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Police Fire Tear Gas At Protesters In Front Of Parliament


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Even Sondhi admits to a large security force, if it was all peacefull, why spend the money on such a force, it just doesn't make sense.

...... that coward Sondhi out of governement house, and bring him to justice.....

A large security force? The leaders have some paid professional bodyguards ... and then there are the folks at the barricades ... the volunteers. What large security force are you referring to?

The 'coward' Sondhi? He's a coward now? he's been standing up to corruption and POWER oft times on his own, for years! Maybe you don't remember the rallies at at Lumpini Park ...

Indeed he is a coward, why wasn't he at the barricades then, at his self proclaimed, final battle. A coward, a cheat, who is not an inch better then the man he forcefully fights, the minute it became apparent to him, that he wasn't going to help him to get rid of some debts here and there. He himself is corrupt to the core. Please don't make me laugh.

You must be joking ... kinda hard to be at the barricades ... and running the ASTV stuff .. and coordinating things etc ... Have you not seen the threats made against him and who made them?

I guess you just don't think that someone should stand up corruption :o There's no pleasin' people that cannot use reason ,,

Now about that large security force? ....

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-The rabble effects the removal of the chosen PM then the government asks them to disperse

Wasn't that down to the court, or perhaps the PPP-MPs who first encouraged him to stand again, but then failed to show-up to vote for him ? Was the master-pupeteer pulling their strings again ? It certainly wasn't the PAD.

-Police use limited force to disperse them

Count the casualties, perhaps 400 PAD-supporters hospitalised, versus perhaps 10 police injured. What does that tell you, about which side used more force, or came more-prepared for violence ?

It would at least be nice, that people who still continue (after much evidence to the contrary) to say these are peacefull protest, to maybe get their heads out of where ever they have sticked it in ? Gosh what a clever debater !

There are many photo's of PAD followers beating police, apparently even ran cars over them.

Cars plural ? The incident yesterday was one car only. It was initially claimed to have injured a dozen police, later reports said just one was injured, perhaps it may eventually turn out to be just an innocent traffic-accident. Who knows ?

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Oh btw, just something that I confirmed with my co-worker earlier was that a few friends of ours departed for Bangkok to be the PAD Guard (Those dressed in black), you'll get paid 1,500/day.

Ah. Thank you. Both the woman with the injured foot and the man with the more severely injured leg were in black. I wondered about the significance of that.

The silly lies spread....

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You must be joking ... kinda hard to be at the barricades ... and running the ASTV stuff .. and coordinating things etc ... Have you not seen the threats made against him and who made them?

I guess you just don't think that someone should stand up corruption :o There's no pleasin' people that cannot use reason ,,

Now about that large security force? ....

I'm not against standing up to corruption, the only problem is that this is not the right way, and certainly not the right person, this is a guy who calls the kettle...

And about that large security force, I'm not sure how you define large, but the thugs that I have seen from day one at government house, sure seemed like a large force to me. But at the end of the day it is all nitpicking. The point was that this is not a peacefulll protest, and there is more then enough evidence to support that point.

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Pretty weird ..... the rich and influential turning Thailand into a paria state.?? This time next year, after the shortly to arrive coup, Thailand will be like Burma....on everyones blacklist. No tourist industry to speak of, very little foreign investment etc etc. hel_l....if all those rich Bangkok people are that desperate to turn themselves into urban poor, no need for all this fuss...just send the money to me.

Pretty weird that you post without any idea on what this is about.....

These government now makes Thailand look like Myanmar with violent crackdown on peaceful demonstrators.

Whereas you of course know exactly what this is all about ? You have a Thai gf ( wow !! that must have been difficult for you ) and having swallowed her politics hook line and sinker you now have nothing better to do except pontificate on the wonderful antics of the PAD.

Who refuses to accept the democratically elected leader of Burma ? The Burmese military Junta. Who refuses to accept the democratically elected govournment of Thailand ? The Thai military with their PAD lackies. The world has responded to Burmese politics and it will likely respond in the same way if the PAD succeed in their putsch. The kids in this cafe playing their video games probably have more idea what this is about than you do.

