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Alcohol Ban


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I see the latest wheeze from the new government is a proposal to enforce a more comprehensive ban on sales of booze on several religious and national holidays. Brilliant Idea. Bemoan the drop in numbers of tourists and then suggest closing bars and places of entertainment for several days in the year, including a 3 day booze ban during one of the buddhist holidays. Even getting a glass of wine in a restaurant on those days will be banned. A sort of mini Thai buddhist Ramadan?

When tourists then start disappearing to Cambodia, Vietnam & Bali etc. will the authorities scratch their heads and ask why? Lots of people, in fact the majority I would imagine, look on their holiday as a time to let their hair down, relax, stay up late, enjoy a few beers with friends, go cruising the bars or enjoy a sunset cocktail in a beautiful beach bar. Imagine their response when they discover this is not allowed because Thailand is buddhist.

And what of the economy? Hundreds of thousands of thais work in bars, restaurants and places of entertainment. The loss of income even if it is only a few days in a year but as many as 3 days in a month is significant to those on lower incomes, and that certainly includes bar and restaurant workers.

Do you recall the brief midnight closing experiment? Cost lots of bar workers their jobs and some bars to close down all together. [Gave a slight boost to police income though]

Come to your senses. Think about the consequences for others, especially those who don't share the holier than thou attitude this booze ban proposal's supporters love to flaunt. [And don't suggest it will help address the problems of alcohol abuse. Do you think those with serious alcohil problems will be affected by this ban? Will the village hooch or moonshine be unavailable on these holidays?]

Yet another aspect of Amazing Thailand and the mismanagment of its governance.

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If you can't go a day (or 2 in the case of Khao Pansah) without drinking in a bar then I have severe worries about you. I guess a few ignorant tourists might not know they are arriving in Thailand on a day when public sale of alcohol will not be allowed but I am sure they will get over it quickly.

No country should sacrifice it's sense of self and history and respect just to appease a guy that can't go a day without a drink in a bar :o

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Same mistaken point that was made by younghusband - see my reply to him. This is not about people "being unable to go a couple of days without a drink", it is about imposing religious morality on everyone without their consent, about free personal choice and about effects on tourism, the food & drink & entertainment industry. Perhaps "poor ignorant tourists", your smug and arrogant words - not mine, might choose other destinations once they are better informed about Amazing Thailand and its quirky customs [plus the ability of government ministers with very dodgy personal records being able to change the law by diktat]. What this has to do with Thailand sacrificing its sense of self, history or respect is beyoned me.

If you can't go a day (or 2 in the case of Khao Pansah) without drinking in a bar then I have severe worries about you. I guess a few ignorant tourists might not know they are arriving in Thailand on a day when public sale of alcohol will not be allowed but I am sure they will get over it quickly.

No country should sacrifice it's sense of self and history and respect just to appease a guy that can't go a day without a drink in a bar :o

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Same mistaken point that was made by younghusband - see my reply to him. This is not about people "being unable to go a couple of days without a drink", it is about imposing religious morality on everyone without their consent, about free personal choice and about effects on tourism, the food & drink & entertainment industry. Perhaps "poor ignorant tourists", your smug and arrogant words - not mine, might choose other destinations once they are better informed about Amazing Thailand and its quirky customs [plus the ability of government ministers with very dodgy personal records being able to change the law by diktat]. What this has to do with Thailand sacrificing its sense of self, history or respect is beyoned me.
If you can't go a day (or 2 in the case of Khao Pansah) without drinking in a bar then I have severe worries about you. I guess a few ignorant tourists might not know they are arriving in Thailand on a day when public sale of alcohol will not be allowed but I am sure they will get over it quickly.

No country should sacrifice it's sense of self and history and respect just to appease a guy that can't go a day without a drink in a bar :o

Don't worry DalstonBill, the only thing that will affect the flood of so called tourists from your neck of the woods is if Bargirls were closed down for 3 weeks at a time during holidays and other special occasions in Thailand.

