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Farang Who Needs To Have A Mix!

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I have been in CM for 6 weeks now, and one thing I miss the most, is having a mix. I would like to play a regular set someplace, maybe when the tourist season picks back up.

is there anyone out there who is in the same mindset I.E - likes to mix, and maybe has a pair of decks/CDJ's

and would be up for meeting for a beer see if we get along ? or has any idea where the best places are in town to approach in search of a playing?

House, DnB, Downtempo/ambient styles.

Thank you



I have been in CM for 6 weeks now, and one thing I miss the most, is having a mix. I would like to play a regular set someplace, maybe when the tourist season picks back up.

is there anyone out there who is in the same mindset I.E - likes to mix, and maybe has a pair of decks/CDJ's

and would be up for meeting for a beer see if we get along ? or has any idea where the best places are in town to approach in search of a playing?

House, DnB, Downtempo/ambient styles.

Thank you


What on earth are you on about silentjob? Do you want to dress up in vinyl and mix with????

In Thailand you can find most of what satisfies weird tastes if you delve deep enough, but I personally, am not into anything too far out of the ordinary. I think you'll find most members of Thai Visa are of similar inclinations to mine...... At least that's what they say.


According to Thaivisa one similar topic to this one is : Farang With Severe Alzheimer in Thailand (Take a look at the bottom of the page if you don't believe me)


Well 'Blinky' old boy, the premise is thus.

Vinyl = RECORDS, people used to use these to hear music.

Decks/turntables = if you have a pair of these, and a mixer, you can blend two songs together, this is known as a 'mix' in some circles. You may now a turntable as a 'record player' or 'Phono' on a all in one Hi-Fi entertainment system.

Below are a few images to clear this taxing issue up.





Well 'Blinky' old boy, the premise is thus.

vinyl = RECORDS, people used to use these to hear music.

funny. yea, they were flat like a mexican tortilla. they had a lot of slim grooves in them. You needed a needle to slip in to the grooves. It wasn't like sewing though. sometimes the records would break, but not like in the Olympics.


I guess I'm a bit young to know these things but that black vinyl thingy sure looks groovy. Telefunken? Is that the name of a musical group?

Well 'Blinky' old boy, the premise is thus this.

Vinyl = RECORDS, people used to use these to hear music.

Decks/turntables = if you have a pair of these, and a mixer, you can blend two songs together, this is known as a 'mix' in some circles. You may now know a turntable as a 'record player' or 'Phono' on a an all in one Hi-Fi entertainment system.

Below are a few images to clear this taxing issue up.




There's not interest at all from club owners in Chiang Mai in having farang DJ play - even a person of my experience and level. The OP is totally wasting his/her time IMHO.

Though apparently Warm Up will let foreign DJs play for free in a small room on a Friday night - or so I've been told.

Lucky the term vinyl was used. If someone had used the term "wax" or "platters" then Blinky would have been really confused.

<<Vinyl = RECORDS, people used to use these to hear music.>> Ummm, yes, and now it's the die hards who think you can tell the difference between wax and CDs at 200db in a club with club quality speakers. :o


It really seems to be that some people on this forum need to get a life!

Blinky Bill you are pedantic, boring and pathetic. Grow up, get a life, or just go away somewhere else. What a tosspot response that was. The OP posts a valid question and you blah on in your annoying way, and then correct his grammar! Please!

Silent job, don't think there's much in the way of opportunity for mixing, though I have spotted a bunch of records and decks (I think?) at the Glass Onion. Don't know how willing the Korean owner would be to let you use them, but he's a nice chap and very affable.

It really seems to be that some people on this forum need to get a life!

Blinky Bill you are pedantic, boring and pathetic. Grow up, get a life, or just go away somewhere else. What a tosspot response that was. The OP posts a valid question and you blah on in your annoying way, and then correct his grammar! Please!

