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Police Fire Tear Gas At Protesters In Front Of Parliament


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Seems the protests are expanding...

Is this the beginnings of a civil war???

Any wagers on how long before the tanks roll out???

Doubtful that it will lead to civil war as not enough of the populace are interested in what's going on. However, an escalation of violence between the police and the PAD protesters will almost certainly lead to a coup. At the moment a coup would appear to be the best way to bring an end to the stalemate that appears to have no chance of resolution.

Many people criticised the lack of development during the period under military control, but it could hardly be any less than in the period under Samak and Wongsawat when squat all has happened in the way of moving forward.

Wrong. Totally and absolutley wrong. Go to a local talad nat/sod, mom and pop store and the ubiquitous tv blinking away showing astv coverage. There will be no coup. Taksin's thieves have sorely underestimated the resistance to the same old money politics. Somchai will be out of office this week. And Taksin is running out of options.

I have to agree that from my own observations in and around the markets, mom and pop store and other locations that the level of "watching" ASTV has certainly increased dramatically over the past 4 -6 weeks - it is certainly educating a lot of people to what is happening and why.

I can't go with my wife to any hotel which does not has ASTV.

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Some of the police are armed with shot-guns, a shot-gun blast aimed at the feet or legs would certainly cause the damage seen so far on pictures posted here.

I've been watching the news for the whole day through all the official channels, and I switched channel often, I dont see where the police had shotguns except for their Tear Gas Launchers.

Oh and, I heard it was PAD's own bomb that causes those men to lose their legs, they were preparing to throw them to the polices.

Latest announcement from the police also said that the PAD are preparing hundreds of Molotov Cocktail or something like that.

Any confirmation?

Could be true, but as I said earlier, the PAD have enough difficulty in filling water bottles to throw at the police. If it did happen, it would be a large escalation on what we have seen from the PAD so far, which has been largely rhetorical and involved a lot of sitting down, singing and dancing.

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It was reported on TNN that 8 trucks of army troops were deployed at Parliament a little while ago. Sorry wasn't watching the clock.

Ah, I'd shed a tear of joy if there'll be a coup tonight, it'll all end and another year of peace.

No. The only report has been from the Nation, and according to them, it is the police who are throwing home-made bombs at the protesters, not the other way around.

I'm not too sure of the Nation, I know that there are other PAD based newspaper other than Kom Jhud Leuk, but likewise, I'll note that down. I hope the Nation is a neutral based newspaper.

You heard from WHOM that it was PAD's own bomb? .........

From one of the channels on TV, was Channel 9 or something I think.

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There seems to be no purpose or coordination to the police's efforts. I'm watching on TNN and they go backwards then forwards. I think the latest 'retreat' was due to tear gas blowing back on them! Just behind the PAD barricade you can see traffic moving along the roads. Why haven't the police closed down the area? Why haven't they moved behind the PAD? Knowing the Thai police I guess it is just incompetence.

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More barbed wire going up. Not sure exactly which road this is, but possibly the police are going to block the protesters from gaining any route which gives them access to the Parliament building. Will all members of Parliament have to be airlifted to and from the building? Ties in well with government relocating in the old Don Muang terminal. New TG flights to Parliament from Don Muang as from tomorrow.

Perhaps the police are barracading themselves against the army. The 'wallies' in charge of the government at the moment probably don't want to give up power easily and have developed a plan where they can hide behind the police. Unfortunately tanks do a little more damage than tear gas or home made explosives.

Edited by Sunderland
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Wrong. Totally and absolutley wrong. Go to a local talad nat/sod, mom and pop store and the ubiquitous tv blinking away showing astv coverage. There will be no coup. Taksin's thieves have sorely underestimated the resistance to the same old money politics. Somchai will be out of office this week. And Taksin is running out of options.

Hopefully the Thai Army which could be on the move very soon or is already will restore peace and order by assisting the Thai Police, as was mentioned in the News Media.

