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Strange Experience With Unstable Man.


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A strange thing happened to me today.

Whilst my car was in the garage for repairs today I went off on my mountain bike to explore. Later I was heading back to the garage and whilst crossing the road about half a kilometer or so from the garage a young guy caught my eye and said something that I didn't catch and wasn't sure if he was even talking to me. I continued on my way and eventually got to the garage. I got off my bike and the counter girl came over to greet me. When I looked around the guy from up the road was behind me. I was surprised as I had been peddling. :o The guy started talking to me whilst gesturing with his mobile phone. I couldn't work out what he was exactly trying to tell me but something about America and him wanting my mobile number. I explained that I wasn't American and didn't want to give him my number.

I then had to go to the garage next door to sort something else. I thought this guy had gone but after a few minutes I realized he was by me again with his mobile still in his hand. My wife happened to call and I asked her to talk to the him as I couldn't work out what he wanted. He was talking to her for quite a while and I had chance to observe him. He was very twitchy and seemed to have nervous ticks. When I eventually got the phone from him and talked to my wife she said that he was crazy and to go back to the garage and get away from him :D . I tried this but he followed me.

By now some of the employees from the garage had picked up that something was not right. I though that I best clear off on my bike for half an hour and come back later when the guy would be gone. I jumped on my bike and gunned it down the road and round a few corners for about 1km or so, then called my wife. She was very worried and said the guy had told her he wanted me to call America and talk to them as they owed him 900 billion dollars. I was laughing about this. He was also calling my wife stupid. I laughed about that too. :D

After a few minutes I hung up and was looking in a shop window. I turned around to get back on my bike and there he was again, by my side with his mobile out! I eventually found out that after I left the garage he sprinted after me. Anyway the girl from the garage shortly pulled up on her scooter and threatened him with the police, at which point he sprinted across the road and down the street. It wasn't so funny anymore.

He never came back, but it made me a bit jumpy in case he did. He was clearly psychotic in some way. He must have sprinted behind me on the bike in the first place when I went past him. I know that this could happen anywhere but I do see many unstable types wandering around either in the middle of busy traffic or by road sides. I wonder if there is any chance of this poor guy or others getting any mental health care here in Thailand.

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I had some guy stand up and start chasing me for no reason as I walked up the road from Pantip. He ran for about 20 metres and gave up.

One of the seafood sellers told him off and said not to worry as the guy was crazy on yah bah.

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Poor guy was just looking for someone like the OP to be his friend, and you looked like the right one. LOL! There are plenty of drunks and loonies around. Most are harmless but can be very annoying.

Edited by AmeriThai
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unfortunately people like this are mostly ignored (or even feared and ostracized) in thailand when they really need medical help. just because a guy is psychotic does not necessarily mean he is violent, but you never know. i posted on here last year about a schizophrenic who was released from the mental hospital in surat thani, came back to the village i lived in in koh phangan, and sat on my neighbor's (who had accepted only limited responsibility for him) porch all day staring at my house from morning until night. whenever i went outside he would follow me around, and i got a little scared of him because he talked nonsense, but he never threatened me. he did end up attacking my neighbors and some other people in the village though, and getting the tar beat out of him by a group of thai men with shovels and machetes. after that, one of the village people tied him to a chair for days at a time and forced his medicine down, until one day he disappeared and i never heard what happened to him. very sad situation which could have been prevented with proper treatment and monitoring. :o

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Maybe medical treatment or monitoring should be provided, but it rarely is. On one occasion at Hinkong (north of Nong Khae), under the overpass where the busses stop to unload northbound passengers, I had a drunk stagger up and ask if I thought Thai women were pretty. I tried to be pleasant and said yes, that my wife is Thai. He was nearly in my face, which I didn't appreciate, and went on babbling about something, trying to ask another question. I'm surprised he could even stand. I told him I didn't understand what he was saying, not because of language problems but because he was so drunk I couldn't understand him. Then he sort of patted me on the nads. That was it! I loudly asked him if he was crazy and told him to get lost! Food vendors under the bridge, as well as the food stalls from across the road, could clearly hear the ruckus, and laughed that a farang was giving this guy a harsh scolding. I later found out he's one of the well-known drunks in the area that people run off or ignore, or give him 5 baht to go buy another shot of liquor in a plastic bag. One of the vendors said he was trying to ask me how many kids my wife and I have, and agreed it was none of his business and no reason to reach out for a fondle.

There is no treatment for people like him around there. But at the same time, you can't just let them get in your face and start going bonkers on you either. You just have to deal with it. Unfortunately, there are quite a few like this guy, and some skanky women as well.

Edited by AmeriThai
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Can't disagree with that.