People don't flood into Thailand to drink beer!

Edited by Maigo6
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Yet another aspect of Amazing Thailand and the mismanagment of its governance.

I bet many many people in UK would wish their givernment had the balls to curtail drinking by youths in UK!

I tell you what, stay in dalston and drink beer instead of coming to Thailand, think how much more beer you could drink on the 500 Quid airfare you would save........Plus no 12 hour flight, just walk out your door and get lashed.

Better still, try A.A.,

Hi, my name is Bill, and I'm an alcoholic.

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If you can't go a day (or 2 in the case of Khao Pansah) without drinking in a bar then I have severe worries about you. I guess a few ignorant tourists might not know they are arriving in Thailand on a day when public sale of alcohol will not be allowed but I am sure they will get over it quickly.

No country should sacrifice it's sense of self and history and respect just to appease a guy that can't go a day without a drink in a bar :o

Just hang on, how can you call the tourists ignorant maybe you should use the word

,,,,,, not informed,,,,,

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It's not about us reidents....we know when these booze ban days will occur.....if we really want alcohol we can stock up.

I am sure that during Sonkran if booze is not freely available then you will see hundreds of beer bottles on the back of trucks chilling in the cold water you are gonna get drenched with. It's not going to be illegal to drink booze that you already purchased before the ban.

Everyone will find ways round this. I don't believe for one minute that the Thai people will abandon the way they have celebrated Sonkran for many decades because of some new law.....bear in mind that Policemen also enjoy Thai holidays as well when they are not on duty.

I really feel sorry for the tourist making a flight that they have probably saved up for all year of between 12 and 24 hours not being able to get a refreshing beer upon their arrival.....for possibly 3 days...that sucks.

If anyone thinks that people DON'T come for a holiday and want to enjoy a drink while they are here....you are wrong

Also there are the bar owners who struggle to make a living, in some cases, this law could send them over the top, and that will lead to job losses.

They need these holidays to compensate for keeping their places open in the lean times of the year.

----and one last thing, how is it possible NOT to be able to purchase a bottle of beer between 2pm and 5pm from a supermarket or 7-11 but you CAN by a case :o .

So you can't get tipsy....just off your face........where is the logic?

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If you can't go a day (or 2 in the case of Khao Pansah) without drinking in a bar then I have severe worries about you. I guess a few ignorant tourists might not know they are arriving in Thailand on a day when public sale of alcohol will not be allowed but I am sure they will get over it quickly.

No country should sacrifice it's sense of self and history and respect just to appease a guy that can't go a day without a drink in a bar :o

Just hang on, how can you call the tourists ignorant maybe you should use the word

,,,,,, not informed,,,,,

1 a: destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society> ; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics> b: resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence <ignorant errors>

2: unaware , uninformed

Same mistaken point that was made by younghusband - see my reply to him. This is not about people "being unable to go a couple of days without a drink", it is about imposing religious morality on everyone without their consent, about free personal choice and about effects on tourism, the food & drink & entertainment industry. Perhaps "poor ignorant tourists", your smug and arrogant words - not mine, might choose other destinations once they are better informed about Amazing Thailand and its quirky customs [plus the ability of government ministers with very dodgy personal records being able to change the law by diktat]. What this has to do with Thailand sacrificing its sense of self, history or respect is beyoned me.

1) It has been this way for ages (history)

2) Changing the way they do this to kowtow to some other person's ideals of 'personal freedom' is just an arrogant attitude on your part (sense of self and respect)

3) I said ignorant tourists .. please refer to the definition of ignorant ignorant = unaware/uninformed

4) Bar employees/Bar owners work more than almost any other group, most do not object to a day off.

5) No tourist is gonna get all bent out of shape over 1 day of no booze (in a bar)

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Thanks for your intelligent and considered contribution to this debate.

Yet another aspect of Amazing Thailand and the mismanagment of its governance.