God save the King :o and Country

Yours truly,

Kan Win

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There seems to be no purpose or coordination to the police's efforts. I'm watching on TNN and they go backwards then forwards. I think the latest 'retreat' was due to tear gas blowing back on them! Just behind the PAD barricade you can see traffic moving along the roads. Why haven't the police closed down the area? Why haven't they moved behind the PAD? Knowing the Thai police I guess it is just incompetence.

Funny, isn't it? It's like the bloody hokey-cokey!

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It was reported on TNN that 8 trucks of army troops were deployed at Parliament a little while ago. Sorry wasn't watching the clock.

Ah, I'd shed a tear of joy if there'll be a coup tonight, it'll all end and another year of peace.

No. The only report has been from the Nation, and according to them, it is the police who are throwing home-made bombs at the protesters, not the other way around.

I'm not too sure of the Nation, I know that there are other PAD based newspaper other than Kom Jhud Leuk, but likewise, I'll note that down. I hope the Nation is a neutral based newspaper.

You heard from WHOM that it was PAD's own bomb? .........

From one of the channels on TV, was Channel 9 or something I think.

I have been watching Thai TV all night and I have seen no report stating that.

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Dear mister Somchai is showing his true face very fast. He asks for peace with one hand and with the other hand he commits violence. Shows what kind of a person he is.


violence against coup-makers is justified. PAD is trying to overthrow the government and they want to take away the rights of the poor to vote. In any civilized country they would have been rightfully mowed down. Imagine if protesters in the U.S. or England stormed congress or parliament. Special forces would have been brought in and taken care of business proper like!

PAD leaders are cowards and they are only in it for personal gain just like the Thaksin puppet government.

True, but this is not violence against coup-makers, remember? As most of us, I do not know what forces are behind PAD, or what their ultimate goal if there is one, might be. As of now they are a democratic movement, having used some, but not many, undemocratic means in trying to reach their ultimate, unknown goal. The PPP government is most probably not a legal, nor a democratic government.

I think you might be right about their wish to take away the right of the poor to wote. This is a sad part of a movement I otherwise believe truly has tried to protect the "check and balances" powers that the Thaksin demolished.

It is a sad day for the people of Thailand, and may I suggest a new thread: Why Will Westerners never relent on their comparisons between their perfect "western" democracies (Bush, Blair, Berlusconi) and the "failed" democracy of Thailand? I truly hope, but do not believe, that this bloodshed will cease. But compared to what blood-shed is generated daily by our models of true democracy, me thinks we should choose a path of more respect.

My 5 cents worth.

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It's a sad state of affairs when rabble are permitted to take over and occupy government buildings and an even sadder situation when they are attempting to trap high government officials in yet another building. The sooner these people are forced to disperse, one way or another, the sooner the situation will cool down. In a democracy, things are done legally and with the consent of the majority of the people. The longer this continues, the more risk of a LOT of bloodshed.

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Wrong. Totally and absolutley wrong. Go to a local talad nat/sod, mom and pop store and the ubiquitous tv blinking away showing astv coverage. There will be no coup. Taksin's thieves have sorely underestimated the resistance to the same old money politics. Somchai will be out of office this week. And Taksin is running out of options.

Hopefully the Thai Army which could be on the move very soon or is already will restore peace and order by assisting the Thai Police, as was mentioned in the News Media.

God save the King :o and Country

Yours truly,

Kan Win

Seems most likely that the army would merely assist the police in keeping order at this time. Doubtful that the army will launch any kind of assault against the protesters due to the claimed royal links within the PAD protest.

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Perhaps a solution to the problem is to give the protesters a job, then they wouldn't be able to sit on the streets all day and night, if they had to wake up at 6am to go to work.

they have a job PAD are paying them 500 baht a day to protest!!!!

And again...tell where to pick up the money...my wife is there every day but can't find where to pick up money.

It is simply a lie.