They CERTAINLY know more about it than you do Denim :o

Your comparison is specious at best, not to mention .... stupid. Next you will bring up Hitler, PolPot, Stalin? LOL

For your information : www.prachatai.com/english/news.php?id=588

But I know you're familiar with this already so perhaps you can tell me why there are about 1000 Generals in the Thai army but the country is not and has not been in a war for a long time unless you count them arguing with their caddies about which club to use ? Which is in large part what all this bother is about...not Taksins corruption or extra judicial killings but rather that he had already cut their budget allotment and was set to do a bit of streamlining to the top brass. Every single country in asia is riddled with corruption...its genetic...so Taksin did nothing that was not standard practice except take on the big boys...........Looks like he bit off more than he could chew though ?

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-The rabble effects the removal of the chosen PM then the government asks them to disperse

Wasn't that down to the court, or perhaps the PPP-MPs who first encouraged him to stand again, but then failed to show-up to vote for him ? Was the master-pupeteer pulling their strings again ? It certainly wasn't the PAD.

-Police use limited force to disperse them

Count the casualties, perhaps 400 PAD-supporters hospitalised, versus perhaps 10 police injured. What does that tell you, about which side used more force, or came more-prepared for violence ? and how many policemen lost limbs?

It would at least be nice, that people who still continue (after much evidence to the contrary) to say these are peacefull protest, to maybe get their heads out of where ever they have sticked it in ? Gosh what a clever debater !

There are many photo's of PAD followers beating police, apparently even ran cars over them.

Cars plural ? The incident yesterday was one car only. It was initially claimed to have injured a dozen police, later reports said just one was injured, perhaps it may eventually turn out to be just an innocent traffic-accident. Who knows ?

my add in blue

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Pretty weird ..... the rich and influential turning Thailand into a paria state.?? This time next year, after the shortly to arrive coup, Thailand will be like Burma....on everyones blacklist. No tourist industry to speak of, very little foreign investment etc etc. hel_l....if all those rich Bangkok people are that desperate to turn themselves into urban poor, no need for all this fuss...just send the money to me.

Pretty weird that you post without any idea on what this is about.....

These government now makes Thailand look like Myanmar with violent crackdown on peaceful demonstrators.

Whereas you of course know exactly what this is all about ? You have a Thai gf ( wow !! that must have been difficult for you ) and having swallowed her politics hook line and sinker you now have nothing better to do except pontificate on the wonderful antics of the PAD.

Who refuses to accept the democratically elected leader of Burma ? The Burmese military Junta. Who refuses to accept the democratically elected govournment of Thailand ? The Thai military with their PAD lackies. The world has responded to Burmese politics and it will likely respond in the same way if the PAD succeed in their putsch. The kids in this cafe playing their video games probably have more idea what this is about than you do.

They CERTAINLY know more about it than you do Denim :o

Your comparison is specious at best, not to mention .... stupid. Next you will bring up Hitler, PolPot, Stalin? LOL

For your information : www.prachatai.com/english/news.php?id=588

But I know you're familiar with this already so perhaps you can tell me why there are about 1000 Generals in the Thai army but the country is not and has not been in a war for a long time unless you count them arguing with their caddies about which club to use ? Which is in large part what all this bother is about...not Taksins corruption or extra judicial killings but rather that he had already cut their budget allotment and was set to do a bit of streamlining to the top brass. Every single country in asia is riddled with corruption...its genetic...so Taksin did nothing that was not standard practice except take on the big boys...........Looks like he bit off more than he could chew though ?

you qualify for the nobel price. You found the corruption gen. (beside if I would be Asian I would thing that it is pretty racist)

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Even Sondhi admits to a large security force, if it was all peacefull, why spend the money on such a force, it just doesn't make sense.

...... that coward Sondhi out of governement house, and bring him to justice.....

A large security force? The leaders have some paid professional bodyguards ... and then there are the folks at the barricades ... the volunteers. What large security force are you referring to?

The 'coward' Sondhi? He's a coward now? he's been standing up to corruption and POWER oft times on his own, for years! Maybe you don't remember the rallies at at Lumpini Park ...