I bet many many people in UK would wish their givernment had the balls to curtail drinking by youths in UK!

I tell you what, stay in dalston and drink beer instead of coming to Thailand, think how much more beer you could drink on the 500 Quid airfare you would save........Plus no 12 hour flight, just walk out your door and get lashed.

Better still, try A.A.,

Hi, my name is Bill, and I'm an alcoholic.

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Hmmm, well aren't you the thoughtful one ... how do you distinguish between the tourists and the so-called tourists? Don't you think there are tens of thousands of tourists who come to Thailand each year and don't set foot in a girlie bar? Haven't you noticed that people come for beaches, mountains, national parks, historic sites and temples? Some even just come for the shopping.

Just as the other spleen venting contributor has done, you assume anyone who objects to this sensless ban on alcohol sales is an alcoholic lecherous sex tourist. Not much hope for you then, nor much hope of an intelligent contribution coming from you.

Same mistaken point that was made by younghusband - see my reply to him. This is not about people "being unable to go a couple of days without a drink", it is about imposing religious morality on everyone without their consent, about free personal choice and about effects on tourism, the food & drink & entertainment industry. Perhaps "poor ignorant tourists", your smug and arrogant words - not mine, might choose other destinations once they are better informed about Amazing Thailand and its quirky customs [plus the ability of government ministers with very dodgy personal records being able to change the law by diktat]. What this has to do with Thailand sacrificing its sense of self, history or respect is beyoned me.
If you can't go a day (or 2 in the case of Khao Pansah) without drinking in a bar then I have severe worries about you. I guess a few ignorant tourists might not know they are arriving in Thailand on a day when public sale of alcohol will not be allowed but I am sure they will get over it quickly.

No country should sacrifice it's sense of self and history and respect just to appease a guy that can't go a day without a drink in a bar :o

Don't worry DalstonBill, the only thing that will affect the flood of so called tourists from your neck of the woods is if Bargirls were closed down for 3 weeks at a time during holidays and other special occasions in Thailand.

People don't flood into Thailand to drink beer!

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Sorry DalstonBill ... but so far you are a one trick pony ... ranting about how Thailand doesn't fit YOUR expectations of how Thailand should be.

Exercise your personal choice and visit somewhere else! Vote with your feet!

and yes you failed to address ANY issue I brought up :o

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Sorry DalstonBill ... but so far you are a one trick pony ... ranting about how Thailand doesn't fit YOUR expectations of how Thailand should be.

Exercise your personal choice and visit somewhere else! Vote with your feet!

and yes you failed to address ANY issue I brought up

Pot - kettle - black, eh, Sweaty! :o

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Thailand meets my expectations and I am not crying about the country nor trying to change it :o I have addressed every issue brought up by our newest one-trick-pony and finally the AC is on and i am not sweaty :D

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If you can't go a day (or 2 in the case of Khao Pansah) without drinking in a bar then I have severe worries about you. I guess a few ignorant tourists might not know they are arriving in Thailand on a day when public sale of alcohol will not be allowed but I am sure they will get over it quickly.

No country should sacrifice it's sense of self and history and respect just to appease a guy that can't go a day without a drink in a bar :o

Still in recovery then are you? The fact that it's only the outlets, that is to say Central, BigC, Teso Lotus and every 7Eleven unable to sell alcohol, and that every other Thai supermarket, mom and pop shop, noodle restaurant, can, doesn't bother you at all?

And really, I was unaware this country was muslim. The words 'self' 'righteous' and 'prig' spring to mind.

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If you can't go a day (or 2 in the case of Khao Pansah) without drinking in a bar then I have severe worries about you. I guess a few ignorant tourists might not know they are arriving in Thailand on a day when public sale of alcohol will not be allowed but I am sure they will get over it quickly.