Although I remember a fair few nutters back home in the UK who where walking the streets, one chap would walk through the town center on a busy Saturday afternoon commentating on an imaginary horse raise at the top of his voice. He was quite a celebrity in my town, along with a few others.

You also had the contingent of alcoholics that would hang about in busy areas intimidating women and children for enough money for the next bottle of white ace (Cheap, cheap cider).

I guess my point is that this is not something that is unique to poorer countries, although does Thailand have much of a mental health service? I don't know but going by some reactions we received to my daughters epilepsy (Along with other storys I have read), those in need of help here are more likely to be frowned upon and ostracised than understood and given the help that they need.

And I have just thought of the fallen genius Paul Gascoigne. All Brits, most Europeans, and most football fans worldwide will know of his plight. The legend that is Gazza is a testament to just how hard it can be to help some people, if a Nation such as Britain can't help those who need it most then what chance does Thailand have?

I'd be interested to hear sgunn65's opinion on this subject.

Edited by globalj
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This guy was quite persistant, but I didn't want to just tell him to F Off when I didn't even know what he wanted. It was only when he was speaking to my wife on the phone that I realised something wasn't right with him. It was incredible when he managed to catch up to me and find me when I had left on my bike. I had just assured my wife that there was no way he could have followed me and that was the end of it. He was only a medium sized guy but he had a waist belt thing with all manner of pockets. I had visions of him pulling something out of it.

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Rich, although nothing happened in your situation, what if he had indeed crossed the line of your personal space? What would you do then? Same as the person who chased him off and threatened to call the cops is one alternative. In my situation, although I didn't know the drunk, I do know about other local drunks, and sizing up a situation isn't that hard to do. Some drunks can be downright mean, but most of those seem to show it well before anything escalates into a brawl. With people who have mental problems, it might not be so easy unless you know them or know about them. But it seems to me that the first clue of the the guy you encountered would've been when he followed you around. I would've asked someone at the shop to ask him what he wanted, then go from there. Chances are they would've chased him off.

Edited by AmeriThai
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I'm just quite bemused that the OP didn't glance behind him while trying to escape from this guy. He would then have seen the guy legging it after him every time instead of reaching a destination then being utterly shocked seeing him beside him!

If it wasn't for the good girl on the scooter this Monty Python could have been going on all day I suspect.

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This often happens to me.

I’ll guarantee that if I am out and part of a crowd of people the loon will pick on me.

Most are quite harmless and best to ignore them or say I’m not interested, than after a few minutes they just walk away.

you met them too? any theory why they pick on you? but i don't encounter so much talker, but the silent ones, they stop and will look at me flabbergasted.

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I only wanted help getting my money back mate :o .

If I'd know that I would have peddled a bit faster and a lot further. :D

Heh, maybe this is the latest scam, some in LOS might have heard about the 700 billion bailout and maybe misconstrue that expats are getting free hand-outs and can ask for cash????

Glad it turned out for you alright though.

I've had some stranger psycho hassle me before down in Ranong and just kept on walking. After a brisk marching pace of 2 miles he soon gave up :D

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This often happens to me.

I’ll guarantee that if I am out and part of a crowd of people the loon will pick on me.

Most are quite harmless and best to ignore them or say I’m not interested, than after a few minutes they just walk away.

Me too unfortunately. Loony-magnetic properties or something... :o

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I only wanted help getting my money back mate :o .

If I'd know that I would have peddled a bit faster and a lot further. :D

Rich, if this happended around Ban Chang, then yes there is a guy who has been around the area

for years who is mentally disadvantaged (medically), he generally hangs around the strip most of the time and girls

in the bars take care of him sometimes....If its the same guy he is harmless.

There has also been cases of guys hanging around 7/11 who are stoked out of their brains on Yaba, had an altercation with one a few years ago, I stopped at the 7/11 one night with the Mrs in car, parked up and nipped across the road, came back out the 7 and there were 4 of them trying to open the car door, but my Mrs had enough sense in her head to lock the car doors while she was waiting, I chased them off, got back in the car and then one "brave" soul came back and tried to open my door, which resulted him ending up on his ar*e in the street as I pushed the door open on him, If my Mrs hadnt been there and stopped me, I would have ended up kicking the sh*t out of the guy..

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Yeah the crazy folk can make life interesting. But it really gets fruity when farangs go crazy out here.

There was a guy on Koh Tao who, as a bit of an eccentric was quite a celebrity in Chalok Baan Khao area.

Well he disappeared after losing it a bit and no-one heard of him for a while.

I'd arrived on the Island and I picked up on the story when he returned back to Koh Tao. More crazy than ever he'd ended up in the nut house in Surat Thani for a few months. He'd been released and made his way back to the island.