Indeed he is a coward, why wasn't he at the barricades then, at his self proclaimed, final battle. A coward, a cheat, who is not an inch better then the man he forcefully fights, the minute it became apparent to him, that he wasn't going to help him to get rid of some debts here and there. He himself is corrupt to the core. Please don't make me laugh.

You must be joking ... kinda hard to be at the barricades ... and running the ASTV stuff .. and coordinating things etc ... Have you not seen the threats made against him and who made them?

I guess you just don't think that someone should stand up corruption :o There's no pleasin' people that cannot use reason ,,

Now about that large security force? ....

Sondhi's standing up against corruption? Well that explains the ardour with which he has demanded a full accounting of the military budgets granted by the Sarayuth government to the armed forces- his insistence on cleaning up the notorious corrupt state agencies- etc etc etc.

I understand- and I suspect many who oppose the PAD leadership understand- the desire to clean up corruption- but most of us are over 12 and understand that couching personal vendettas and odious political agendas in the language of self righteous morality is all too common in this old world.

Do you seriously believe that the amall business owner who supports PAD seriously wants to end the corruption in, say, the revenue department- or do you believe that these people have never 'gifted' an agent for some helpful 'advice'?

So you really believe that had Thaksin been devoted to improving the lot of the urban middle class, the establishment and the bluebloods, that his transgressions wouldn't have been met with a wink and a nod?

The only corruption these people are interested in halting is the corruption that permits the poor to demand (through populist programs) a piece of the pie.

But at this point- all reason has been put aside- now all that ails Thailand is embodied by Our Man In London.

Sadly- that's not the case.

Edited by blaze
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If it were not for the PAD Taksin would be bleeding this country dry.

When, oh when, are all you relative newbies going to understand that the major difference between Thaksin and the PAD leaders is simply who is going to continue the long established program of bleeding the country dry and how many people will be invited to the party? Thaksin's only sin to the PAD folks is that he kept too much of the spoils to himself and his immediate family and did not share. Worse, he was a relative outsider from the North who did not, as that southerner Prem did, ingratiate himself into the Bangkok club by paying his dues.

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Let's all just take a step back and breathe in and out and collect peaceful thoughts, reciting:

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambuddhassa

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambuddhassa

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma sambuddhassa

May all beings be happy!

May the PAD mob quietly return home and become like a bad dream upon awakening.

Like all you others who don't have a specific and most probably uneducated agenda on what has been happening these last 36 hours, - I saw your piece of advice as the voice finally sane enough to tell us all to cool down. This string of comments looks like a virtual version of what has been happening downtown. I sometimes do my own moonshine version of meditation, but I thought it a good idea to follow your advice, and I did as you suggested, figuring it was a traditional Buddhist chant. And therefore giving some release to the tensions we alle feel.

Only after chanting and trying to relax did I read your last sentence.

I truly hope that your suggestion for a chant was as "moonshined" as mine, and if not, Sunrise, you have walked in a territory no man with tru religious or philosopphical

should walk.

If the chant is a true Buddhist chant, it should never have been used as part of a commentary by a simple man with his own, private agenda.

See: The chant didn't work. I'm all worked up again, with no-one to cheer :o

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For your information : www.prachatai.com/english/news.php?id=588

But I know you're familiar with this already so perhaps you can tell me why there are about 1000 Generals in the Thai army but the country is not and has not been in a war for a long time unless you count them arguing with their caddies about which club to use ? Which is in large part what all this bother is about...not Taksins corruption or extra judicial killings but rather that he had already cut their budget allotment and was set to do a bit of streamlining to the top brass. Every single country in asia is riddled with corruption...its genetic...so Taksin did nothing that was not standard practice except take on the big boys...........Looks like he bit off more than he could chew though ?

So here's your post in a nutshell ------

a link to an Op-Ed piece but labeled 'news'

a top heavy military of which how many are active?

a rather insane rant about military budgets (which may have been a part of the reasoning behind the 2006 coup .. but likely wasn't when you look at the prior 2 elections and the likely outcome from any new election by Thaksin's group)

and then a truly stupid racist rant about corruption being genetic (for which imho you should get a warning at least!)

I was right ... the 12 y/o's DO know more than you :o

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Does anyone actually watch the news??

