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Our village organization was in the process of installing a public address system - similar to those installed in most Thai villages around Thailand. These PA systems are used to broadcast announcements to residents in a village.

During installation, they were playing Look Thung music - which I must agree, was on the side of being a bit too loud. After around 4 songs, the music suddenly disappeared.

Apparently, one very irate foreigner decided to rip off the cables and in the process destroys the equipment. This person was apparently annoyed by the loud music.

Furthermore, said person says that if there were going to be announcements, that it should be broadcast in English. English!!! At a village where 95% of the residents are Thai nationals!!!

The foreigner with an attitude is married to a Thai.

I just wonder what this dude was thinking about? Does he think he owns the place?

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Oh well, maybe this just added to his already being............whatever :o

And no, he doesn't own the place and if he goes on like this, there is a big chance that soon he will own nothing....


I was in Foodland when there was knuckle dragging German with tattoos on the neck shouting in ( broken ) English ) to a trainee waitress that she should be able to speak English if serving foreigners !.. i thought that was amusing,. ..makes you wonder why these types werent educated before being allowed out of the cave,. Back to the guy in the village, i think hes in for a rough ride,.

Our village organization was in the process of installing a public address system - similar to those installed in most Thai villages around Thailand. These PA systems are used to broadcast announcements to residents in a village.

During installation, they were playing Look Thung music - which I must agree, was on the side of being a bit too loud. After around 4 songs, the music suddenly disappeared.

Apparently, one very irate foreigner decided to rip off the cables and in the process destroys the equipment. This person was apparently annoyed by the loud music.

Furthermore, said person says that if there were going to be announcements, that it should be broadcast in English. English!!! At a village where 95% of the residents are Thai nationals!!!

The foreigner with an attitude is married to a Thai.

I just wonder what this dude was thinking about? Does he think he owns the place?

Perhaps hes just found out he owns nothing more like :o


This reminds me of something similar I heard about quite a few years ago, although the guy in question was involved in some sort of UN sponsored project. He did have an advantage though in that he was involved with all the local govt. and no one else in the village liked the 0600 broadcasts either. He just went round in his pyjamas one morning to the broadcast office and pulled out all the plugs. Apparently the village had a big celebration for him in the evening for putting a stop to the noise. I am not sure whether your friend will have quite such a happy ending though.


Actually, this happened at around three o'clock in the afternoon. Was probably enjoying his siesta... Village committee is going to file a police report on the incident. Village committee met with him and his wife and had an interpreter with them to make sure that he understood what was said. He was asked to replace the damaged equipment and refused. Said that what the village was asking was too much. He offered to have the equipment repaired and insinuated that the village committee might just pocket the money. The nerve of this person... :D


This reminds me of something similar I heard about quite a few years ago, although the guy in question was involved in some sort of UN sponsored project. He did have an advantage though in that he was involved with all the local govt. and no one else in the village liked the 0600 broadcasts either. He just went round in his pyjamas one morning to the broadcast office and pulled out all the plugs. Apparently the village had a big celebration for him in the evening for putting a stop to the noise. I am not sure whether your friend will have quite such a happy ending though.


The Puyai Barn usually hits the switch about 7am here and we get another serve about 6pm.

I'm well and truly up by 7 and still not in bed by 6 so it doesn't bother me.

I wonder what this idiot does at election time when the pick ups with the loudspeakers on the back come around the streets?

Is he buying an RPG launcher?


I don't know but this guy just wrote his own death warrant. Lots of Thais in the village now have a lot of anti-farang feeling.

The village security guards have also raised the alarm regarding one other farang who is fond of bringing young boys with him back to the village - I kid you not.... :o

These are not the kind of farang I would like to have for neighbors.

The Puyai Barn usually hits the switch about 7am here and we get another serve about 6pm.

I'm well and truly up by 7 and still not in bed by 6 so it doesn't bother me.

I wonder what this idiot does at election time when the pick ups with the loudspeakers on the back come around the streets?

Is he buying an RPG launcher?

I don't know but this guy just wrote his own death warrant. Lots of Thais in the village now have a lot of anti-farang feeling.

The village security guards have also raised the alarm regarding one other farang who is fond of bringing young boys with him back to the village - I kid you not.... :o

These are not the kind of farang I would like to have for neighbors.

The Puyai Barn usually hits the switch about 7am here and we get another serve about 6pm.

I'm well and truly up by 7 and still not in bed by 6 so it doesn't bother me.

I wonder what this idiot does at election time when the pick ups with the loudspeakers on the back come around the streets?

Is he buying an RPG launcher?

frustration , irritation , not understanding , no control , what more do you want

the thought of buying a nice last days palace is sometimes ending like that

so i dont know if i feel sorry for the thais or the guy


I don't care about these announcements, early in the morn and after. I even bought a speaker unit to broadcast=1,800b if i remember.

I object to the bad thai music they play for 5 min before the pui yai talks, and sometimes later. Cant they just have a short alarm clock warning or something before????

I don't care about these announcements, early in the morn and after. I even bought a speaker unit to broadcast=1,800b if i remember.

