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Hello,i have son(from my wife married before)who must serve the thai army(marine).Now we get a call from him,and he says that he must buy his own uniform?I must tell u that this is the first time that u hear in my life that a militar must buy his own uniform.So my question is:is this so?

I know my brother in law must buy his uniform when he was voted to be a appatar,a kind off village head,and he must pay 10000 bath!!!!! :o


Hi dreetje, seems strange. Do I detect a faint wiff of bovine maude? Generally an officer will get basic issue, probably may have to purchase dress uniforms and certainly ceromonial uniforms. But that's Western military practice, Thailand is probably different!

Hi dreetje, seems strange. Do I detect a faint wiff of bovine maude? Generally an officer will get basic issue, probably may have to purchase dress uniforms and certainly ceromonial uniforms. But that's Western military practice, Thailand is probably different!

Definite wiff of buffalo do do...


All US officers must buy their own uniforms, and I think officers of someother nations must do that as well. However, enlisted servicemen and women are issued their initial set free-of-charge.


There is not one serviceman in Australia who has to buy any part of any uniform. All uniforms & the parts thereof, are supplied by the Australian military. If any Australian military personnel were required to buy any uniform or part thereof, it would be 100% tax deductible.

All of this sounds very strange to me. The Thai government obviously know that many people in Thailand are poor. If some of these "poor" people are CONSCRIPTED into the military, how on earth can the government expect them to pay for uniforms? This sounds like a scam to me. Maybe the person who has been conscripted is from a wealthy family & maybe certain Thai military personnel know this & are now trying to get a few extra dollars (illegally)? Maybe the son is the one who is trying to get a few extra dollars?

There is not one serviceman in Australia who has to buy any part of any uniform. All uniforms & the parts thereof, are supplied by the Australian military. If any Australian military personnel were required to buy any uniform or part thereof, it would be 100% tax deductible.

All of this sounds very strange to me. The Thai government obviously know that many people in Thailand are poor. If some of these "poor" people are CONSCRIPTED into the military, how on earth can the government expect them to pay for uniforms? This sounds like a scam to me. Maybe the person who has been conscripted is from a wealthy family & maybe certain Thai military personnel know this & are now trying to get a few extra dollars (illegally)? Maybe the son is the one who is trying to get a few extra dollars?

For British Officers, SNCOs (Senior non-commissioned officers) and some JNCOs (Junior non-commissioned officers) you have to buy 'Mess' Dress. That is to say ceremonial uniform to be worn in the eating areas.

There is some other types, like the 'Sam Browne' kit officers where with their other uniforms as well.

So it could be the Thai system is to 'copy' the US / UK system and do this as well.

The way some 'hi-so' posters go on here there must be some that have an insight in the idiosyncracies of Thai Army Doctrine. :o


In 33 years in the US armed forces, the only uniforms I ever got for free were three sets of desert cammies and a pair of boots to go to Iraq. Every other uniform was bought and paid for by me.

I seem to remember reading once that this practice went back to English custom later followed by the US where an individual "raised" a battalion or regiment by recruiting the men, outfitting them, and showing up for battle.  The newly minted colonel had to pay for all the uniforms and individual weapons of the troops, so the troops came in without paying anything. He and his officers (who might also have chipped in on the expenses) had to outfit themselves as well, so getting a colonelcy cost a fair pretty penny.

To the OP, is your step-son going into the Marines as an officer or enlisted?  If he is enlisted, then I would be highly skeptical that he has to buy his uniforms. But I don't know for sure.  I have served with the Thai Marines several times, and we probablyeven discussed officers' uniforms, but I don't remember what was said about the subject.


Maybe i'm misunderstanding your last sentence, but is your son requiring 10,000 baht for the uniform? Because even if he did have the buy his own uniform; 10,000 seems way over the top. The uniforms that i see the young soldiers walking around in don't look like they should cost more than 1,000-2,000?

Maybe i'm misunderstanding your last sentence, but is your son requiring 10,000 baht for the uniform? Because even if he did have the buy his own uniform; 10,000 seems way over the top. The uniforms that i see the young soldiers walking around in don't look like they should cost more than 1,000-2,000?

that depends on whether they were made by brioni or mr. singh... :o


It seems I am always contradicting posts made by Elkangorito on this forum, but in my 36 years as both a rating and an officer in the Australian Navy I can assure you that initial issue of uniforms was gratis. Following the initial issue it is the responsibility of the individual to maintain his/her kit. My salary contained a component of uniform maintenance allowance, from memory about $13 per fortnight. My officers initial issue was also free but did not include such items as Mess Undress (cocktail uniform), patent leather shoes and cap badges ($179.00 for one badge).

So it is with the Thai military also. Your son would be issued his basic uniform free of charge and would be responsible for its upkeep.