Apparently PAD somehow seized a public bus (a red-white one, line 23) and as a result, BMTA has stopped all bus services right now. Was on channel 9 a few minutes ago, the bus was seen standing there, empty, and nobody anywhere near it..

Anyone knows more??



PS with that "dozen cops overrun by carS" donw to "one cop overrun by one car" and in the end probably just having been an accident - sounds similar to the "car bomb" yesterday which, on video, clearly was not a bomb but a car that for some reason caught on fire and had it's LPG or NGV tank go up in the process (car bombs do NOT leave most of the car undamaged and the bombers would NOT use a car that costs as much as that Jeep Cherokee).

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Check out the last pic; looks like our friend all right!

Edited by sunrise07
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You like Goebbels, right? He told that you just repeat a lie often enough than people will believe it.

That 500 Baht a day is lie, there is no evidence at all beside that some PPP supporter tell about it.

My Thai Son was offered that, he is a good lad and told them to ......................... :o and was a "Solidier to boot" :D

Go out into the "Battle Field" :D and find out for yourself :D

Yours truly,

Kan Win :burp:

500 Baht is a lie. The going rate is only 300 Baht/day + free food. 1,500 Baht/day for those who conduct duties.

You like Goebbels, right? He told that you just repeat a lie often enough than people will believe it.

That 500 Baht a day is lie, there is no evidence at all beside that some PPP supporter tell about it.

My Thai Son was offered that, he is a good lad and told them to ......................... :D and was a "Solidier to boot" :P

Go out into the "Battle Field" :D and find out for yourself :(

Yours truly,

Kan Win :P

give me the phone number! My staff would love it, they earn less with me and like PAD.

Please PM me the phone number where they can apply for this job. Or a name, or is it top secret?

Or is it maybe just a lie?

1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, referencing prostitution (including bargirls and barboys), referencing suicide, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.

What I wrote was and is ture.

Kan Win

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Does anyone actually watch the news??

Apparently PAD somehow seized a public bus (a red-white one, line 23) and as a result, BMTA has stopped all bus services right now. Was on channel 9 a few minutes ago, the bus was seen standing there, empty, and nobody anywhere near it..

Anyone knows more??



PS with that "dozen cops overrun by carS" donw to "one cop overrun by one car" and in the end probably just having been an accident - sounds similar to the "car bomb" yesterday which, on video, clearly was not a bomb but a car that for some reason caught on fire and had it's LPG or NGV tank go up in the process (car bombs do NOT leave most of the car undamaged and the bombers would NOT use a car that costs as much as that Jeep Cherokee).

Sounds bizarre and improbably....What in Thailand means that it could be true.....

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You like Goebbels, right? He told that you just repeat a lie often enough than people will believe it.

That 500 Baht a day is lie, there is no evidence at all beside that some PPP supporter tell about it.

My Thai Son was offered that, he is a good lad and told them to ......................... :o and was a "Solidier to boot" :D

Go out into the "Battle Field" :D and find out for yourself :D

Yours truly,

Kan Win :burp:

500 Baht is a lie. The going rate is only 300 Baht/day + free food. 1,500 Baht/day for those who conduct duties.

You like Goebbels, right? He told that you just repeat a lie often enough than people will believe it.

That 500 Baht a day is lie, there is no evidence at all beside that some PPP supporter tell about it.

My Thai Son was offered that, he is a good lad and told them to ......................... :D and was a "Solidier to boot" :P

Go out into the "Battle Field" :D and find out for yourself :(

Yours truly,

Kan Win :P

give me the phone number! My staff would love it, they earn less with me and like PAD.

Please PM me the phone number where they can apply for this job. Or a name, or is it top secret?

Or is it maybe just a lie?

1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, referencing prostitution (including bargirls and barboys), referencing suicide, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.

What I wrote was and is ture.

Kan Win

I admit it is at least not sexually oriented......

Edited by h90
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I've witnessed two tear-gas attacks where there were no serious injuries (Berkeley, CA in the 1960's and WTO riots in Seattle). This is the first time I've become aware of the possibility of serious injuries under such an attack. After all, the purpose of tear-gas use is to disperse crowds without serious bodily injury.