But he'd gone well over the edge and had delusions of grandeur to the extent he truly believed he was the Thai King!! :o

He started hanging out at Bhudda View dive center again and making himself look a bit crazy.

His parents were expats in Indonesia or Borneo and someone got them to come over and take care of him.

It was a bit sad really. He'd obviously lost his way, no-one was sure of the real reason.

His parents arrived and chartered a speedboat to take him back to the mainland.

One of the divers who knew him accompanied him back.

We asked him what he was like and he was so far gone he didn't recognise anyone, only barking out orders like 'You! Bow down to me!' over and over as if he was HRH!

Sure wasn't or isn't a dull place on Koh Tao :D

In all seriousness I think he was lucky, some farang just end up on the kerb if they're crazy...

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The threads are filled with mental illness issues lately; There's poor fellow in Pattaya trying to find care for an elderly person with dementia,the police officer going beserk and killing co-workers and the usual attacks. Hopefully, people will be as prudent and sensible as they would be in their homelands.

One of the seafood sellers told him off and said not to worry as the guy was crazy on yah bah.

Sadly, that is a serious side effect of long-term use of the drug. It is unfortunate those that are laissez-faire on the subject, rarely acknowledge this aspect of free use of such substances.

unfortunately people like this are mostly ignored (or even feared and ostracized) in thailand when they really need medical help. just because a guy is psychotic does not necessarily mean he is violent, but you never know.

Regretably, you are correct about the lack of treatment facilities and trained personnel. You are a brave girl if you have faith in the non-violent aspect of a psychotic. My 1st week in service under the mandatory appreciation of support services work rotation and I was nearly killed when a doped up patient objected to my mopping the floor in the ward. Lucky for me the nurses kept an eye on the kids sent up and one was there in seconds to save me. The behaviour of the mentally ill or doped up is unpredictable. To assume there is no chance of violence is foolhardy. Best course of action is to behave as one would with a growling soi dog: Remain calm and pleasant but assert oneself.

Maybe medical treatment or monitoring should be provided, but it rarely is.

....... There is no treatment for people like him around there. But at the same time, you can't just let them get in your face and start going bonkers on you either. You just have to deal with it. Unfortunately, there are quite a few like this guy, and some skanky women as well.

Another sad bit of reality.On the other hand, we see similar situations in western countries where the forced treatment of the mentally ill is not allowed due to past abuses of such treatments and mental health wards closed because there is inadequate funding.

In an ideal world, I suppose we should embrace these people, but it's a rare person amongst us that has the patience and ability to do so. I know I couldn't. These are someone's kids or parents and you just know there are a lot of broken hearts and disrupted families left behind.

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^Pretty much sums it up.

At least if the person is Thai, there is a chance the community will keep an eye on him/her- and if they're non-violent/non-confrontational, they'll probably at least get by. I've known several mentally/emotionally disturbed foreigners here, and if they don't know they need help (which is pretty likely when you're mentally ill) there's no system to stop them from falling as low as they can manage to go.


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I only wanted help getting my money back mate :o .

If I'd know that I would have peddled a bit faster and a lot further. :D

Rich, if this happended around Ban Chang, then yes there is a guy who has been around the area

for years who is mentally disadvantaged (medically), he generally hangs around the strip most of the time and girls

in the bars take care of him sometimes....If its the same guy he is harmless.

Known him for years. :D His name is "Lek" and he washes cars and other odd jobs. Some of his other odd jobs include accident patrol and temple duties such as getting corpses into coffins etc... :D

He has Downs, and is a very good natured guy. Be nice to him; if you live in Banchang and have a serious accident, his face might be the last one you ever see. :D

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This often happens to me.

I’ll guarantee that if I am out and part of a crowd of people the loon will pick on me.

Most are quite harmless and best to ignore them or say I’m not interested, than after a few minutes they just walk away.

cool, where do you go drinking as im the same, ive been a looney magnet for years, hopefully i can pass any what come after me your way :o

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No, it wasn't in Ban Chang, it was Rayong.

I did look behind me when on my bike and he wasn't there, which makes it even more amazing that he found me.

I have met a guy with a similar problem once before in UK. He also thought that the government owed him billions and used to harass the staff at the local post office asking if they had his envelope with his money in it. :o

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No, it wasn't in Ban Chang, it was Rayong.

I did look behind me when on my bike and he wasn't there, which makes it even more amazing that he found me.

I have met a guy with a similar problem once before in UK. He also thought that the government owed him billions and used to harass the staff at the local post office asking if they had his envelope with his money in it. :o


Seems that Thailand has always had a "Care In The Community" program, similar to the one that the UK adopted (they just closed down a lot of mental health institutions, and let everyone out;- increasing my sex-life exponentially during the process :D ).

The guy just popping up again and again would be a little unsettling though, I imagine... :D

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