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Nightmare Setup.


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I just bought a Linksys Wireless-G router and am trying to get it to work with a Zyzel 642R (ancient). The Zyxel works fine alone, but once it's hooked up to the Linksys and the Linksys is hooked up to the LAN, I get no Internet connection. Any ideas short of a new modem? :o

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The 4 port Linksys. The connection is as diagrammed in the literature. The Zyxel is one that just connects when you start the computer. It doesn't require you to click on an Internet connection icon. Also, even though the modem is working fine, the computer doesn't recognize it on the LAN.

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What is your computer's operating system? If it's Windows XP it 'should' find it okay. Do you have a driver CD supplied? If not you may be able to download information you need from the supplier's website. Or Plan B - go out and buy a new modem - they are cheap enough. Best of Luck.


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What is the internal IP address of your modem? what is the internal IP of you computer. When connect both via the router can you ping the IP address from your computer? The 1st thing to test is connectivity via the router. Both pieces of equipment must have assigned IP within the same IP subnet.

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The IP addresses are the same on both the Zyxel and the Linksys

They should not be the same IP address you should set one to something like the other ( if your lan is using that ip range ) and make sure no other piece of equipment on your lan is using those numbers.

Your lan could be using one of the other private address spaces don't use 0 or 255

for the last number. - (10/8 prefix) - (172.16/12 prefix) - (192.168/16 prefix)

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The IP addresses are the same on both the Zyxel and the Linksys

They should not be the same IP address you should set one to something like the other ( if your lan is using that ip range ) and make sure no other piece of equipment on your lan is using those numbers.

Your lan could be using one of the other private address spaces don't use 0 or 255

for the last number. - (10/8 prefix) - (172.16/12 prefix) - (192.168/16 prefix)


I think we are on the wrong path here. If Melu wants to use the Zyxel with a Linksys Wireless G router, the first question that should be asked is whether the Zyxel has an ethernet port or a USB port (I havent seen the Zyxel thing).

In case its one with a USB port, then forget about connecting the router. You will have to put in a network card in your PC, connect the router to it, turn off routing and DHCP and then just bridge the Wireless Side to the Wired side. Your PC should have Internet COnnection Sharing enabled if it has Windows 2000 or Windows XP on it.

The PC will act as the router now and also hand out addresses in the range.

If the Zyxel has a Ethernet Port (doesnt seem likely) or we wouldnt be talking about drivers and stuff then the alternative to this is to buy a DSL modem with a router built-in and at least 4 port switch (the BRM-04) comes highly recommended due to its embedded FreeBSD OS.

Now connect the Linksys wireless to the Router and you will have an always on connection. Pl read my thread (search BRM-04) on installing the BRM.

Hope that clears up the air somewhat.

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sorry, I'm a bit confused ...

may I ask?

is your modem a usb or ethernet?

do you connect the modem straight to the router?

or do you connect the modem to your com and then to the router?

some modem don't accept to be connected straight to routers, switch, hub.

check yours, it might be the case.

hope it can help a bit


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