Is this a different sort of ammunition being used, from that commonly used in western riot-control? Anyone know?

There certainly does seem to be an inordinate amount of blood-letting with this, Somchai's "soft approach", compared to other tear-gassing episodes...




Associated Press

This weapon could do the above...


Thai riot police face-off with anti-government demonstrators protesting outside Parliament in Bangkok October 7, 2008. Thai riot police clashed with protesters in the capital on Tuesday, injuring 69 people, as campaigners intensified their four-month bid to unseat the government.


Looks more like a close range shot-gun blast.

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If it were not for the PAD Taksin would be bleeding this country dry.

When, oh when, are all you relative newbies going to understand that the major difference between Thaksin and the PAD leaders is simply who is going to continue the long established program of bleeding the country dry and how many people will be invited to the party? Thaksin's only sin to the PAD folks is that he kept too much of the spoils to himself and his immediate family and did not share. Worse, he was a relative outsider from the North who did not, as that southerner Prem did, ingratiate himself into the Bangkok club by paying his dues.

All very true, with a few other issues too.

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A dozen cars- one car. No weapons - some weapons. Airline pilots not signing the Hippocratic- or critical oath. Bad things are for sure happening, and this thread is probably a good way for a lot of us to release some tension. So feel free to keep going if it makes you feel potent. (as opposed to the opposite).

Me, I would prefer a link where I wouldn't have to sort through comments bigoted and braindead to find the information I am searching for.

Unfortunately I am not able to read Thai. At this stage maybe not unfortunate with the pulse of the country running at levels way above what the WHO would recommend....

Anyways: I am signing out, much appreciated are the small gems of factual, informed and verified pieces of information.

And as my last bit of bickering: I appreciate the PAD's stamina in protecting the checks and balances of my chosen country, although I deplore their contempt for "the silent and poor majority" and their super-nationalistic reasons for behaving as they do. Who is behind them?

And I deplore theTRT/ PPP group for their greed and new ways of stealing even more money. Thaksin, bless his heart, did a good job in jumpstarting the Thai economy in 1997 and his "30 baht" health reform helped a lot of people who will always love him for this. Thanks to the worlds financial crisis the hurt of doubling house-hold debt will not be too painful.

Now, before I sign out and rest my weak heart: I see those who do not like Thaksin referring to his alleged corruption and skipping bail.

Why is it that it is forgotten that when the military loaded those Muslims on top of each other and accidently 80-something of them died and the Chief in command never brought the culprits to justice is going free? If you are running a country as a company, and something goes wrong, and you fail to pinpoint the wrongdoers, the CEO is responsible. I'm a coward. But justice should prevail.

Nice? Seeing how you all think, my belief in humanity has soared these last days :o

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Did anyone check out that 4th photo yet? Then check out the photo of the injured guy on approx. page 20!

Yes , I checked it out......a striking similarity indeed !!! Good post but sadly people will believe what they want to despite you sleuth work. I believe you and so will many others but the 23% of TV members that are PAD fans will need to see the blokes I.D card and a set of fingerprints and even if you came up with that they would just gloss over it and move on to the next post.

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Check out the pic; looks like our friend all right! Compare to the second photo down on previous post!

Previously wounded beggar made up as "bomb victim"?

Take the hint, nobody is interested mate.

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A dozen cars- one car. No weapons - some weapons. Airline pilots not signing the Hippocratic- or critical oath. Bad things are for sure happening, and this thread is probably a good way for a lot of us to release some tension. So feel free to keep going if it makes you feel potent. (as opposed to the opposite).

Me, I would prefer a link where I wouldn't have to sort through comments bigoted and braindead to find the information I am searching for.

Unfortunately I am not able to read Thai. At this stage maybe not unfortunate with the pulse of the country running at levels way above what the WHO would recommend....

Anyways: I am signing out, much appreciated are the small gems of factual, informed and verified pieces of information.

And as my last bit of bickering: I appreciate the PAD's stamina in protecting the checks and balances of my chosen country, although I deplore their contempt for "the silent and poor majority" and their super-nationalistic reasons for behaving as they do. Who is behind them?