Silent job, don't think there's much in the way of opportunity for mixing, though I have spotted a bunch of records and decks (I think?) at the Glass Onion. Don't know how willing the Korean owner would be to let you use them, but he's a nice chap and very affable.

humor: the trait of appreciating (and being able to express) the humorous; "she didn't appreciate my humor"; "you can't survive in the army without a sense of humor" ( http://wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=humour )

/ Priceless


There are so many very good qualities that rap encompasses. Why on Earth would someone move to the Land of fake smiles to get away from this genre of extremely talented, highly skilled (music?)

It really seems to be that some people on this forum need to get a life!

Blinky Bill you are pedantic, boring and pathetic. Grow up, get a life, or just go away somewhere else. What a tosspot response that was. The OP posts a valid question and you blah on in your annoying way, and then correct his grammar! Please!

Silent job, don't think there's much in the way of opportunity for mixing, though I have spotted a bunch of records and decks (I think?) at the Glass Onion. Don't know how willing the Korean owner would be to let you use them, but he's a nice chap and very affable.

Love that name gymboxgirl. What is the significance?

Some people do definately need to get a life. I, for one have a life and a very interesting one at that. Yes I may be pedantic at times, but that is always on purpose, you have made me a happy man today. Thank you. Boring to some, but not all. Pathetic, nah, I'm a pretty happy guy with 3 kids. I have already grown up and and I'm really big now. My life is full and I have seen more of the world than most.

I always appreciate people correcting me when I wrong, learning is great. I'm sure Mr. silentjob will be more than happy to know that good old Blinky Bill is always there to help.

If you don't like reading my posts you could always scroll down the page. Actually I think there may be a function whereby you can block an individuals posts from your browser, but I might be wrong on that point.

Don't worry about what gets said on this forum. Believe it or not, there is quite a bit of tongue in cheek in my posts. Look forward to meeting you at the Thai Visa 6th Anniversary Party at Tuskers on the 8th of November. That is of course, if you turn up.

BTW I see you are a very new member, welcome to TV.



Sent you a PM, you'll find the needles comments here an everyday occurance, unless your posting on a 'post your favourite pics' or 'guess the place' post.

Anyway I used to mix on 1210's using vestex mixers with an Ortofon cartridge and Grado cans, didn't really like the Sure's. I was thinking of buying some CDJ's just for fun at home but i have no intention of mixing in a club.

My GF has contacts with various clubs from time to time so i'll let you know if there is anything that might be of interest to you.

It really seems to be that some people on this forum need to get a life!

Blinky Bill you are pedantic, boring and pathetic. Grow up, get a life, or just go away somewhere else. What a tosspot response that was. The OP posts a valid question and you blah on in your annoying way, and then correct his grammar! Please!

Silent job, don't think there's much in the way of opportunity for mixing, though I have spotted a bunch of records and decks (I think?) at the Glass Onion. Don't know how willing the Korean owner would be to let you use them, but he's a nice chap and very affable.

Love that name gymboxgirl. What is the significance?

Some people do definately need to get a life. I, for one have a life and a very interesting one at that. Yes I may be pedantic at times, but that is always on purpose, you have made me a happy man today. Thank you. Boring to some, but not all. Pathetic, nah, I'm a pretty happy guy with 3 kids. I have already grown up and and I'm really big now. My life is full and I have seen more of the world than most.

I always appreciate people correcting me when I wrong, learning is great. I'm sure Mr. silentjob will be more than happy to know that good old Blinky Bill is always there to help.

If you don't like reading my posts you could always scroll down the page. Actually I think there may be a function whereby you can block an individuals posts from your browser, but I might be wrong on that point.

Don't worry about what gets said on this forum. Believe it or not, there is quite a bit of tongue in cheek in my posts. Look forward to meeting you at the Thai Visa 6th Anniversary Party at Tuskers on the 8th of November. That is of course, if you turn up.

BTW I see you are a very new member, welcome to TV.