In fairness to El Kangarito, all expenditure over and above the amount provided by uniform maintenance allowance is tax deductable providing one keeps the receipts. So if I spent $400 in a tax year over the allowance then I would reduce my taxable income by that amount getting back about 30% of the $400.


I just spoke to my wife who said thats true the conscripts have to pay for their own uniform . because she was a high rank she used to select her own material and get cut by tailers ,but lower ranks can usually buy uniform and additional pieces from the base supplier not so expensive usually low grade material and fades quicker.

I just spoke to my wife who said thats true the conscripts have to pay for their own uniform . because she was a high rank she used to select her own material and get cut by tailers ,but lower ranks can usually buy uniform and additional pieces from the base supplier not so expensive usually low grade material and fades quicker.

Suppose the question then would be would a conscripts uniform(s) cost THB 10,000 ?

I just spoke to my wife who said thats true the conscripts have to pay for their own uniform . because she was a high rank she used to select her own material and get cut by tailers ,but lower ranks can usually buy uniform and additional pieces from the base supplier not so expensive usually low grade material and fades quicker.

Suppose the question then would be would a conscripts uniform(s) cost THB 10,000 ?

Or what would a conscript do if he could not afford a uniform, regardless of the cost.


Army Quatermaster stores supply basic uniform to all conscripts - if conscripts loose their kit then replacment costs them - which is taken out of their service pay.

Dress/mess uniforms: the standard army regulation mess dress costs just over baht 2800 (jacket included) - Royal Thai Navy mess uniform is a little more, and yes - they do have to pay for it

What a lot of officers and senior NCO's do is go to tailors and select expensive cloth (that doesn't fade, is easy to clean ect ect .....) and have their mess dress custom/tailor made. It's the Thai equivilant of "keeping up with the Jone's" - and costs can quickly go over Baht10K - with some of the Staff Officers been reported in the Thai press as spending over 100K!

What a lot of officers and senior NCO's do is go to tailors and select expensive cloth (that doesn't fade, is easy to clean ect ect .....) and have their mess dress custom/tailor made. It's the Thai equivilant of "keeping up with the Jone's" - and costs can quickly go over Baht10K - with some of the Staff Officers been reported in the Thai press as spending over 100K!

I can believe it. Some materials are from a variety of countries, so the uniforms made with them here in Thailand would be as expensive or even more expensive than in other countries. 

When I bought my evening dress (sort of a mess dress for US Marines), I opted for high-quality English wool cloth, and as I thought the plastic cuff braid, throat braid, and rank insignia was rather tacky, I went for the metal thread alternative from a uniform maker in Spain. Including cover (hat), this single uniform put me back $1,300. I paid more than that for my dress sword (a Wilkinson from the UK.) So yes, costs can add up. 

I don't know what conscripts get here in Thailand as pay, but should they tear up a uniform and have to pay for a new one, or should they gain a little weight and have to buy a new one, it has got to hurt in the wallet.


Thx for all ur replys,the uniform was from my brother in law(he was voter for a appatar,a kind off village head or something)he must buy his uniform 10000 he said(he looks like a general in it, u know how they are that thais,with all that badges and flags on it,even a parachute or wings on it.like he just came from the paras,hahahaha)Its a white uniform specialy made for him.So 10.000 bath it costs he said?.

But now my wifes son must go to marines,he phoned that he also must buy his uniform and stuff.He not named a price yet.I wanna know iff that is tru,becouse here in holland all service men get all for free!I never heard from it before(only my brother in law then)so i dont know iff it is a set up,or tru, :o u know los for money.But now i still dont know iff he must buy,nobody a thai military in his neighberhood?

if he has no money will they make him do it in his pants and vest?

Maybe :D ,but maybe he also must buy his own boat later?Or his m16? :o


Slightly off topic, Most towns have an outlet selling all forms of military, police, government and Boy Scout paraphernalia. There’s one close to MBK.

Some of the dedicated stores carry a range of uniforms while rank, buttons and lapel badges can be found in some of the larger stationary stores.

Officer rank boards cost around 550 Baht, a set of 5 Uniform buttons 200, Lapel badges 70, medals vary in cost…some over 1,200, ribbon boards about 70. They can be bought by anyone.

Even more off topic, I was surprised to learn up until around 10 years ago government staff medals were recycled as such. Only the latest medal was worn. If awarded a new medal the old one was turned in and the recipient had to wait up to 3 months for someone else to turn their medal in before receiving it. Now the recipient receives a nice certificate of the award and it’s up to them to buy the medals.

If anyone is interested in the medals worn by different government organisations here a link. http://www.mof.go.th/mofhistory/sort.htm The site is Thai with some English. Click on the left side to see the medals.

Thx for all ur replys,the uniform was from my brother in law(he was voter for a appatar,a kind off village head or something)....

I think you mean 'Or Bor Tor'. Either that, or he's going to work in a slaughterhouse. :o

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