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Who Do You Know That's Been In A Chiang Mai Jail/pokey/lock Up/ This Week?

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I'm just wondering....

Anyone care to elabarate? I've heard of of a couple of thai Visa members locked up...

I feel that this topic might be more interesting than where is the best burger/breakfast is?.. And might be informative as to, who to stay away from.

Mod's if you want to delete this post do so... up to you.


This week? --- Sorry, can't help you out on such a short notice. Try to extend your query, and there might come up at least one result.


Any TV member who starts yet another thread on hamburgers, breakfasts, pizzas, etc., should be marched directly to jail with no internet rights for at least 12 months. Maybe they should be given 12 strokes of the cane as well.

I guess any TV memeber who makes stupid, inane or pedantic posts should be locked up as well. Blinky Bill excepted of course. :o


Well, I have a Thai friend who went to jail for a year for agg assault this last week.

He's here in Chiang Mai Jail.

I tried to go visit him , but he feels that he has lost face with me and will not see me.

Another Thai doctor friend that has some good connections has made sure that he is taken care of while on his year.

I give the doc a couple of thousand each month to insure that my friend has no needs there, to which the doc tells me it's not needed, but continue to do so anyway.

Wouldn't wish it on anyone, well maybe just two.

Maybe if he was guilty of tax fraud he would have gotten bail and now possibly would be living in London.

Any TV member who starts yet another thread on hamburgers, breakfasts, pizzas, etc., should be marched directly to jail with no internet rights for at least 12 months. Maybe they should be given 12 strokes of the cane as well.

I guess any TV member who makes stupid, inane or pedantic posts should be locked up as well. Blinky Bill excepted of course. :o

:D in all respects! :D And maybe add all-round sourpusses/curmudgeons to that list. LOS = Land of Scowls? :D

Maybe if he was guilty of tax fraud he would have gotten bail and now possibly would be living in London.

Naw. They would be in Bangkok running for Prime Minister.

As Chairman of the "Sick Buffalo" party.

Any TV member who starts yet another thread on hamburgers, breakfasts, pizzas, etc., should be marched directly to jail with no internet rights for at least 12 months. Maybe they should be given 12 strokes of the cane as well.

We need an habitual offender law especially for UG.

Any TV member who starts yet another thread on hamburgers, breakfasts, pizzas, etc., should be marched directly to jail with no internet rights for at least 12 months. Maybe they should be given 12 strokes of the cane as well.

I guess any TV memeber who makes stupid, inane or pedantic posts should be locked up as well. Blinky Bill excepted of course. :o

I see you have reverted back to your old Bikini Bill avatar - that's a noticeable improvement to this board, IMHO.


I wish I understood the Thai criminal law better...

Excuse my spelling today as I 'm rather pissed right now.

My wife recieved a phone call this morning from her mother in Bangkok about my brother in law who owns his own business. ( lab glass ware )

10 years ago he worked for a glass manufacture who makes lab glass ware. Well, he quit and started his own lab glass business and because he is really good at what he does, the owner of the company then told him he did not want him to quit and if he did the owner would sue him.

Well, for the last 9 years this has dragged through the court in Bangkok.

The owner has lied about my brother in law stealing and taking money...flat out lies.

Today was the last of 3 court dates. My uncle, who is a Thai lawyer and is number 3 guy in the Thai police drug suppression folks, informed my brother in law not to go to court today and wait another month...no worries. ( He wanted the time to look into the case and see what he could possibly do..)

Well, the brother in law ( already convicted the first time and then aquitted in the 2d court appeal ) went this am ( 9:00am ) was found guilty and sentenced to .....

29 years

He was then taken from the courtroom & on his way to prison.

My feelings on Thailand and it's judical system are not good right now.

and ya got that real thief and his convict skank of a wife living the high life n the UK.

Phukin' sucks.

My family is devistated...


I'm very very sorry for what has happened to your family.

Please, send them my deepest sympathies.


Please give my regards to your wife Aom...

Dankuwell Nienke.

Thx Jack.

She's pretty upset and I may be putting her on a plane today.

This sucks because my brother in law is a really straight arrow...never has done nothing bad in his life, heck..he dosen't even talk back to my sister in law..

Just a really nice guy.

His biggest mistake is that he went to go into business for himself and the big cheese didn't want to loose the star player.

Amazing...29 years.

He won't survive one, no less than 29!

Please give my regards to your wife Aom...

Dankuwell Nienke.

Thx Jack.

She's pretty upset and I may be putting her on a plane today.

This sucks because my brother in law is a really straight arrow...never has done nothing bad in his life, heck..he dosen't even talk back to my sister in law..

Just a really nice guy.

His biggest mistake is that he went to go into business for himself and the big cheese didn't want to loose the star player.

Amazing...29 years.

He won't survive one, no less than 29!

That's terrible :o

I trust he will appeal?


The first 2 court appearences were the original case ( convicted ) 2d court appearence was the appeal..3rd was the judges ruling on the appeal.

From what I now understand, he's done with all appeals and the conviction stands.

Only 3 times in a Thai court for the common folk, this is what I'm told.

His wife, my sister in law was admitted into the hospital a little while ago ( falling completely apart )

and now my wife is going back to Bangkok to care for the 2 kids ( ages 5 and 7 ) who are now going to have to go through the next 29 years without thier father.

Uncle is trying to sort things out and his brother is the , for lack of a better word, the head jailer in Pratchinburi, and they will both ask the court if my brother in law can be sent there.

This just all sucks big time.

You can get 2 years for murder

3 years for 5 million Bhat tax theft

Well, hel_l...I'm just floored on this amount of time he got.

If he was a jailbird or a troublemaker, I'd just let the chips fall where they may, but he's not.