This from the guy who corrects other people's English. :o

Just as well you appreciate people correcting you when you're wrong huh? :D

It really seems to be that some people on this forum need to get a life!

Blinky Bill you are pedantic, boring and pathetic. Grow up, get a life, or just go away somewhere else. What a tosspot response that was. The OP posts a valid question and you blah on in your annoying way, and then correct his grammar! Please!

Silent job, don't think there's much in the way of opportunity for mixing, though I have spotted a bunch of records and decks (I think?) at the Glass Onion. Don't know how willing the Korean owner would be to let you use them, but he's a nice chap and very affable.

Love that name gymboxgirl. What is the significance?

Some people do definately definitely need to get a life. I, for one have a life and a very interesting one at that. Yes I may be pedantic at times, but that is always on purpose, you have made me a happy man today. Thank you. Boring to some, but not all. Pathetic, nah, I'm a pretty happy guy with 3 kids. I have already grown up and and I'm really big now. My life is full and I have seen more of the world than most.

I always appreciate people correcting me when I wrong, learning is great. I'm sure Mr. silentjob will be more than happy to know that good old Blinky Bill is always there to help.

If you don't like reading my posts you could always scroll down the page. Actually I think there may be a function whereby you can block an individuals posts from your browser, but I might be wrong on that point.

Don't worry about what gets said on this forum. Believe it or not, there is quite a bit of tongue in cheek in my posts. Look forward to meeting you at the Thai Visa 6th Anniversary Party at Tuskers on the 8th of November. That is of course, if you turn up.

BTW I see you are a very new member, welcome to TV.

This from the guy who corrects other people's English. :o

Just as well you appreciate people correcting you when you're wrong huh? :D

Thanks Bananaman. What good is a day when you don't learn something. I am in your debt.

It really seems to be that some people on this forum need to get a life!

Blinky Bill you are pedantic, boring and pathetic. Grow up, get a life, or just go away somewhere else. What a tosspot response that was. The OP posts a valid question and you blah on in your annoying way, and then correct his grammar! Please!

Silent job, don't think there's much in the way of opportunity for mixing, though I have spotted a bunch of records and decks (I think?) at the Glass Onion. Don't know how willing the Korean owner would be to let you use them, but he's a nice chap and very affable.

Poor old Blinky Bill should be pitied, rather than censured. :o

Imagine being a pedant for grammar and spelling and being raised in Australia!! They're nice people, but their use of the English language is.... imaginative, shall we say (Just to be polite).  Words like  K A N G A R O O, are too long and difficult for the majority, and end up being abbreviated to R O O.  Some words are too short (can you believe it!) so  they are extended - Tin becomes Tinny.  And when they couldn't be bothered to speak atall a Utility Vehicle becomes a Ute (I've no idea how to spell it - just a guess). I won't bother trying to explain 'bonzer tucker' (good food).

If you were him, as soon as you could, you'd get out and travel the world rather than stay there, wouldn't you? :D

Poor old Blinky Bill should be pitied, rather than censured. :o

Imagine being a pedant for grammar and spelling and being raised in Australia!! They're nice people, but their use of the English language is.... imaginative, shall we say (Just to be polite).  Words like  K A N G A R O O, are too long and difficult for the majority, and end up being abbreviated to R O O.  Some words are too short (can you believe it!) so  they are extended - Tin becomes Tinny.  And when they couldn't be bothered to speak atall a Utility Vehicle becomes a Ute (I've no idea how to spell it - just a guess). I won't bother trying to explain 'bonzer tucker' (good food).

If you were him, as soon as you could, you'd get out and travel the world rather than stay there, wouldn't you? :D

Mr Khunt, ya scouser, ya exey cosher an Bewzer owner .

Y'alright do'n ternight. Yous think ay 'uv a problem wi' english. Us in australia do dead bright wi' de Queen's english. sadly yous scousers seem ter 'uv a problem mak'n any sense wi' anyone but yoselves.