And I deplore theTRT/ PPP group for their greed and new ways of stealing even more money. Thaksin, bless his heart, did a good job in jumpstarting the Thai economy in 1997 and his "30 baht" health reform helped a lot of people who will always love him for this. Thanks to the worlds financial crisis the hurt of doubling house-hold debt will not be too painful.

Now, before I sign out and rest my weak heart: I see those who do not like Thaksin referring to his alleged corruption and skipping bail.

Why is it that it is forgotten that when the military loaded those Muslims on top of each other and accidently 80-something of them died and the Chief in command never brought the culprits to justice is going free? If you are running a country as a company, and something goes wrong, and you fail to pinpoint the wrongdoers, the CEO is responsible. I'm a coward. But justice should prevail.

Nice? Seeing how you all think, my belief in humanity has soared these last days :o

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Check out the pic; looks like our friend all right! Compare to the second photo down on previous post!

I saw those earlier, quite a likeness.

How about this one though - a great step forward in lack of realism, I think he forgot to take his medication again.

Bangkok Pundit

Put those doctors on trial as well, for disgracing their profession.

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Jdinasia, I was wrong to use term molotov cocktail as you are right it would just burn. However any number of homemade explosives could blow your leg off if you put it in your pocket. Why would the guy have to drop his pantssss? What are you talking about? Maybe the guy had cargo pants. It was a newspaper article that said it blew up in his pocket, not me. Anyway the point is that what is commonly called a tear gas grenade will not blow off your leg. There are basically three kinds and I have used them all extensively. Blast dispersion, incendiary and non-incendiary. Blast dispersion grenades use a small charge to disperse the agent. Many peoplem in riot situations have had them blow up in their hands trying to0 throw them back and usually receive some hand injury but not a lost limb. Incendiaries are used outdoors where there is no chance of fire and the gas is dispersed with burning smoke. In non-incendiaries the fire is contained inside the grenade and though there is internal burning they do not cause fires and are used inside flammable structures. I have not personally used ping pong grenades but I have witnessed them and they do not seem capable of blowing off your leg either. A concussion grenade such as used in law enforcement would just knock you down. Fragmentation grenades can blow your leg off, but if the cops were using them there would have been alot more fatalities than there were. I am not involved in the whole PAD and PPP dispute. I think the whole thing is ridiculous personally. However, I know about riots and tear gas and my only point in this long debate is regardless of what these cops did or did not do, tehy didn't blow anybody's legs off and if the newspaper says they did they are lying or misinformed.

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Check out the pic; looks like our friend all right! Compare to the second photo down on previous post!

Good Finding Sunrise.

Actually, regarding the handicapped guy related to the picture, it has been clarified openly on-stage at the PAD Rally at Government House.

The guy is a handicapped whom again got injured during the clash.

It's just that there are too many flaming post from both sides on this forum which was the reason why I didn't post the clarification earlier.

By the way, most of the post from both sides are kind of too extreme in my opinion, including yours Sunrise, and definitely many from the Pro PADs.

In summary, I think if you guys undertsand some Thai Language, many of the 'arguments' could have been avoided.


it has been open announced on the PAD Stage months ago regarding paying for personal bodyguards, and some Ex-Military & Ex-Police men acting as Security Guards at the rally.

Hence, when some poster claimed that some PADs are paid, then yes that's true. Hope that this would stop the issue on whether PAD is Paid or Unpaid.

There were also cases of people doing the rounds at the wet market throughout every province in Thailand asking people to join the PAD Rally and anyone whom join the PAD shall be paid certain amount.

This has happened months ago and the PAD Leaders had already clarified that they have never propose to pay anyone to join the PAD and should they encounter anyone doing this, to detain him/her and hand him/her over to the police or send their complaint to their email address or contact the PAD Leaders directly.

The above are just a couple of examples...just to let you know that most of the issues being debated or is debating here is mainly due to mis-communication because of the Thai Language barrier.

In short, I would have choose to shut-up if it's something which I don't fully understand.

Hope that clarifies something.

Pardon me for my poor English and due to my poor English, I hope I hadn't caused any misundertsanding.

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