I object to the bad thai music they play for 5 min before the pui yai talks, and sometimes later. Cant they just have a short alarm clock warning or something before????

tradition tradition the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation

one of the things we in the west have lost a long time ago

so now we roll in to a place and want to change them to

ya ya the almighty money spitting white guy


The village broadcasts do reach most of the people with the latest local events and anouncements. Kind of reminds me of the old multi party phone lines in rural areas but the speaker system is hands free.

I don't know but this guy just wrote his own death warrant. Lots of Thais in the village now have a lot of anti-farang feeling.

The village security guards have also raised the alarm regarding one other farang who is fond of bringing young boys with him back to the village - I kid you not.... :o

These are not the kind of farang I would like to have for neighbors.

The Puyai Barn usually hits the switch about 7am here and we get another serve about 6pm.

I'm well and truly up by 7 and still not in bed by 6 so it doesn't bother me.

I wonder what this idiot does at election time when the pick ups with the loudspeakers on the back come around the streets?

Is he buying an RPG launcher?

The pedo needs to be dobbed in to the police. TODAY


I used to live in a village in Phayao Province and in our village the racket started at 5.45 with awful music. If there had been a donation event at the wat, then all the donations were read out for up to an hour and a half! Why coundn't they post a list on the temple notice board?

One day the Phuyaiban and gang where rewiring the system outside our property. I pointed to my watch, brandished my hedge sheres at the wire, and said, "Jet Mong Chow Khrap" and waied to them, they all laughed. Well, he complied for a few weeks, but in time it reverted to 6am.

I was on friendly terms with all in my village (ex-wife excepted), if one smiles a lot and are polite (despite one's feeling) there's 'my punha' here. It's the behaviour of some uncouth falangs here, who are totally ignorant of Thai culture, that tarnishes the reputation for the rest of us.

Thank Buddha we now live kms away from any village and sound system, and the new Mrs. Lannaman is lovely!


Sounds like action is being taken, although I'm not sure what he means by village security guards. I'm in a small village and we have three full time BIB.

Reporting criminal activity can be a fairly thankless task in Thailand. I did it with a guy I suspected was a pedophile in BKK a few years back. The Thai police told me the girls involved were half Indian street kids who's mother had abandoned them and gone back to India so it didn't really matter. The person's embassy told me they didn't get involved in what their citizens did overseas and the police of my own country made a note of his name in a rather puzzled way. (I knew the copper otherwise I suspect I'd have been wasting my time).

Apart from that I would do it again, and again and again...

I used to live in a village in Phayao Province and in our village the racket started at 5.45 with awful music. If there had been a donation event at the wat, then all the donations were read out for up to an hour and a half! Why coundn't they post a list on the temple notice board?

One day the Phuyaiban and gang where rewiring the system outside our property. I pointed to my watch, brandished my hedge sheres at the wire, and said, "Jet Mong Chow Khrap" and waied to them, they all laughed. Well, he complied for a few weeks, but in time it reverted to 6am.

I was on friendly terms with all in my village (ex-wife excepted), if one smiles a lot and are polite (despite one's feeling) there's 'my punha' here. It's the behaviour of some uncouth falangs here, who are totally ignorant of Thai culture, that tarnishes the reputation for the rest of us.

Thank Buddha we now live kms away from any village and sound system, and the new Mrs. Lannaman is lovely!

yes lannaman im moving away from the village soon to

after 11 years trying to understand and helping them

so i look forward to live a normal life ( normal )


This is Thailand and I have lived here for a long time. I respect the Thai Culture and, in turn, the Thai's respect me!

If a person chooses to live in a different country they should also respect the culture.

If they do not they have the choice to relocate, but I think they will constantly be "on the run!"

Our village organization was in the process of installing a public address system - similar to those installed in most Thai villages around Thailand. These PA systems are used to broadcast announcements to residents in a village.

During installation, they were playing Look Thung music - which I must agree, was on the side of being a bit too loud. After around 4 songs, the music suddenly disappeared.

Apparently, one very irate foreigner decided to rip off the cables and in the process destroys the equipment. This person was apparently annoyed by the loud music.

Furthermore, said person says that if there were going to be announcements, that it should be broadcast in English. English!!! At a village where 95% of the residents are Thai nationals!!!

The foreigner with an attitude is married to a Thai.

I just wonder what this dude was thinking about? Does he think he owns the place?

This is Thailand and I have lived here for a long time. I respect the Thai Culture and, in turn, the Thai's respect me!

If a person chooses to live in a different country they should also respect the culture.

If they do not they have the choice to relocate, but I think they will constantly be "on the run!"

Our village organization was in the process of installing a public address system - similar to those installed in most Thai villages around Thailand. These PA systems are used to broadcast announcements to residents in a village.

During installation, they were playing Look Thung music - which I must agree, was on the side of being a bit too loud. After around 4 songs, the music suddenly disappeared.

Apparently, one very irate foreigner decided to rip off the cables and in the process destroys the equipment. This person was apparently annoyed by the loud music.

