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Retirement Visa Extension

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Maybe it is ask many times before, but for me still not clear.

I am( Dutch)65+ married with Thai

Soon I need to renew my non Immigrant O.

We are registered in the house of my parents in Law ( Khonkaen)

(we live in Mahasarakham because my son is there on school)

Now I understand we have to go to Nong Khai for extension ( Before we been to Korat)

I have evidence of monthly income ( 65.000+ bath) by letter of certification of our embassy.

Is it necessary (with this certification in English) to go to Thai Min. of Foreign affairs or can I avoid a trip to BKK?

Can we apply in Mukdahan ( because we are living in Mahasarakham) Or this depend on address in The Yellow Baan?

I will be grateful with all help

Thanks to your all

Edited by Putu94
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You have to apply at the nearest office/office for your region. There is no neeed to have the embassy letter translated, immigration accepts the letter if it is in English.

The requirements you can find here:

http://www.lawyer.th.com/National_Police_O...er_Oct_2006.pdf point 7.17.

Take your wife with you, they want to interview here as well. Also take some pictures of the inside of your house with you and the family and the clothing closet with clothes of the both of you in it. They also want a map to your house.

Best is to call before and ask which documents immigraiton requires, as each office has different rules.

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If you have 65k income they will probably push you into the Retirement Extension as it is easier for them.

It is also easier for you if you want to go that way.

As said no need for the MFA.

Personally I will still be going to Korat even though I live in Khon Kaen. Until they tell me different.

lets face it , unless you read this forum you would not know otherwise.

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Mukdahan according to recent information handed out at Nong Kai is your designated office. Take something with you showing you live in Mahasarakham now. Rental contract, utility bill or something.

What address have you been using on your 90 reports if its where you are living now that might be enoush.

I think you could still go to Korat if you want since it is actually closer than Nong Kai.

In my opinion the info from Nong Kai is because they are trying to reduce their work load and is not all that official and the other offices may not even have a copy.

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Bring the letter of income from the embassy, copy of your passport, one passport size photo, some sort of proof of where you live (house book with your name in it, lease contract or if your name is not in the book and it's only in your wife's name then bring her). A medical letter is not needed and bring your bank book (not required) but they like to look at it to see that you are bringing money into the country. Just did mine in Korat in Feb. with no hassles. My friend just did his last week with no problems with these documents at the Korat office. Good luck. Let us know how it goes.

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Good luck. Let us know how it goes.

Thanks again, in a few weeks we will go to Korat I will post the result.

About areas of responsibility for immigration office ( into effect 11 augustus), we been to Korat 21 augustus ,(for the 90 days extension)

On a correct and nice way they have helped us ( 5 min later we been back home) nobody have told us anything about this rule.

Maybe there is a different between 90 days and extension temporary stay.


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