.

Did you tell your mates/family about going to Thailandm meeting a whore and spending your time with her? Are you mad?

Look, if you hav emoney to lose hook up with her, she is a loser and hook up with her, remember you are 31 years old so you are an adult but look at it this way, when you find out she is married with kids an dyou are skint etc. don't go crying into your sungha beer an dfeel sorry for yourself

Forget this whore now and yes, go in December to have a good holiday and maybe get up to 'thing' if that is what you want but if you meet a bar girl or an escort then you will lose everything.

You have read all of the above, now head what everyone is telling you.


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You have answered yoru own question by asking it.

One reply said would you marry a prostitute in your own country an dthen answer would be NO.

Did you tell your mates/family about going to Thailandm meeting a whore and spending your time with her? Are you mad?

Look, if you hav emoney to lose hook up with her, she is a loser and hook up with her, remember you are 31 years old so you are an adult but look at it this way, when you find out she is married with kids an dyou are skint etc. don't go crying into your sungha beer an dfeel sorry for yourself

Forget this whore now and yes, go in December to have a good holiday and maybe get up to 'thing' if that is what you want but if you meet a bar girl or an escort then you will lose everything.

You have read all of the above, now head what everyone is telling you.


Well that was straight to the point....Not an English teacher are you by any chance ? :o

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