No country should sacrifice it's sense of self and history and respect just to appease a guy that can't go a day without a drink in a bar :o

Still in recovery then are you? The fact that it's only the outlets, that is to say Central, BigC, Teso Lotus and every 7Eleven unable to sell alcohol, and that every other Thai supermarket, mom and pop shop, noodle restaurant, can, doesn't bother you at all?

And really, I was unaware this country was muslim. The words 'self' 'righteous' and 'prig' spring to mind.

I guess reading AND understanding what you read is an issue .... see where I said "in a bar" ? No it doesn't bother me at all that some people break the law, I have even taken advantage of it on occasion, buying beer from a 7-11 when the party we were hosting ran low.

I am sorry, but I do not understand why you brought Muslims into this other than to draw upon bigoted anti-muslim sentiment!

Get real we are talking about election days and 3 or 4 other days a year. It has been this way for years and years and no real tourist is gonna be all tweaked out about not being able to drink in a bar for a day.

If I were to sink to your level the three words that come to mind are 'bigoted' 'alcoholic' '____' (the last word is not fit to print) but since I am above that .... oh wait I guess I am not :D

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I can not imagine that a tourist will be happy if he has to sit in his room from 6 pm on,because to dark to do anything other then shopping,because these clever goverment says that he can't have a beer.

Tourist should get a life then and find something else fun to do.

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I can not imagine that a tourist will be happy if he has to sit in his room from 6 pm on,because to dark to do anything other then shopping,because these clever goverment says that he can't have a beer.

Your tourist could go out to eat, a movie, a drive, wander the area, catch a bit of culture, go check out whatever event it is that led to the horrendous one night moratorium on buying alcohol publicly, have a beer if he had one in the minibar or stopped in a few places until he found someone selling. He could even go to a gogo bar if he were so inclined, what he couldn't do is openly buy booze in a bar :o

really, is the only thing that you do when you are in Thailand at night drink? That is it? All you do at night is drink in bars?

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If you can't go a day (or 2 in the case of Khao Pansah) without drinking in a bar then I have severe worries about you. I guess a few ignorant tourists might not know they are arriving in Thailand on a day when public sale of alcohol will not be allowed but I am sure they will get over it quickly.

No country should sacrifice it's sense of self and history and respect just to appease a guy that can't go a day without a drink in a bar :D

Still in recovery then are you? The fact that it's only the outlets, that is to say Central, BigC, Teso Lotus and every 7Eleven unable to sell alcohol, and that every other Thai supermarket, mom and pop shop, noodle restaurant, can, doesn't bother you at all?

And really, I was unaware this country was muslim. The words 'self' 'righteous' and 'prig' spring to mind.

I guess reading AND understanding what you read is an issue .... see where I said "in a bar" ? No it doesn't bother me at all that some people break the law, I have even taken advantage of it on occasion, buying beer from a 7-11 when the party we were hosting ran low.

I am sorry, but I do not understand why you brought Muslims into this other than to draw upon bigoted anti-muslim sentiment!

Get real we are talking about election days and 3 or 4 other days a year. It has been this way for years and years and no real tourist is gonna be all tweaked out about not being able to drink in a bar for a day.

If I were to sink to your level the three words that come to mind are 'bigoted' 'alcoholic' '____' (the last word is not fit to print) but since I am above that .... oh wait I guess I am not :D

I AM muslim! But it seems that some of us are much more tolerant than you are.

And what on earth are you talking about 'no real tourist'. So a copy tourist won't mind holidaying in a place where they aren't allowed to buy a beer/drink some wine ... but the locals can.

'Sink to my level'?! And what level might that be? Touch a nerve did I? Believe you have serious issues and are still in recovery. Never mind. I've heard it gets better with the passing of time :o

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Well it seems others have summed you up using terms like self righteous, prig, pot / kettle / black ... and who started ranting? I didn't use any exclamation marks, but for you, it seems to be your trademark.

