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Any Cures For Insomnia ?


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I book a flight to Thailand. That pretty much takes care of things in short order. One or two days in Thailand and I am sleeping quite well. Some fresh food, a lot of massages a few laps in the pool or in the surf, and one late night out drinking and all is well.

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For the first time, I began to experience insomnia at age 35. At that time, I took up a 1-hour per day fitness exercise regimen. Problem disappeared.

Now, nearing 60 years old, and still sweating it out with the exercise daily, I sleep like a baby.

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Avoiding active brain activity just before bedtime.

Like watching TV up to the point of going to bed as this keeps the brain active and makes it harder to switch off

If you must continue to think when you're in bed, try to shut out verbalizations. Try and make yourself think only in visual form. Any visual forms U happen to fancy at the time. :o

However if U want to go simple, I think

The best method to cure insomnia is to just wait it out and stay awake until there is no possible way you can stay awake any longer. If all else failed.

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For the first time, I began to experience insomnia at age 35. At that time, I took up a 1-hour per day fitness exercise regimen. Problem disappeared.

Now, nearing 60 years old, and still sweating it out with the exercise daily, I sleep like a baby.

Thats not good !

babies wake up crying during the night and need feeding.

Edited by johnson36
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For the first time, I began to experience insomnia at age 35. At that time, I took up a 1-hour per day fitness exercise regimen. Problem disappeared.

Now, nearing 60 years old, and still sweating it out with the exercise daily, I sleep like a baby.

Thats not good !

babies wake up crying during the night and need feeding.

and their diapers changed :o

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For the first time, I began to experience insomnia at age 35. At that time, I took up a 1-hour per day fitness exercise regimen. Problem disappeared.

Now, nearing 60 years old, and still sweating it out with the exercise daily, I sleep like a baby.

Thats not good !

babies wake up crying during the night and need feeding.

and their diapers changed :o


Google "Sleep hygiene".

BTW acupuncture worked for my mom.

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For the first time, I began to experience insomnia at age 35. At that time, I took up a 1-hour per day fitness exercise regimen. Problem disappeared.

Now, nearing 60 years old, and still sweating it out with the exercise daily, I sleep like a baby.

Cheers toptuan, you answered before I could........... run, run, walk, basketball, kayak, swim, bicycle, football, walk-the-dag, chase some skirt, golf, takraw, powerdarts(10 pushups between each shot!!!!), aerobics, gym workout, stairs stairs and more stairs, tennis, hiking.......... etc

and as for junki3korean's greenery suggestion, I bet it works, but might be a little more difficult if you end up on sleeping on a cement floor.

Edited by jayjayjayjay
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For the first time, I began to experience insomnia at age 35. At that time, I took up a 1-hour per day fitness exercise regimen. Problem disappeared.

Now, nearing 60 years old, and still sweating it out with the exercise daily, I sleep like a baby.

Cheers toptuan, you answered before I could........... run, run, walk, basketball, kayak, swim, bicycle, football, walk-the-dag, chase some skirt, golf, takraw, powerdarts(10 pushups between each shot!!!!), aerobics, gym workout, stairs stairs and more stairs, tennis, hiking.......... etc

and as for junki3korean's greenery suggestion, I bet it works, but might be a little more difficult if you end up on sleeping on a cement floor.

i was talking about green tea :o lol

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Did the OP work shifts I wonder in his earlier days ?

Bed at 7 pm and sleeping in the afternoon well there you go!!

Try a few of your favourite tipple and an early night with your lady !!!!!! Sleep will follow from alcohol intake and exhaustion but in the morning you will have a big smile and feel totally exercised and refreshed :o:D

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A few tips i picked up , do not drink alcohol for a few hours before retiring , do not watch tv or engage in brain teasing , engage in a good bout of sexual pleasure , take the herb Valerian which will relax you , drink camomile tea about an hour before bed , listen to relaxing music such as waves , do not do office work in the late evening , but most of all , do not retire until you are actualy tired .

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If you are lucky enough to have a semblance of junki3korean's avatar in bed with you, then give her a roll.

If you wake up again, give her another roll and you'll both sleep late, guaranteed.

to the op....if you still having trouble sleeping after all this advice let me know..... i might lend her to ya for couple days :o


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