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Mobile Google Maps


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Does anyone know if its possible to change the language in the google maps for mobile application? Street names are all in Thai, so would be very handy if there was a way to view in English. Doesn't seem to be a "change language" option from the menu - but thought there may be a workaround (like the "Google.com in English" link when automatically sent to the Thai version when on the net).



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I responded to a similar thread a few weeks ago.

It piqued my curiosity, so I did a bit of experimentation.

Zoom out, then scroll over to USA and zoom in.

Viola, it is in English.

Zoom out, scroll down to South America, then zoom in.

Voila, Spanish...or Portuguese, if you are over Brazil.

There is no language setting, the maps are made as local for each country.

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Thanks for that - I had kinda figured the same. I did some trudging through the google maps section online and it is a point that has been brought to google's attention before and they are "looking into it" for future releases...Watch that space I guess...

Thanks again,


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It certainly would be nice if a person could specify the map in a particular language.

From Google's perspective, it would be a lot of work on their part for what is a free service.

I like the maps though...I find the level of detail to be reasonable, certainly better than much of what you find online for this part of the world.

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