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Stressed Policeman Goes On Shooting Spree, Killing Officer, Injuring Two


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Stressed policeman goes on shooting spree, killing officer, injuring two

YALA: -- Job-related stress apparently led to a police lieutenant yesterday, killing a senior police officer and injuring two others in two separate shooting rampages, before he was shot dead.

Before he was shot dead in a gunfight at Muang Yala Police station, Pol Lieutenant Bunchuan Jatharawas, of Bannang Sata Police Station, was being questioned by Lt Colonel Danai Ratajai for his earlier shooting of a junior special operations officer, who was seriously injured.

While being escorted by Danai to a room, Bunchuan, who was not handcuffed in violation of security regulations, snatched Danai's service pistol from his holster and fired four shots at him, killing him instantly.

Bunchuan later ran and fired one shot at PolColonel Chaithat Inthanoojit, a deputy Yala provincial chief, who was about to also question him, but the lone bullet scratched his back. Chaithat survived because he jumped out of a window on the second floor, but suffered a shoulder dislocation and sustained serious injuries.

In the ensuing gunfight, Bunchuan fired three shots at Police Sr SgtMajor Piding Jehkoh but all bullets missed, Piding then returned fire at Bunchuan. Two bullets hit him on the chest while a third hit him on the head, killing him instantly.

Police Sr SgtMajor Decha Chuayiam, the special operations officer, who had been shot in the stomach and a leg by Bunchuan yesterday morning at his home, is reported to be still in critical condition.

Bannang Sata police chief Pol Colonel Somphian Eksomya said Bunchuan, a deputy crimesuppression inspector, had a good career record and was well liked by his colleagues. However, he suffered from dutyrelated stress since Friday and was away on leave. Somphian said it was being investigated why Bunchuan went to Decha's home and fired into his house at around 6.30 am yesterday.

An internal investigation is also trying to determine if any personal problems had added to Bunchuan's stress.

Danai's funeral will be held at Wat Phut in Muang District and Bunchan's at Wat Muang.

-- The nation 2008-09-29

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Bunchuan, who was not handcuffed in violation of security regulations,

in a country where handcuffs , manacles and leg chains are used routinely on criminals and suspected criminals , it it amazing to read that a stressed out man being questioned in a building full of guns , about an earlier shooting , and whilst being escorted by an armed man , was not handcuffed.

what sort of gun training do the thai police get before being let loose on the population here.

not really related , but to do with guns nevertheless , a couple of days ago i was driving just north of chumphon , following an army truck with 20 or so soldiers sitting in the back , 5 or 6 of the soldiers were snoozing whilst sitting , but were using their machine guns as chin rests , supporting their chins on the business end , and holding the guns with the stock on the floor of the truck.

seemed a bit foolhardy to me.

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Thats what they get for giving preferential treatment to one of their own, seems like they never take police crime seriously.

I've been involved in police training in Thailand, specifically gun retention skills. To answer your question, they have no idea how to retain their weapon or any kind of safety rules to work by to ensure the gun is not subject to being snatched. I cant imagine they get much real gun training at all.

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"was being questioned /.../ for his earlier shooting of a junior special operations officer, who was seriously injured."

You got to be kidding me...

Inhouse-fighting and no-one cares to make sure he is at least in handcuffs.

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This is far from the first time a policeman has run amok.

Remember the guy who turned all the traffic lights green at his junction,

then danced a jig while the traffic snarled up. :o

Perhaps some psychological evaluation is need for recruits

and counseling for existing officers?

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I have absolutely no doubt that theres more to this story than what first meets the eye........typical really.

I wouldnt get too worked up about critising thai police & incidents like this, i use to work for one of the worlds most technically advanced police forces in the world and once observed a police officer remove his firearm from its holster and point it at another officer who had mistakenly taken the first officers raincoat. Despite all the Psycological Evaluations & some of the finest weapons training available there will always be those very derranged people. Interestingly that officer was later promoted and is still 'patrolling' the streets.

As for counselling Astral, lets just say most police forces around the world are too busy chasing their own tails whilst their senior commanders are too busy patting each other on the backs & concentrating their efforts into promotion to worry about the real welfare of the officers in the coal-face.

Anyway, theres nothing like being a armchair critic, is there?

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On Surayud this morning it was reported he was very upset that his mia noi may have run off with another guy. Didn't get the rest of the report but it may explain the 'unexplained' shooting of his neighbour.

I just love the way a Thai guy cheating on his wife with a mia noi gets jealous. To me jealousy is often a feeling generated by someone when he/she feels another person may behave the same as them.

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This is far from the first time a policeman has run amok. Perhaps some psychological evaluation is need for recruits and counseling for existing officers?

Logical observation. Now step back and consider the state of mental health care in Thailand. Adjectives like dismal, underfunded, and cultural barriers come to mind. We all know that police officers are prone to stress related health issues; Mental and physical. The nature of the job would make most sane people subject to episodes of depression, anger and frustration. It is why many police forces around the world have programs in place to deal with the issue.

As much as it would be great to implement the scheme in Thailand, the population isn't ready for it, nor is the infrastructure in place to deal with it. Please do not misinterpret this to mean that I'm denigrating Thais in any way. It's taken some countries a century of slow slogging to get some measure of mental health care in place and even now, those countries can barely deliver mental health care.

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I have absolutely no doubt that theres more to this story than what first meets the eye........typical really.

I wouldnt get too worked up about critising thai police & incidents like this, i use to work for one of the worlds most technically advanced police forces in the world and once observed a police officer remove his firearm from its holster and point it at another officer who had mistakenly taken the first officers raincoat. Despite all the Psycological Evaluations & some of the finest weapons training available there will always be those very derranged people. Interestingly that officer was later promoted and is still 'patrolling' the streets.

As for counselling Astral, lets just say most police forces around the world are too busy chasing their own tails whilst their senior commanders are too busy patting each other on the backs & concentrating their efforts into promotion to worry about the real welfare of the officers in the coal-face.

Anyway, theres nothing like being a armchair critic, is there?

Sounds like you were not a very good influence on the system , did you make those comments at the time you were part of this corrupt system ?

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