'uv a gunnite. lewk'n forward ter 'av'n a virgin's piddle wi' yous quick sticks.


Now why does Mr Khunt, a "gentleman" from Liverpool (aka Scouser), seem to think Australians have a problem with the English language?

Poor old Blinky Bill should be pitied, rather than censured. :o

Imagine being a pedant for grammar and spelling and being raised in Australia!! They're nice people, but their use of the English language is.... imaginative, shall we say (Just to be polite).  Words like  K A N G A R O O, are too long and difficult for the majority, and end up being abbreviated to R O O.  Some words are too short (can you believe it!) so  they are extended - Tin becomes Tinny.  And when they couldn't be bothered to speak atall a Utility Vehicle becomes a Ute (I've no idea how to spell it - just a guess). I won't bother trying to explain 'bonzer tucker' (good food).

If you were him, as soon as you could, you'd get out and travel the world rather than stay there, wouldn't you? :D

Mr Khunt, ya scouser, ya exey cosher an Bewzer owner .

Y'alright do'n ternight. Yous think ay 'uv a problem wi' english. Us in australia do dead bright wi' de Queen's english. sadly yous scousers seem ter 'uv a problem mak'n any sense wi' anyone but yoselves.

'uv a gunnite. lewk'n forward ter 'av'n a virgin's piddle wi' yous quick sticks.


Now why does Mr Khunt, a "gentleman" from Liverpool (aka Scouser), seem to think Australians have a problem with the English language?

Wassa matta Kev? Can't think of an intelligent response? Nor can I.

Poor old Blinky Bill should be pitied, rather than censured. :D

Imagine being a pedant for grammar and spelling and being raised in Australia!! They're nice people, but their use of the English language is.... imaginative, shall we say (Just to be polite).  Words like  K A N G A R O O, are too long and difficult for the majority, and end up being abbreviated to R O O.  Some words are too short (can you believe it!) so  they are extended - Tin becomes Tinny.  And when they couldn't be bothered to speak atall a Utility Vehicle becomes a Ute (I've no idea how to spell it - just a guess). I won't bother trying to explain 'bonzer tucker' (good food).

If you were him, as soon as you could, you'd get out and travel the world rather than stay there, wouldn't you? :D

Mr Khunt, ya scouser, ya exey cosher an Bewzer owner .

Y'alright do'n ternight. Yous think ay 'uv a problem wi' english. Us in australia do dead bright wi' de Queen's english. sadly yous scousers seem ter 'uv a problem mak'n any sense wi' anyone but yoselves.

'uv a gunnite. lewk'n forward ter 'av'n a virgin's piddle wi' yous quick sticks.


Now why does Mr Khunt, a "gentleman" from Liverpool (aka Scouser), seem to think Australians have a problem with the English language?

Wassa matta Kev? Can't think of an intelligent response? Nor can I.

Arright Lar!!

I'm sure you're fully aware of the fact that Liverpool is the current European Capital of CULTURE!! :o

Hopefully the millions of visitors will purchase a copy of the old favourite guide to the Liverpool dialect/accent "Learn yerself scouse" and it will soon be a case of 'scouse rules. ok'. Imagine it - everyone talkin' dead proper - like what we do.

I'm sure you are also aware of the fact that a poll about Uk accents by a tele-sales company found that 'Scouse' was considerd to be the most 'friendly and re-assuring'.  :D  

Honest!! I'm not making it up.

This is made up, though ........................

Scouser No 1 : 'Hey mate, 'ave ya gorra a shiiiiirt in this colour wharr'll fit me?

Scouser No 2. " Don't be so stewpid - it's not  "Wharr'l fit me "  it's  "Dharr'll fit me".


you guys!

it's like listening to the same record over and over again

is listening to you at the same time the mixing your tunes that the op talks about?

  • 2 weeks later...

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