I posted an opinion and you have judged me an alcoholic frequenter of girlie bars and tell me not to come to thailand but clear off elsewhere ... what are these the issues I apparently failed to address to your satisfaction? Your own narrow minded bigotry and intolerance fit in well with Thailand's ruling clique [who have done far more to damage Thailand in recent years than any farang visitors]. But of course, that's their right - it's all about self respect and history.

ice and visit somewhere else! Vote with your feet!

and yes you failed to address ANY issue I brought up :o

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You are Muslim? and British? and a teacher?

Why did you bring up Muslims?

and of course a tourist can buy a drink .... did you again fail to read what was written?

am I in recovery? no. would it be an issue if I were? no

Sink to your level was in reference to your puerile name-calling :o

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Well it seems others have summed you up using terms like self righteous, prig, pot / kettle / black ... and who started ranting? I didn't use any exclamation marks, but for you, it seems to be your trademark.

I posted an opinion and you have judged me an alcoholic frequenter of girlie bars and tell me not to come to thailand but clear off elsewhere ... what are these the issues I apparently failed to address to your satisfaction? Your own narrow minded bigotry and intolerance fit in well with Thailand's ruling clique [who have done far more to damage Thailand in recent years than any farang visitors]. But of course, that's their right - it's all about self respect and history.

ice and visit somewhere else! Vote with your feet!

and yes you failed to address ANY issue I brought up :o

Go back and read what was written ... and get your quotes right :D

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If you can't go a day (or 2 in the case of Khao Pansah) without drinking in a bar then I have severe worries about you. I guess a few ignorant tourists might not know they are arriving in Thailand on a day when public sale of alcohol will not be allowed but I am sure they will get over it quickly.

No country should sacrifice it's sense of self and history and respect just to appease a guy that can't go a day without a drink in a bar :o

Still in recovery then are you? The fact that it's only the outlets, that is to say Central, BigC, Teso Lotus and every 7Eleven unable to sell alcohol, and that every other Thai supermarket, mom and pop shop, noodle restaurant, can, doesn't bother you at all?

And really, I was unaware this country was muslim. The words 'self' 'righteous' and 'prig' spring to mind.

I guess reading AND understanding what you read is an issue .... see where I said "in a bar" ? No it doesn't bother me at all that some people break the law, I have even taken advantage of it on occasion, buying beer from a 7-11 when the party we were hosting ran low.

I am sorry, but I do not understand why you brought Muslims into this other than to draw upon bigoted anti-muslim sentiment!

Get real we are talking about election days and 3 or 4 other days a year. It has been this way for years and years and no real tourist is gonna be all tweaked out about not being able to drink in a bar for a day.

If I were to sink to your level the three words that come to mind are 'bigoted' 'alcoholic' '____' (the last word is not fit to print) but since I am above that .... oh wait I guess I am not :D


In the village with elections,weddings,funerals and public holidays equates to about 170 days per year.icon5.gif

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I can not imagine that a tourist will be happy if he has to sit in his room from 6 pm on,because to dark to do anything other then shopping,because these clever goverment says that he can't have a beer.

Your tourist could go out to eat,without a glass of wine of course a movie, a drive,good idea to pay 1000 euro for a ticket to watch movies wander the area, catch a bit of culture,What culture there is for example in pattaya? go check out whatever event it is that led to the horrendous one night,end of last year I remember were 5 dry days in 2 weeks time,moratorium on buying alcohol publicly, have a beer if he had one in the minibar or stopped in a few places until he found someone selling. He could even go to a gogo bar are gogo bars open now on alcohol banned days? if he were so inclined, what he couldn't do is openly buy booze in a bar :oand neither in the supermarket or 7/11 and don't tell me about the mom and pop shops because a tourist doesn't stay in the boonies.

really, is the only thing that you do when you are in Thailand at night drink? That is it? All you do at night is drink in bars?

Maybe you're right,all those single male tourists come here for the culture and go sleep early.

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If you can't go a day (or 2 in the case of Khao Pansah) without drinking in a bar then I have severe worries about you. I guess a few ignorant tourists might not know they are arriving in Thailand on a day when public sale of alcohol will not be allowed but I am sure they will get over it quickly.

