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Philippines Angry With Bbc Tv Show

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From the BBC:

'Comedian Harry Enfield's BBC show has been labelled "disgraceful and distasteful" by members of the Philippine community in the UK.

A petition has been launched condemning the Harry And Paul show for a sketch in which one man urged another to "mount" a Filipina maid.'

Full article here: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7656578.stm

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This part I love


A petition organised by the Philippine Foundation called for the "re-education" of the BBC.

It said: "This particular sketch is completely disgraceful, distasteful and a great example of gutter humour."

It accused the BBC and the show of "inciting stereotyped racial discrimination, vulgarity and violation of the maid's human rights".

The sketch was "tantamount to racism and [the] worst sexual abuse and exploitation of the hapless young Filipina domestic worker employee," it added.

The petition had received 328 signatures by midday on Tuesday.

Come on, I guarantee that actual Filipinos in the Philippines could give a toss about a sketch comedy show on the BBC. It's not like the censors in the Philippines broadcast industry would let it air anyways.

Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of Filipinos who can't wait to get out and work in the UK, US, Canada, NZ, OZ, ect....

And "Re-education" that smacks of something Ferdinand Marcos's regime would do, not the Papal blessed beacon of decency Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Great leader of the RP. Scratch that I see huge pictures of her all around RP like she was Stalin or Kim Jong Il.

Message to RP government: Find something better to do. HIV/AIDS, hunger, terrorism, political corruption, and many more things should be WAY higher on their agenda.

Edited by gunnyd
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Surely the one man was urging the other to mount the maid as in 'Ride a cock horse to Banbury fair' , some 'Furriners' have a problem with the vagrancies of the English language and its oftimes sutalties(?) of humour .

I remember watching the movie 'On the buses' with my wife in a Canadian theatre , so many in the audience failed to catch the humour , and they are English speaking as a first language .

Soooooo , "Wheres the beef ".

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I havent seen the sketch but why was their a Fillipino maid in the sketch in the first place. This in itself is stereotyping and to be deplored especially in a state funded organisation. I am in general rabidly against political correctness but in some cases where whole races have been stereotyped their must be an awareness of this.

Try walking down a street in the UK with your Thai wife and watch the faces. The brits adopt stereotypes very easily, you will see in their faces, "she only wants him for his money", "shes a sex object", "whats she doing here taking our jobs".

These stereotypes like almost everything else that is perceived comes almost exclusively from television portrayal and the result of these portrayals turns my stomach.

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I havent seen the sketch but why was their a Fillipino maid in the sketch in the first place. This in itself is stereotyping and to be deplored especially in a state funded organisation. I am in general rabidly against political correctness but in some cases where whole races have been stereotyped their must be an awareness of this.

Try walking down a street in the UK with your Thai wife and watch the faces. The brits adopt stereotypes very easily, you will see in their faces, "she only wants him for his money", "shes a sex object", "whats she doing here taking our jobs".

These stereotypes like almost everything else that is perceived comes almost exclusively from television portrayal and the result of these portrayals turns my stomach.

Try thinking......they are looking at my wife because she is stunningly beautiful....... :o

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You've got to be kidding me. Example of some taking themselves way too seriously and not realizing this is a comedy sketch. They need to get a sense of humor. In my opinion, this is a tiny minority of Filipinos making much ado about nothing. I have many Filipino friends and their humor is often making fun of their own nationality and they laugh hysterically at it. They have a sense of humor but whoever started this hubub needs to get a life. They completely misread the sketch and should have realized that it made way more fun of an Englishman than a Filipino.

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