29 yrs for what? What were the charges?

How can you sue someone for leaving the company?

As far as I understand the labour law. If you don't have a written contract that states otherwise, employment can terminated at any time and be effective within a day. If terminated by the employer then employee would be eligible for severance pay. It is when there are issues such as damaging company, stealing or whatever that severance pay can be suspended.

Under what auspices is this person following up with court cases that amount to 29yrs in jail. This is ludicrous.

Don't quite understand the scenario.

But if its 29yrs for breach of employment contract, it's ridiculous.


If I could explain all the circumstances, I would.

I just put the wife on a plane back to BKK, so I will probably know more later this evening.

It dosen't make any sense to me, but then again it's Thai v Thai in a Thai court of law..

But if its 29yrs for breach of employment contract, it's ridiculous.

He said the employer made accusations of 'stealing' (theft), I would imagine as, at first, a threat to blackmail the employee into staying but later carried through for revenge (face-sAving?). Of course, with all due respect to the OP, we are only getting one side of the story, but 29 years for any kind of theft short of kidnapping the king seems wildy excessive.


With all the legal opinions here, I will interject another theory. Something about who paid whom the most cash. Laws in some places can be totally irrelevant


I am sorry for your relatives. It seems too me that it is about "trade secrets" when he left his original employer. Unforunately IP laws are draconian everywhere just look at how much you can be fined and how long you can be imprisoned in many counties for copying a dvd.

I'm just wondering....

Anyone care to elabarate? I've heard of of a couple of thai Visa members locked up...

I feel that this topic might be more interesting than where is the best burger/breakfast is?.. And might be informative as to, who to stay away from.

Mod's if you want to delete this post do so... up to you.

I think there are a couple of obscure ethnic dishes that haven't been covered yet, but am expecting new posts soon. The anticipation almost gets too much at times. By the way where do you get the best marmite sandwich?

I'm just wondering....

Anyone care to elabarate? I've heard of of a couple of thai Visa members locked up...

I feel that this topic might be more interesting than where is the best burger/breakfast is?.. And might be informative as to, who to stay away from.

Mod's if you want to delete this post do so... up to you.

I think there are a couple of obscure ethnic dishes that haven't been covered yet, but am expecting new posts soon. The anticipation almost gets too much at times. By the way where do you get the best marmite sandwich?

I talked to a Dutch guy today, he was accused of overstay he was. His home country stop his income by mistake. He spent 4 months in the CM jail, and said it was pure hel_l. He then had to leave Thailand and go back to Holland. Holland admitted their mistake and gave him his back money. The Holland consulate here did nothing to help him. So he did the 4 months in jail. Lesson is do not expect your Embassy or Consulate to help you !! They are money making organizations, they could give a <deleted> about us long stays. You are on your own so avoid any problems with the Thai Authorities. Always ask if you can pay the fine at the lowest level you encounter. Choke Dee.

I talked to a Dutch guy today, he was accused of overstay he was. His home country stop his income by mistake. He spent 4 months in the CM jail, and said it was pure hel_l. He then had to leave Thailand and go back to Holland. Holland admitted their mistake and gave him his back money. The Holland consulate here did nothing to help him. So he did the 4 months in jail. Lesson is do not expect your Embassy or Consulate to help you !! They are money making organizations, they could give a <deleted> about us long stays. You are on your own so avoid any problems with the Thai Authorities. Always ask if you can pay the fine at the lowest level you encounter. Choke Dee.


Caught with overstay, no tickets to fly out of the country/home and they keep you until you get them. SOP


Look on Tripadvisor or, for example, http://[url="http://www.usp.com.au/fp...usp.com.au/fpss/case-gary-jones.html[/url] for info about foreigners and prison visits. The british site prisonersabroad.org is useful. A google search on Gary Jones will give lots of results. The last Citylife also featured prison life and the inhuman conditions inmates suffer. All sources seem to conclude that the consulates are useless and do not help those convicted or even ensure their basic human rights are upheld. In a Thai jail, you have no rights.

I've visited a Thai friend at Chiang Mai prison but would not have got through the procedure without a thai to help fill in the forms etc. Take your passport, don't wear shorts - you won't be allowed in to the visitor area, dress smartly. You can buy goods for the inmate - soap and shampoo are appreciated and cigarettes are good currency even if the inmate doesn't smoke. As well as the shop beside the visitor waiting area, there is a shop with fresh food on your left before you get to the visitor waiting area. You can even leave up to 500 baht for the inmate at the window beside the registration window.Again, you need to be able to write the inmates name in Thai unless he's a farang.

About 20 visitors get in at at time for a 10 minute visit. Expect to wait up to an hour - more if you arrive after 11.00 and have to wait through lunch hour. You may get to see the inmate through a screen and talk through a grille but you may just get to speak to them on a telephone - you will see them behind the screen at the back of the room speaking on their internal telephone.

I was never asked if I was a relative or why I was visiting.

I'm just wondering....

Anyone care to elabarate? I've heard of of a couple of thai Visa members locked up...

I feel that this topic might be more interesting than where is the best burger/breakfast is?.. And might be informative as to, who to stay away from.

Mod's if you want to delete this post do so... up to you.

Any TV member who starts yet another thread on hamburgers, breakfasts, pizzas, etc., should be marched directly to jail with no internet rights for at least 12 months. Maybe they should be given 12 strokes of the cane as well.

I guess any TV memeber who makes stupid, inane or pedantic posts should be locked up as well. Blinky Bill excepted of course. :o

I used to know someone who was happy to pay good money, for this service, I also recall a mock-prison where you could be banged-up for-the-weekend, complete with guards ! :D

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