No country should sacrifice it's sense of self and history and respect just to appease a guy that can't go a day without a drink in a bar :o

Still in recovery then are you? The fact that it's only the outlets, that is to say Central, BigC, Teso Lotus and every 7Eleven unable to sell alcohol, and that every other Thai supermarket, mom and pop shop, noodle restaurant, can, doesn't bother you at all?

And really, I was unaware this country was muslim. The words 'self' 'righteous' and 'prig' spring to mind.

I guess reading AND understanding what you read is an issue .... see where I said "in a bar" ? No it doesn't bother me at all that some people break the law, I have even taken advantage of it on occasion, buying beer from a 7-11 when the party we were hosting ran low.

I am sorry, but I do not understand why you brought Muslims into this other than to draw upon bigoted anti-muslim sentiment!

Get real we are talking about election days and 3 or 4 other days a year. It has been this way for years and years and no real tourist is gonna be all tweaked out about not being able to drink in a bar for a day.

If I were to sink to your level the three words that come to mind are 'bigoted' 'alcoholic' '____' (the last word is not fit to print) but since I am above that .... oh wait I guess I am not :D


In the village with elections,weddings,funerals and public holidays equates to about 170 days per year.icon5.gif

Weddings and funerals etc are not alcohol ban days .... but wow you have an AMAZING imagination!

I lived in Kamala Beach for a year (small predominantly muslim village over the hill from Patong) and there were 2 days in a year that the bars were not serving that I noticed and not a single day you couldn't buy a beer from the 7-11 down the street :D Now in BKK I live next to a police housing area and there was ONE holiday that the minimart wasn't selling beer .... oooooops they ran out!

The point is ... it is the tourist that is coming to Thailand ... Thailand is NOT somewhere else ... it is Thailand. There just isn't a major issue giving bar employees a night off every 4 months. I know some of you have never seen it but I know some places that use those days to take the staff (that want to go) to temple to make a donation and then to the beach etc to relax.

I have friends that own bars and I have never heard them cry that there was a night they had to close once in a blue moon!

(as for the goofball that thinks I am in recovery, he's obviously never been to a ThaiVisa Pissup with me!)

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I can not imagine that a tourist will be happy if he has to sit in his room from 6 pm on,because to dark to do anything other then shopping,because these clever goverment says that he can't have a beer.

Your tourist could go out to eat,without a glass of wine of course a movie, a drive,good idea to pay 1000 euro for a ticket to watch movies wander the area, catch a bit of culture,What culture there is for example in pattaya? go check out whatever event it is that led to the horrendous one night,end of last year I remember were 5 dry days in 2 weeks time,moratorium on buying alcohol publicly, have a beer if he had one in the minibar or stopped in a few places until he found someone selling. He could even go to a gogo bar are gogo bars open now on alcohol banned days? if he were so inclined, what he couldn't do is openly buy booze in a bar :oand neither in the supermarket or 7/11 and don't tell me about the mom and pop shops because a tourist doesn't stay in the boonies.

really, is the only thing that you do when you are in Thailand at night drink? That is it? All you do at night is drink in bars?

Maybe you're right,all those single male tourists come here for the culture and go sleep early.

Actually there are cultural things to do in Pattaya :D and yes I remember that they had elections and then run off elections 2-weeks later last year. I also know that there were lots of places serving and that some of the gogos were open. But face it those single men that didn't plan ahead were out having a beer or finding company on any given night.

But I am sure that the few that didn't were OK with it after they had their next drink :D

BTW the place I went to go buy the 2 cases of beer for the party we were throwing was in Pattaya ... :D but really ... you drink every night that you are in Pattaya?

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Not buying into it!

Smog in bankok must be thick today !

Are you honestly stating that where you are, you can only buy alcohol one out of two days on the average throughout the year (and not just based upon your personal income as a farmer?)

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