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Opposition Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva, however, said after a second round of meetings with

his party's executive committee and members that the ongoing tensions the country is experiencing has

resulted from the government's decisions in dealing with, and mishandling, the situation.

Mr. Abhisit called for resolving the crisis through parliamentary channels. :o He affirmed that the Democrat Party "doesn't support a military coup", as it believes it is not a way out for the country.


Yours truly,

Kan Win :D

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PAD has NO HISTORY of Guns or Explosives.

Someone is lobbing explosives at them,

and others are trying to say THEY had them.

This fits the opposition,

but not PAD in an historical context.

One side of news I received said that during the Samak dispersal, they found tons of Military guns and explosives in PAD's disposal, and the reporters are even recorded it.

The other news I heard was the similar of what you said, that Samak's trying to lobby the PAD into having heavy weapons in their disposal.

Fact is, I cant say who I trust, but considering that the Military leader General Phallob is on the PAD's side...

Talk about ASTV, I'm in Hat Yai, which most houses have these ASTV, cant say I like it, it's full of hatred and far too biased.

A typical Propaganda Channel which I'd avoid as it corrupts your mind and decision if you continiously watched.

I also heard that most of the PAD leader's word opposes that of justice, and even even contradicts obvious facts.

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The forums isn't letting me post a url, but pictures are fine?! Just go to the daily mail website it's on the front page.


EDIT:: It said two more people were dead on the TV just now. Sorry I thought you mean the pictures.. That's where I got the 3 people dead figure since one was already dead.

Edited by hungryhippo
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Dear mister Somchai is showing his true face very fast. He asks for peace with one hand and with the other hand he commits violence. Shows what kind of a person he is.


violence against coup-makers is justified. PAD is trying to overthrow the government and they want to take away the rights of the poor to vote. In any civilized country they would have been rightfully mowed down. Imagine if protesters in the U.S. or England stormed congress or parliament. Special forces would have been brought in and taken care of business proper like!

PAD leaders are cowards and they are only in it for personal gain just like the Thaksin puppet government.

Changing the constitution to prevent punishment and dissolving the party so government can stay in power against the former laws can be considered as coup.

So PAD has the right to protect the law, constitution and democracy.

Were were they about two years ago then ? They apparently weren't so concerned about that particualar constitution, one that wasn't forced upon the people by a militairy government.

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(BangkokPost.com) – Soldiers from the army, navy and air force have been deployed on Tuesday night to help control political situation following request from police, according to army spokesman Sansern Kaewkamnerd.

Col Sansern insisted that the soldiers will not be armed, and their responsibility is to keep the country in order.

He reiterated that violence will not occur, and that soldiers would not stage a coup.

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The daily mail co uk have a ton of pictures if anyone is interested..

This picture at the end caught my attention.. Is that tear gas or a grenade? Any experts here?


3 People are dead now.

Well it's certainly not a tear-gas cannister and it looks too big for a hard-boiled egg.

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Opposition Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva, however, said after a second round of meetings with

his party's executive committee and members that the ongoing tensions the country is experiencing has

resulted from the government's decisions in dealing with, and mishandling, the situation.

Mr. Abhisit called for resolving the crisis through parliamentary channels. :o He affirmed that the Democrat Party "doesn't support a military coup", as it believes it is not a way out for the country.


Yours truly,

Kan Win :D

I think Abhisit is a nice, smart guy. But that is nonsense. When police is using violence, PAD is blocking the parliament. We have almost a civil war and Abhisit means we should speak about it next time when we meet. Maybe a compromise? Beating but not to strong, and cutting just 1 leg not two?

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The daily mail co uk have a ton of pictures if anyone is interested..

This picture at the end caught my attention.. Is that tear gas or a grenade? Any experts here?


3 People are dead now.

Well it's certainly not a tear-gas cannister and it looks too big for a hard-boiled egg.

Perhaps they were playing baseball to kill time between the periods when they doing the hokey-cokey.

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