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Phukets Sex Industry And General Tourism

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Forgot to add, is it ok for my wife to get her arse felt up by a sixty year old with ten yellow teeth no hair but a ponytail who has been on the ale since 11am?

Oh its Thailand it's only fun. No it isn't.

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no, stuandchris, its not ok. you have every right to deter pricks like him in whatever way you like, in my opinion. :o

whether you are western or thai, it does not tive anyone the right to paw all over you just because you are a woman - this goes for working girls too. i have seen some pretty disgusting behaviour from men towards women in thailand - stuff that they would never get away with at home, or with a western woman. :D

(and the yellow teeth (tooth?) and ponytail are not the most attractive look fellas) :D


An astute succinct observation. In one sentence you have explained why the protests in Thailand can be so full of rage. You have also explained the motive for actions that many foreigners see as irational (e.g. disrupting HKT). Congratulations on demonstrating Occam's razor. :o

Well I think many Thais just want to live a simple uncomplicated life. A life where they have some freedom and autonomy without being economic slaves and pawns in the power plays of the ruling elite. A lot of the tactics we see from the likes of Thaksin and his cronies would be more suited to fuedal China than modern Thailand. Let nobody be in doubt, there is a cold war running in Thailand and it will get much worse before it gets better.

If you have read Sun Tze's "The art of war" or the "36 stratagems of the Chinese" you will see these fuedal strategies being used daily in Thai politics and business circles. They all involve some form of treachery and deception and are at odds with the peaceful Buddhist faith that teaches peace, mindfulness and tolerance.

Occam's razor says that "All other things being equal, the simplest solution is usually the best." I would just call it common sense. If you have one man who has plundered his country, subverted the law for his own enrichment, overseen extrajudicial murders, corrupted the police and judiciary and then simply walked away without any legal repercussions, then why would you ever wonder that people are pissed off? Thaksin is just one of many in a long line of political despots and parasites that have monopolised Thai politics and business.

Now when change is being demanded we have his brother-in-law appointed as Prime Minister and his other brother-in-law appointed as Police chief. He himself is technically a wanted fugitive but travels with a full diplomatic passport. Nothing will be done and no change is possible while this ludicrous situation goes unresolved. As I said last time, what clear thinking, reasonable person, would NOT be filthy about all this??

The waisted potential of Thailand is a national disgrace, so many gifted and talented indivduals miss out because some crony or mates child is given preference because of their connections rather than their abilities. A system based on patronage, rampant bribery and nepotism cannot compete in a competitive and shrinking global economy. Our western systems are far from perfect but at least there are still opportunities based on ability not family connections.

I can't even imagine the frustration I would feel being a Thai living under such a bent system.

An astute succinct observation. In one sentence you have explained why the protests in Thailand can be so full of rage. You have also explained the motive for actions that many foreigners see as irational (e.g. disrupting HKT). Congratulations on demonstrating Occam's razor. :o

A bit like a wall plaque, true, ignoring half the facts though.


The OP was obviously raised in a place where jobs, education, and health care were free and easy to attain.

Dude, This is not a place like that. Ever been so hungry you would do just about anything for a bite to eat?

I respect the trade. I don't condone it, nor do I support it, but I respect it. Therefore, I choose to leave it alone, and wish others would as well.

You go to the zoo, you feed the gorillas, hang out at their cage, but take them home, and they will wreck your house, sh!t on the sofa, and eventually move you out, and take over.

(Like my poor unfortunate German Neighbor.)

Was your German neighbour shat on by a monkey or a Thai girl?


Welling ton

No where in my Topic have I said anything negative about the sex trade here in Thailand, I do see that it has brought some knowledge and prosperity to some thai families.

I have been married to a bargirl for years and live very well here, and did so as well in my home country with a western wife, and no, I was not rich.

I have seen my part of very bad and sad tradgic, live and learn happenings in my life, so I do not need to be lectured about trival matters, as to refered german "monkeys" stories.

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