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What Would You Change About Thailand?


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Lets face it, we do complain a lot sometimes. So, what would you change about Thailand if you were given the power?

Some examples, land ownership, closing times, the way they think or nothing at all.

This was inspired from reading several topics, so forgive me if it's old.

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So, what would you change about Thailand if you were given the power?

I don't pretend to know enough about Thailand and its people yet, to be able to recommend any changes. However, if a gun were held to my head and someone forced me to make a suggestion, then it would be to improve infant and child health care (innoculations, vaccinations, etc.) and also add some legitimacy to the sex trade by requiring STD checks, condom usage, health care for sex workers, etc.

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I would give more power to overseas education. Thailand has a lot of her people study abroad. Make use of this experience both positive and negative.

Too often people having studied or worked abroad fall back to the 'Thai way' once returned home or are not listened to.

So, I would make more of these sources. On one hand: Not to make the same mistakes they saw or experienced while abroad. On the other: Adopt for Thailand what worked positive abroad.

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Well if i could wave a magic wand and make it happen i would make the Thai economy and the peoples wages etc in-line with the western world.

Sorry the cheap Charlies out there your easy livin life style would have just come crashing down.

This is a very interesting post. At the risk of starting a big flame war I'll ask, "Why."

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Well if i could wave a magic wand and make it happen i would make the Thai economy and the peoples wages etc in-line with the western world.

Sorry the cheap Charlies out there your easy livin life style would have just come crashing down.

Can't say your wish would be all that welcome to a lot of "retirees" who are not "cheap Charlies", but do have to live on a limited income. And of course with the economy and wages "in-line" with the Western world, would come a host of other "Western" problems (I think).

But having said that, I could wish for a change for the better in the government. :o

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Lets face it, we do complain a lot sometimes. So, what would you change about Thailand if you were given the power?

I'd make European/American toilets mandatory in all public places including petrol/gas stations and toilet paper furnished in all.

I've made 35 trips to Thailand in all since 1971 and my one pet peeve is the bombsite toilet facilities and no available toilet paper.

I know it's "their" country and their custom, but IF the want the tourists, this one "perk" would provide more than any other methinks.

Ken Bower

San Antonio Texas

http://homepage.mac.com/mgnewman/KenLat/ (homepage)

http://kenandlat.diaryland.com (daily THIS AND THAT column)

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