Furthermore, said person says that if there were going to be announcements, that it should be broadcast in English. English!!! At a village where 95% of the residents are Thai nationals!!!

The foreigner with an attitude is married to a Thai.

I just wonder what this dude was thinking about? Does he think he owns the place?

getting respect from a thai is not that difficult

just act normal and smile thats what they do

but to understand what there thinking and whats really going on is something els

thats why there is still corruption and respect for people with money and power

good example is taksin the people still love him

we foreigners wil never understand and maybe its better this way

i live very happy in thailand and have the possibility to return but i dont want there are few places like this left i think

hope the guy takes it easy and we all learn something every day


Are you people sure its Thai culture just because they broadcast local events i dont see it as a culture. Its village society not culture because in the city ppl dont do this.

I hate those broadcast too but i respect public proverty and will never vandalize them. Maybe if i'm really pissed and angry like that guy, who knows. :o

Are you people sure its Thai culture just because they broadcast local events i dont see it as a culture. Its village society not culture because in the city ppl dont do this.

I hate those broadcast too but i respect public proverty and will never vandalize them. Maybe if i'm really pissed and angry like that guy, who knows. :o

living in paris doesn't make you to understand or feel like living in france


There's a resort near Petchabun, somewhere up in the mountains and it's owned by Dusit or Central (Unsure), not a luxurious place but well above average for that neck of the woods. Accommodation is in bungalows on the side of the mountain overlooking the valley. In the morning, around 06:00 the temple across the valley starts to play music over the speaker system and it is idyllic. It starts softly and builds to a distant melody and the combination of view and sounds is perfect - one of my favorite all time memories of Thailand.


Our Village P.A system can fire up at 5 am, but its usually closer to Six. Most of the village are up well before 5am anyway.

I'm constantly asking the wife what he's on about , but she doesn't take much interest. Its usually information that the villagers do need to know about though.

I guess a lot of Farangs think Villages should be quiet and Idylic, rather than working communites as they mostly are.

Not everyone can Hack it in the Village. This is Most definately not a good move. I try to be helpful when I can to counteract the 'Crazy Falangs' in Our village , but its definately an up hill struggle.

Doesn't every Village have a Farang who likes young Boys ?


Its probably partly culture shock - having to live with a new reality of a PA system blaring as such "early" (for us that is) hours of the day. This incident, however, happened mid-afternoon.

There is a reason why the Pooyai Ban broadcasts at that hour is it is probably that time when most people are already awake but still at home. Too bad that some farang residents might still be nursing a hangover and are in an irritable mood. cheesy.gif


I used to live in a village in Phayao Province and in our village the racket started at 5.45 with awful music. If there had been a donation event at the wat, then all the donations were read out for up to an hour and a half! Why coundn't they post a list on the temple notice board?

One day the Phuyaiban and gang where rewiring the system outside our property. I pointed to my watch, brandished my hedge sheres at the wire, and said, "Jet Mong Chow Khrap" and waied to them, they all laughed. Well, he complied for a few weeks, but in time it reverted to 6am.

I was on friendly terms with all in my village (ex-wife excepted), if one smiles a lot and are polite (despite one's feeling) there's 'my punha' here. It's the behaviour of some uncouth falangs here, who are totally ignorant of Thai culture, that tarnishes the reputation for the rest of us.

Thank Buddha we now live kms away from any village and sound system, and the new Mrs. Lannaman is lovely!


If an Asian lived at a house in a European village that was near a church, wouldn't that persons equanimity be rocked by Church bells as well...? or by the Mullah called muslims to prayer?

Try yanking the cord off that mullah's PA system.. Bwahaha...


I think you're overreacting a bit. How long do you guys sleep anyways? Don't they have chickens, dogs and other members of the fauna as well? They usually go off at times when they shouldn't but then again you can always reinstall them as a dinner servings.


Ha ha,, you are right. I was over reacting. However, it is true that when you are not used to some kinds or noise, it could be deafening. If you grew up in Bangkok and just recently moved to Chiang Rai, you would feel a kind of emptyness by the absence of that unrelenting din.

I think you're overreacting a bit. How long do you guys sleep anyways? Don't they have chickens, dogs and other members of the fauna as well? They usually go off at times when they shouldn't but then again you can always reinstall them as a dinner servings.
Are you people sure its Thai culture just because they broadcast local events i dont see it as a culture. Its village society not culture because in the city ppl dont do this.

I hate those broadcast too but i respect public proverty and will never vandalize them. Maybe if i'm really pissed and angry like that guy, who knows. :o

I'm not sure that you can say that the village address system is part of Thai culture. It was started in the anti Communist years of the 70's to broadcast central govt. propaganda, err news and information, to keep all the outlying areas toeing the line. Since then local govts have adopted the system to broadcast all the local news and not news, after all what self respecting Thai would turn down the opportunity of a good Karaoke session.

But I think you can put it down to being one of the hazards of living in a Thai village, we don't have them in the city and neither do the housing moobahns (compounds), so there are alternatives.

The other alternative is to get friendly with the village headman and buy him a nice bottle of imported whiskey. The offending speaker might vanish mysteriously overnight.

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